
作者&投稿:斐采 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I adore you.
I am infatuated with you.
I appreciate you.
I can't live without you.
I can't stop thinking about you when we're apart.
I cherish you.
I dream of you.
I live for our love.
I love being around you.
I need you by my side.
I need you.
I respect you.
I value you.
I want a lifetime with you.
I want you.
I worship you.
I yearn for you.
I'm a better person because of you.
I'm blessed to have you in my life.
I'm devoted to you.
I'm fond of you.
I'm lost without you.
I'm nothing without you.
I'm passionate about you.
I'm thankful for you.
I'm yours.
Me and you. Always.
My love is unconditional.
Our love is invaluable.
Take me, I'm yours.
The thought of you brings a smile to my face.
Ti tengu cara (to female) or Ti tengu caru (to male).
Together, forever.
We were meant to be together.
You are a blessing in disguise.
You are an angel from God.
You are like a candle burning bright.
You are my crush.
You are my dear.
You are my everything.
You are my heart's desire.
You are my life.
You are my one and only.
You are my one true love.
You are my reason for living.
You are my strength.
You are my sunshine.
You are my treasure.
You are my world.
You are precious.
You are the light of my life.
You are the reason I'm alive.
You bring happiness to rainy days.
You bring joy to my life.
You cast a spell on me that can't be broken.
You complete me.
You drive me wild.
You fill me with desire.
You fill my heart.
You give me wings to fly.
You had me from hello.
You hold the key to my heart.
You inspire me.
You intoxicate me.
You lift me up to touch the sky.
You light my flame.
You light up my life.
You make me hot.
You make my heart skip a beat.
You make my world a better place.
You mean the world to me.
You motivate me.
You rock my world.
You seduce me.
You set my heart on fire.
You simply amaze me.
You stole my heart.
You sweeten my sour days.
You turn my world upside down.
You turn the darkness into light.
You're a dream come true.
You're a gem.
You're a twinkle in my eye.
You're absolutely wonderful.
You're all I want.
You're as beautiful as a sunset.
You're beautiful.
You're charming.
You're enchanting.
You're heavenly.
You're my angel.
You're my perfect match.
You're one in a million.
You're priceless.
You're sexy.
You're the apple of my eye.
You're the best thing that ever happened to me.
You're the best.
You're the diamond in the rough.
You're the one for me.
You're the one I've always wished for.

我爱你:I love you


I Love you

I love you

I Love you

I LOVE you

Can you marry me?

我爱你的英文:I love you。词汇分析 love,英 [lʌv],美 [lʌv]v. 爱;热爱;喜欢 n. 爱;热爱;爱情;恋爱;喜爱;情人;(网球)零分 过去式: loved 过去分词: loved 现在分词: loving 第三人称单数: loves 例句:I love my motherland.我爱我的祖国。近义词 hate,英 [he...

我爱你,通常用的最多的是:I love you,其实也可以:I adore you,更可以I love you from the bottom of my heart,最后也可以You mean so much to me。用英语表达我爱你有千万种,想要变着花样向爱的人表达,就要把英语学好哦。这里有一份爱的试听课,价值388元的外教课现免费体验,点击...

我爱你 翻译成英文是:I love you 相关单词学习:love 英[lʌv] 美[lʌv]vt. 喜欢; 爱,热爱; 爱戴; 赞美,称赞;vt. 喜欢; 喜爱; 喜好; 爱慕;n. 热爱; 爱情,爱意; 疼爱; 爱人,所爱之物;[例句]Our love for each other has been increased by what we...

我爱你的英文是I love you。词汇分析音标:[aɪ lʌv ju:]释义:爱你。短语 I Just Love You 偏偏喜欢你 ; 我就是喜欢你 ; 我只爱你 ; 刚才我爱你 i would love you 我想爱你 ; 我爱你 ; 我会爱你 I Already Love You 我已经爱上你 ; 我已经爱你 ; 唱片名 I love ...

英语翻译就是I love you 。

1、我爱你用英语说是:I love you。2、我爱你,通常用的最多的是:I love you,其实也可以:I adore you,更可以I love you from the bottom of my heart,最后也可以You mean so much to me。用英语表达我爱你有千万种,想要变着花样向爱的人表达,就要把英语学好哦。3、例句:A tiny ...

