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Mufasa the Lion, king of the Glades, has welcomed the birth of his son Simba.

It tries to cultivate Simba as his successor, unaware that his younger brother Scar secretly covets the throne.

Scar design killed Mufasa, but also let simba thought he caused his father died accidentally, forcing it away.

Feeling guilty, Simba is in despair about his future when he encounters his partner, Meerkat Timon and warthog Pumbaa.

They told him to learn to let go of the past and live in the moment.

However, as an adult simba is reunited with nana, his childhood lioness, and once again realizes his responsibility.

After some mental struggles, he decides to return to his hometown to face his past and regain the throne.


A young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was his fault, and so flees the kingdom in shame. After years of exile he is persuaded to return home to overthrow the usurper and claim the kingdom as his own thus completing the "Circle of Life".
《狮子王》(The Lion King)是迪士尼出品,由罗杰·艾勒斯、罗伯·明可夫联袂执导,马修·布罗德里克、詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯、杰瑞米·艾恩斯等参与配音的一部歌舞冒险动画电影。




The lion king is a film produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Directed by Jon feru and voiced jointly by Donald Glover, James Earl Jones, Beyonce Knowles and Cheval egafort, it was released in mainland China on July 12, 2019. 

The film tells the story of Simba, the little lion king, who finally became the king of the grassland with the company of many enthusiastic friends.







A young lion prince, Simba, was born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King was killed and Simba was led to believe by Scar that it had been his fault, and so he fled the kingdom in shame. (He lived with two outcasts, a Merekat named Timone and a warhog named pumbaa, until he is fully-grown. He adopted their "worry-free" philosophy, forgetting his past and his heritage. After years of exile, a childhood friend runs into him by accident, and persuaded him to take his responsibility. He returned home and overthrew his uncle, claimed the kingdom as his own, thus completing the "Circle of Life".

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出自妫姓。古帝虞舜之后,子孙在陈国,齐国灭后,分三支先后改姓王 。出自子姓。商纣时王子毕干之后。出自子姓。周文王第十五子毕公高之后;周灵王太子晋,因直谏被废为庶民,迁居于琅琊,其后有王氏。出自春秋时魏献子等王族之后。至汉朝初年纷纷易姓为王氏。

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王概括英文版简单 -
众董利君: A young lion prince is born in Africa, thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne. Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba, thus making himself King. The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it ...

册亨县15661578905: 写一篇介绍《狮子王》的英语作文 60词,带翻译 -
众董利君:[答案] 《狮子王》(The Lion King)是迪士尼出品的一部歌舞冒险动画电影,由罗杰·艾勒斯、罗伯·明可夫联袂执导,马修·布罗德里克、詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯、杰瑞米·艾恩斯等主演配音,影片于1994年6月24日在美国全面公映,并于2002年发行...

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王的英文简介短一点 -
众董利君:[答案] Delightful animated feature from Walt Disney Pictures about a naive young lion cub destined for greatness. Born the son of a beloved and authoritative king he's groomed to be the next ruler of the kingdom, but along the way he encounters tragic detours ...

册亨县15661578905: 帮我用英语介绍一部电影!字数要求在150字左右!谢谢! -
众董利君: 狮子王 There is a little lion called Ziba whose father is a king .His parents are very kind to him.He has so many pals and lives a happy life . Unluckily.his father was killed one day .He thought it was his fault and he regreted a lot. He lost the ...

册亨县15661578905: 《狮子王》英文简介,5 - 6句话,5 - 6句话,不要多 -
众董利君:[答案] Kiara,Simba's lonely daughter is on the prowl for adventure.One day Kiara runs out to play.There she meets the mischievous Kovu-a young cub.They become friends,but then the enemies.Kovu's mother,Daoba...

册亨县15661578905: 介绍《狮子王》的英语作文70到80词 -
众董利君: A litte lion is called Simba. When Simba was yang,they enemy killed their parents.The Simba ran away.Then Simba makes lots ofriends.A few years later,Simba come back his home.Simba as well as his enemy fight against.

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王1的英文简介(适合初一.二学生) -
众董利君: The Lion King Delightful animated feature from Walt Disney Pictures about a naive young lion cub destined for greatness. Born the son of a beloved and authoritative king he's groomed to be the next ruler of the kingdom, but along the way he ...

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王内容简介英文的 -
众董利君:[答案] A young lion prince is born in Africa,thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne.Scar plots with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba,thus making himself King.The King is killed and Simba is led to believe by Scar that it was ...

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王人物的英文介绍 -
众董利君: 人物 辛巴Simba-荣耀王国的国王;琪拉雅的父亲,娜娜的丈夫. 象所有的小孩一样,辛巴顽皮、喧闹、不畏一切,整天和好友娜娜东奔西跑,南追北闹,他相信自己可以作任何事情!当一个和父亲木法沙一样伟大、令人尊敬的的国王是他的梦...

册亨县15661578905: 狮子王1英语简单简介不要百度翻译的,最好不要太多生词,短点即可. -
众董利君:[答案] A young lion prince,Simba,was born in Africa,thus making his uncle Scar the second in line to the throne.Scar plotted with the hyenas to kill King Mufasa and Prince Simba,thus making himself King.The ...

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