
作者&投稿:隆有 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


When I first saw the name of “ The Vampire Diary”. I thought it will be a bloody show. Vampire stands for fierce, violence and coldness. The show proves me wrong. This show is full of all kinds of love, parents’ love, lover’s love, triangle love, sibling love, friend’s love. I was fascinated in this show at the very beginning. Elena’s parents had a car accident, actually Elena was in the car, her parents died due to they picked up Elena from the school party. (If you watch the end, you will know this detail.) When the car crashed into the river, Elena’s father gave up the opportunity to let her live. I cried when I watched this scene, father’s love is great and selfless even if Elena is an adopted daughter.

Finally, Stefan saved Elena, this is where their love starts, which we didn’t know from the 1st episode of season1. Stefan is an old vampire but not original. Then it’s a new semester, Stefan go to the same high school as Elena, when Elena is still in the great sadness of losing parents. Stefan’s appearance is a great comfort to the vulnerable Elena at that time. They felt into love quickly. The funniest part or their common habit is they both loved writing diaries. These are very sentimental moments. Their love went smoothly even if there were some set backs. The biggest enemy of vampire is werewolf. If werewolf bite vampire at the full moon day, the vampire will die without fail unless they can get the blood from the half werewolf half vampire, Klaus is the only person who can save Damon. In order to save Damon, Stefan gave up Elena, then followed Klaus and do whatever Klaus ask. The true nature of vampire shows well on Stefan. During this period, Elena only had Damon around, Damon always have a crush on Elena due to she looks as same as Katherine, who was his ex-girlfriend. But at last Damon loved the real Elena not Katherine. In a certain way, Klaus created a big opportunity for the triangle love of Elena, Damon and Stefan. Which two will win this abnormal love? I will tell later…

When I first saw the name of “ The Vampire Diary”. I thought it will be a bloody show. Vampire stands for fierce, violence and coldness. The show proves me wrong. This show is full of all kinds of love, parents’ love, lover’s love, triangle love, sibling love, friend’s love. I was fascinated in this show at the very beginning. Elena’s parents had a car accident, actually Elena was in the car, her parents died due to they picked up Elena from the school party. (If you watch the end, you will know this detail.) When the car crashed into the river, Elena’s father gave up the opportunity to let her live. I cried when I watched this scene, father’s love is great and selfless even if Elena is an adopted daughter.


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