
作者&投稿:伏吉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My experience of learn English
When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school student, my mother got back from Australia. She asked me to watch English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practise speaking English with her.

Now, I do one unit of the reading exercises in Pep Up Your English by the People's Education Press every day. Although I have just graduated from junior middle school, I have finished the books for Senior One students and now I am working on the books for Senior Two. The reading materials are quite new and cover a lot of fields, so I like the set of books very much. I think the books have helped me to improve my reading comprehesion a lot. Thanks to Pep Up Your English, I got the standard score 807 in English in the first model examination of Baoan District and A+ in the Shenzhen Senior High School Entrance examination.

I had some problems while I was learning English. I was good at spoken English, but poor in written English. I used to make mistakes in spelling. Then, I learned seven words by heart every day by going over them five times within a day——early in the morning, after lunch, after school, after dinner, before going to bed. As a result, I don't often make mistakes now. Besides, my grammar was poor, so when I had time, I would read my grammar book now and then. Although it was boring to me, after thinking of the goodness it would bring, I didn't feel bored any longer.

2. collocation 词语搭配。
这是一般学英语学生的最大罩门。中文也有collocation,例如我们说一匹马,不说一匹女人;打草惊蛇,不说打草惊蚯蚓。所以学英语要连该单词的固定使用词套或语境(context)一起学。一个单词固定搭配的介词也要一起记。如be consistent with视为一个单位记。所有解释都过一遍,自己找出最符合上下文中的定义。字典中有单字就继续查那个生词,查到没生词为止。 Cross-reference is very important for boosting your vocabulary power.
3. 想尽办法自己找出答案,自己真的找不到答案才问老师。
一定要学会自己找出答案.。Be your own teacher!
4. 给自己定个时间表。
5. 随时随地学英文。
6. 活用语音表意、以形表意、语音转换等词汇学习法,利用已知背未知的大原则。
每次看到新单词,就先从你已经知道的单词中找最接近的单词去联想,看能否语音转换,多多练习联想会愈快。这些理论只要自己多练习活用,以后下意识看到单词就自动会把它拆开啦!上过我词汇课的同学,应该要看的懂我所标示的说明,如total/ partial assimilation,规则还记得吗?
7. 基本词缀要看熟。
如ad-,-ate, -ful etc. 去找本有字根字首分析的书。然后最好要有英文解释及例句。运用我教过的几种词汇理论,把每个单字都归纳过一次,包括书中的字根字首都可以用语音转换分析,这样单字才记得牢。
8. 这周你就记这十个单词吧!
9. 请尽量学习用英文了解英文。
10. No passive reading!



In the words of poor students in our class, English is "bird language that no one can understand", but I like this language very much. I think English is the only language comparable to Chinese, and it is a beautiful flower in the world.


In fact, I didn't like English before, so I couldn't eat grapes and said bitterly, "well, it's good to learn English in China. What's the use of learning English when I go abroad?" In this way, I have a misunderstanding of English, I began to hate English, do not listen to the teacher, love, even the English teacher I also a little disgusted.


So, every time to the final exam, the most headache for me is English, every time I always fail. At this time, my mother knew my heart, and encouraged me to study English in class. Under my mother's careful guidance, I went to the English improvement class.


Sure enough, in the final exam, my English score improved significantly and was praised by the teacher. Since then, I have been more attentive, fell in love with English, fell in love with this unique language. Over time, my English level continues to improve, and I have become a top student in my class. I have no problem with exams and tests.


The students asked me why I like English so much and can do so well in the exam. I replied: "in fact, as long as everyone works hard and regards learning as a very simple and happy thing, and regards learning English as a game. If they master the essentials of the game diligently and happily, they will become the master of the game and English will not be so difficult any more."


English is very simple. As long as you get happiness from English, you can appreciate its true meaning and become an expert in English!


 Everyone has their own English learning experience.
  In junior high school, my English was very poor . At first , I couldn't spell the words. I couldn't understand grammar. I also scared to speak in class , because I thought my class might laugh at me .
  Later on, I realized that it doesn't matter if you don't understand grammar.
  Now , after class I study by listening English tapos every day . Evening, I can watch English-language TV . I can recite some words. I can speak English in my class , beacuse my classmates won't laugh at me . However, I make mistakes in grammar . I'm sure ther will help me. After class , I ofen have conversations with my friends . Sometimes, I can read English magazines . That memorizing the words also help a lot . I can practice writing . I do it often. I'm writing three or four times a week .
  I hope these suggestions are helpful you. How do you learn best ?

  Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we have to make a hard decision to study English well and never give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time. Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our classmates or teachers when we come across some hard problems. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, we must stick these everyday.

自从我在网上连载自己学习各类小语种(包括德语、韩语、西班牙语、越南语)的笔记以来,很多朋友加我的QQ,然后问我学习的各个方面的经验。有一部分朋友,还是问最重要的英语如何学。英语是我学习的第一门外语,是十几年前学的,我已经忘记了入门时是什么一种感觉了,便觉得很难回答这些朋友的问题。 后来我想了一下。以...


