make a nest 造句4句简单点

作者&投稿:宾项 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

First,I'm a man
next,I'm a Chinese
then,I'm a Chinese man

There are some tigers next to the lions.
There are some lions next to the tigers.

Now it is time to build nests. Please help me make a nest.
Make oneself a nest of cushions.
The bird gathered small sticks to make into a nest.
Traditionally, it is double boiled with rocky sugar to make a delicacy known as "bird'snest soup".

灯塔市15365031396: (做巢)用英文怎么说 -
琴达任克: make a nest

灯塔市15365031396: 帮我填篇完形填空 -
琴达任克: their, others,swim, together. steady ,mail,fish

灯塔市15365031396: It's warm inspring.Mother Duck (make) a nest怎么填 -
琴达任克: 鬼扯 没打错!楼上的疼学 就是说在春天天气很温暖,鸭妈妈筑巢. 说成人话就是:春天气候很温暖,鸭妈妈一般都在这个时候做窝. 这里不应该用现在进行时,也不应该用一般过去式.第一,前面的那句话说的是“在春天气候很温暖”,这是一个对于普遍现象的描述. 第二,前面这句话是一般现在时. 所以后面这句话也应该是用一般现在时态来表示一种普遍现象.应该用makes 如果要用made,那么前面的描述应该是It was warm in spring. 如果用is making,那么前面应该是 It is in a warm spring. 这里的Mother Duck都大写了,说明是一个专有名词,指代的是具体的.

灯塔市15365031396: 用nest造句 -
琴达任克: When a bird's nest is overturned, no egg can remain intact. Some also worry about political upheaval and so are keeping part of their nesteggs abroad.

灯塔市15365031396: 用所给的词及反身代词造句. -
琴达任克: 你好; 1 We enjoyed ourselves at the beach today. 2 All of you, please make yourselves at home. 3 The children can look after themselves . 4 I am going to teach French myselve . 5 Tim don't hurt himself with that knife. 6 The bird built a nest itself. 希望对您有帮助!

灯塔市15365031396: the bird used branches to make a nest. 这句话是否有点chinglish -
琴达任克: 1楼用错了介词!The bird makes a nest with the branches!by是表示方式一般是在乘坐交通工具的句子里面.

灯塔市15365031396: make phone calls to怎样造句? -
琴达任克: I always make phone calls to my grandmother on Sunday. 我总会在星期天打电话给外婆.

灯塔市15365031396: 英语作文 如何做长寿面 -
琴达任克: 例文 In China,everyone likes eating noodles.Now let me tell you how to make noodles.First,you should buy flour,it is very important.Second,The 500g flour into the container, flour middle pa a nest, water poured into the 230ml .The water surface, ...

灯塔市15365031396: 用括号里单词适当形式填空:1.This is -- (Peter and Trancy) classroom. -
琴达任克: 你好,同学,很高兴回答你的问题 正确答案:1.This is ( Peter and Trancy's ) classroom.2.Listen to the (wind).Today is a (windy) day.3.Here ( are ) your balloons.Here ( is ) her present.4.Today is the ( second ) of September.5.The ugly duckling ( ...

灯塔市15365031396: make nest ? build? -
琴达任克: make nest= build nest 都是筑巢的意思.

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