
作者&投稿:象录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan province.I studied in GuangMing primary school from 2001 to 2007.Now I am studying at the No.7 Middle School in ChengDu.Our main courses are Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,geography,history,politics,PE and so on.I have many hobbies,such as swimming,palying basketball,PingPong,etc.I like listening to music and my favourite nusic is pop music.My dream is to become a doctor because many and many patients have fewer tained docors and very little medicine.So I will become a good doctor to help these people and let them live a happy life.Thank you.



Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. I'm quite interested in it.
I think I'm fit for the job. As a student, I've read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. I'm fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Besides, I'm easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. 

Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I'm sure I can do the job well if I get the position.

I'm looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully, Li Hua








I hear that you need a reporter.Please give me a chance to become a member of your team.
First, let me introduce mysely.My name is Li Hua.I am a student of Xin Hua Middle scmy class,As .
Dear Sir or Madam,
I'm glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. I'm quite interested in it.
I think I'm fit for the job. As a student, I've read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. I'm fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. Besides, I'm easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. Above all, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station. So I'm sure I can do the job well if I get the position.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Li Hua

假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。给外教Mr Jenkins写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)


我想要给将要出生的女儿起个名字 姓李 (四月出生),谢谢!
李芳函 李华乔 李心天 李妍淇 李婉萍 李子昆 李千聪 李芙宇 李俊燕 李建敏 李六涵 李奕宇 李羽杰 李佳乐 李晓宁 李医菡 李珺宏 李殿壹 李佳璇 李子洋 李梦健 李晔婷 李栈芳 李睿宇 李钰津 李雅倚 李立花 李瑞茹 李凌蓁 李丽辰 李润好 李瑞轲 李慧香 李滢儿 李怡杰 李蠡杰 李英书 李以倪 ...

(*^__^*) 求一篇英语作文 O(∩_∩)o 假如你是李华,暑假来临,学校组织...

dear peter:我是李华,上次你邀请我去你那里玩,由于时间关系,没有去,很遗憾;这个星期五我叔叔李明要去你们城市去开会,我拜托他带了一些我们这里的特产给你,希望你喜欢;i'm li hua,the last time you invited me to your playing,because of the time,did not go,sorry;this friday my unc...

我叫李华双 我想要和这个名字相似的网名 还有个性签名 谢谢
『为您起的文化网名』:—━╋丢卒保车ゝ 『楚辞里的情侣网名』:╰-╮卒没身而绝名兮 | 惜廱君之不昭ら

you since you left, so I hope to see you in Qingdao after the English contest. 你知道的,自从你离开后我一直很想你,所以我希望在比赛结束之后可以在青岛见你。I can’t wait to see you again!我已经迫不及待的想要见到你了!Yours Sincerely,你真挚的 Li Hua 李华 如满意,请采纳 ...

我不同意。妈妈不想让我们很早学做菜,是因为:我们还小,要多用功学习,不要做与学习无关的事,可是,李华学做菜也是看妈妈辛苦想帮妈妈,但是我们现在应该以学业为重,学好就是对父母最好的回报! 给分!!! 追问 可不可以给我一个同意的答案。- -80-100字。谢谢 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 答案纠错 | 评论(10...

Hi Alice, How are you? I am Lihua, currently a senior one high school student. I want to say that high school is a lot different from junior high school. For one thing, the subjects we study are twice as the total amount of junior ones. For another, the homework is ...

全诗感情色彩浓烈,情绪如狂涛漫卷,笔势如天马行空。 诗中抒发年华虚度、壮志难酬的苦闷,盛赞汉代文章、建安风骨及谢眺诗歌的豪情逸兴,最后流露出消极处世的情绪。 诗的开头显得很突兀,因为李白当时很苦闷,所以一见到可以倾诉衷肠的族叔李云(李华),就把满腹牢骚宣泄出来。李白于天宝初供奉翰林,但在...

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泊幸五羚:[答案] 范文一:I hear that you need a reporter.Please give me a chance to become a member of your team.First,let me introduce mysely.My name is Li Hua.I am a student of Xin Hua Middle scmy class,As .范文二:...

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泊幸五羚:[答案] Shanghai Students Post 258 Zhongshan Road ShanghaiDear editor in chief: I am Lihua,a student from Changsha first middleschool and i am 15year-old.I have been informed that reporter is wanted by yo...

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 求一篇英语作文 某学生英文报在招聘兼职的学生记者,你想应聘,给报社写一封自荐信,你是新华中学的李华,你对兼职记者感兴趣,英语水平高,写作能... -
泊幸五羚:[答案] One possible version: Dear Sir or Madam, I'm a student from Xinhua Middle School. I'm glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. I'm quite interested in it. I think I'm fit for t...

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 帮帮忙以“我是某学校的学生李华,得知某英文报社招聘兼职记者,我有意应聘以下为要求:有兴趣,说明优势,相关经历知识面广,英语水平好,有合作精神,希望得到回复.”为要求写一篇英语自荐信. -
泊幸五羚: i'm chinese ,Spring Festival is the most important festival in China . in spring Festival ,we eat New Year supper, Pastes the antithetical couplet, pays new year's call, Puts the fireworks ...... We have nutrition food.we have some sweet fruit,For ...

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 英语作文《假设你是新华中学的学生李华,得知某英文报招聘兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按下列要点给报社写... -
泊幸五羚: Dear xxx: My name is LiHua,I want employ the journalist,First I have a strong interest in it and I have a wide horizon,a good English standard,teamwork spirit,I hope you can reply soon.

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 假设你是李华你在"21世纪英语报"上看到了一则招聘业余学生记者的广告觉得自己很适合给报社主编写封信应聘内容包括 个人信息:17岁 高二 阳光中学 ... -
泊幸五羚:[答案] Dear..., I am a 16-year-old high school student.I am very glad to work for you,And I think I have the ability to do the job well. I am in good health.I am warm-hearted and cheerful.I like English very much and I am very good at Engkish.To my joy,I have won ...

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 假如你是新华的学生李华,得知某英文报名招聘记者,你有意应聘,给报社写一封自荐信. -
泊幸五羚: Sir or Madam,I'm a student from Xinhua Middle School. I'm glad to learn that you want a few part-time English reporters. I'm quite interested in it.I think I'm fit forthe job. As a student, I've read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. ...

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 求一篇英语作文:假设你是新华中学的学生李华,得知某英文报招聘记者,你有意应聘,请按下列要点给报社... -
泊幸五羚: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for a position as a reporter in your foreign newspaper company.

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 书面表达:假设你是第一中学李华,得知某英文报社招兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按下列点给报社写封自荐信.要点:1、表示感兴趣2、说明自身的优势3、希望得到回复 -
泊幸五羚: 我的兴趣是写作,在作文竞赛中第二名,希望你们能录用我

靖州苗族侗族自治县15631054684: 假设你是李华你在"21世纪英语报"上看到了一则招聘业余学生记者的广告觉得自己很适合给报社主编写封信应聘 -
泊幸五羚: Dear...,I am a 16-year-old high school student.I am very glad to work for you,And I think I have the ability to do the job well. I am in good health.I am warm-hearted and cheerful.I like English very much and I am very good at Engkish.To my joy,I have won ...

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