Everyone maybe thinks that the purpose learning English is all different.其实学英语最关键是锻炼自己的语言能力。 学好正宗的英语发音,一是可以把自己的口腔肌肉变成国际肌肉。 原本的母语也会说得字正腔圆。 去给电台配音都没问题。 二是提高自己的社交能力,能让自己更有自信。 其它的好处就多多了。 找工作好...

范文:I'll make a plan about my winter holiday.As a student ,I should put study in my first place,I 'll also read some books about all kinds of knowledge .Then I can do something meaningful.For example, I can help my parents to do some housework and so on.After all,I...

写好一篇习作后,应自己从语法、用词、结构、内容等方面反复加以审析、推敲,改正错误,提高质量。不只订正一遍,而是多遍。还可以把写好的东西保存起来,在经过又一段学习之后,例如三两个月,再拿出来,以自己有所提高的外语来修改自己过去写的东西。 (四) 比较译文 现在已经陆续出版了一些我国古典和近代小说的英译本...

一、明白英语学习的根本是什么 首先,想要学好英语,一定要从根本去学习。英语学的原动力主要有两种,一种是兴趣,一种是需求。这里说的需求,是要知道自己英语学习的需求是什么。比如有工作需求、生活需求、学习需求等等。无论是出于工作需要、生活需要,还是为了考试、移民, 学生都会有一种紧迫的心理,...

你会发现学习英语是有趣和有益的。还有一件事,记住“熟能生巧”!我希望每个人都进步。 谢谢。 4. 写一篇关于学习英语的英语作文,结合自己的实例,120字 Nowadays 如今, some students don't like learning English because learning English is hardwork. I think it's necessary for us to learn English in...


我相信,做到这些一定能学好英语,提高英语成绩。 2. 写一篇关于怎样学好英语的作文 英语作文写作就是通过语言表达你自己的思想。这里面有两个要素:语言和思想。对于一个成功的英语作文写作行为来说,这两点缺一不可。在运用母语写作时,我们基本上不用花很多时间和精力去考虑语言,因而我们的重点是放在内容上。但是在...

Recently, I had a discussiion with my classmates about how to learn English well.Most of us agree that excercisement is the most important method, but I think we should learn English by a cute way instead of a hard one, so that we can learn it well quickly.To sum up from...

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瞿梵凯斯:[答案] Let Join Our English English is very important. In 2000s,our country is join in WTO. So English is very important. If you want to... 如果没有合适的社团可加入,也不妨考虑任何足以提高英语能力的机会. 作文二: there are four key points to study English: ...

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瞿梵凯斯:[答案] I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English. Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect. Thus...

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瞿梵凯斯: My experience of learn English When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school student, my mother got back from Australia. She asked me to watch English...

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瞿梵凯斯:[答案] Nowadays,English is the most important language in the world and it is one of the most important subjects in university so we ... 是一项艰苦的工作,所以我们应该每天在它身上花很多时间.我们应该有好的学习英语的方法,比如仔细听老师讲课,回顾学...

裕民县15541414766: 以学习英语经历为题的英语作文 -
瞿梵凯斯: Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case? we have many ways to get multi-media dates from TV show, ...

裕民县15541414766: 用英语写一篇作文:谈一谈你学习英语的经历 要求:1.词数80词左右.2.短文应包括下列所有内容:你什么时开始学习英语的?你学英语学了几年了?你学了多... -
瞿梵凯斯:[答案] I have been learning English since when I was a middle school student, I graduated from my university 15 years ago (my major is not English ). I remember when I was in Middle and primary school, my...

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瞿梵凯斯: I began to learn Eglish since I was in Middle School,I have taken a great interest in learning EnglisH because of my first Englis teacher,I recited new words and new phr...

裕民县15541414766: 用英文写一篇“学习英语的经验”,约300字左右,谢谢大家了!跪求! -
瞿梵凯斯:[答案] 楼主,虽然水平不高,但这可是我一个字母一个字母敲出来的,版权所有,翻版必究,如有雷同,绝不可能.所以选我了吧. ... I'm no exception and thus I have gotten some experience to share with you, which might be helpful to your English study. ...

裕民县15541414766: 以学习英语经历为题的英语作文是初三的英语作文.100字以内.是写学习英语的经历. -
瞿梵凯斯:[答案] Usually we study English in classes from high school, obviously it is not enough. But nowadays it is a impossible work to change this situation, so how to study English well in this case? we have many ways to get multi-media dates from TV show, movies, ...

裕民县15541414766: 我想要一篇关于“我的英语学习经历”的作文 -
瞿梵凯斯: Everyone has their own English learning experience. In junior high school, my English was very poor . At first , I couldn't spell the words. I couldn't understand grammar. I also scared to speak in class , because I thought my class might laugh at me . ...


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