我爱你的英文I love you词汇分析 love,英 l#652v,美 l#652vv 爱热爱喜欢 n 爱热爱爱情恋爱喜爱情人网球零分 过去式 loved 过去分词 loved 现在分词 loving 第三人称。问题二我爱你英文怎么说 I love You爱老虎油问题三我爱你的所有用英语怎么说 I love you问题四我爱你的英文怎么写 I love...

我爱你用英语说是“Iloveyou.”。I是我的意思,love是爱,喜欢,热爱的意思,you是你,您,你们的意思,所以我爱你用英语说是“Iloveyou.”。我爱你用英语怎么说 “我爱你”可以用在很多场面,比如孩子在母亲节向妈妈表示感谢,可以说“Iloveyou,mom.”,情侣之间表达情感也可以用“Iloveyou....

我爱你用摩斯密码表示为“...-..---...-.-.---..-”,即为英文当中的Iloveyou。其中I的摩斯密码为短短,L为短长短短,O为长长长,V为短短短长,E为短,Y为长短长长,U为短短长。我爱你用摩斯密码怎么表示 摩斯密码通常是用点和一条横表示,从外表来看,可以用长和短来描述,从声音...

我爱你的英文缩写是IOU,全称是I love you。重点词汇解析:you 拼音:英 [ju] 美 [jə]pron. 你;你们;(泛指)任何人 例句:I shall await you at seven-thirty or thereabouts.我将在7点30分左右等着你。我爱你的不同语言表达:1、中国语:我爱你 2、日本语:阿一西带路 3、英语...

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你用英语怎么说?除了I LOVE YOU -
真知依美:[答案] 101种方法说我爱你 I adore you. I am infatuated with you. I appreciate you. I can't live without you. I can't stop thinking about you when we're apart. I cherish you. I dream of you. I live for our love. I love being around you. I need you by my side. I need you. I ...

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你英文怎么说 -
真知依美:[答案] I love you! 我爱你! I really love you! 我真的很爱你! I'm very love you! 我非常爱你! I love you best! 我最爱你! Who love you?Is me! 谁爱你?是我

天镇县15538831041: "我爱你"用英语怎么说. -
真知依美:[答案] I love you

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你的英文怎么写!
真知依美: 我爱你的英文写法如下:准备材料:翻译、我爱你1、我爱你可以翻译成“i love you”,这个是标准的,可以照着写到纸上.2、英文我爱你怎么写,表达方式有很多种,比如把love用?来表示.3、可以横着写,也可以这样写,看怎么好看怎么写.4、i love you可以这样写,把因为写全然后字体可以更改下.5、i love you,也可以用大写的方式,I LOVE YOU,这样的写法也是很好看的.6、i love you,流行的写法就是 ?i love u或者I ? U或者 I love U,除了写还可以用蜡烛或者鲜花等摆出形状,这就是年轻人的做法,很浪漫romantic.

天镇县15538831041: 用英语 我爱你怎么说 -
真知依美: 1、I love、I'm crazy about you.我为你疯狂.3、 I have a crush on you.我对你的迷恋延绵不绝.4、 I'm in love with you.我已陷入对你的爱中无法自拔.5、 I've got feelings for you.我对你超有感觉!6、I care for you.我超在乎你.

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你用英语怎么写 -
真知依美: I love you

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你英文怎么说? -
真知依美: 我爱你的英文是:i love you

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你的英文怎么说 -
真知依美: 汉语:我爱你 英语:i love you ! 法语:je t'aime / je t'adore ! 德语:ich liebe dich! 俄语:ya vas iyublyu,ya tibia lyublyu ! 日语:爱してる! "a i xi tei lu " 那个只是表示爱~~但不是我爱你~~完整的是“はたしはぁなたをぁぃします”"wa ta xi...

天镇县15538831041: 我爱你,英文怎么写? -
真知依美: I love you 我 爱 你 ;还可以表示为:I'm falling for you.我爱上你了.相关例句:I wrote on the cover of the book the words "I love you" 我在书的封面上写了"我爱你"这种字.重点词汇:love 英 [lʌv] 美 [lʌv]v. 爱;热爱;喜欢 过去式: ...

天镇县15538831041: I love you 用英语怎么说?我爱你用中文怎么说?1.Disneywas born in the USA.(用in the USA提问).▁▁ ▁▁ Disney born?2.My grandfather founded the ... -
真知依美:[答案] I love you=我爱你 1.Where was 2.Did found 3.couldn't fly 4.over the end 6.learns much about / At the same time 7.Nobody likes / However big as 9.die out 10.After hearing 呼呼~好累,打完了.

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