题目为 我的家乡〈湘潭或湖南〉 的英语作文

作者&投稿:贲帖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Welcome to my hometown
My hometown is Xiaoshan in hangzhou .It's very beautiful place, famous by the green city. standing near a wide river at the foot of continuous low green hills. Youcan see many birds, for example, swallows and sparrows, fly up and down freely with happy songs.How picturesque my hometown is!In my hometown there is well-konw snack street, zhong shan road. You can taste all kinds of delicious food.The classical old friend powder stems from there.If you have the opportunity to arrive here,Surely do not have to miss here. xiaoshan, a city full of excitement, a vibrant place, a worthy person to like, it is worth people love the city. Welcome to my hometown - xiaoshan!

唉!说起我的暑假,那可真是丰富多彩呀!最令我高兴的是我和妈妈去世界之窗玩,玩了一整天。可高兴了!  刚到大门口,一个罗马玻璃般的金字塔,映入了我们的眼帘,上面刻着四个大字“世界之窗”,这字多么的雄伟呀!我想着。在这金字塔四周,都是一些两米多高的喷泉。显得这四个大字更加艳丽多彩了!  门口观看已经结束了,我们买了票,急匆匆的走进世界之窗,我们首先到的一个叫日本的桂离宫,这里正在介绍品茶,洗茶杯,倒茶的风格。正因为如此,我了解了日本品茶的风格。  接着,我们又参观了一些雕塑,比如:世贸大厦,日本的宫殿等等一些名筑。  就这样,我们一转眼就到11点半,我们突然,森林穿梭的地方,看到了这个,我谈玩的心,又在作怪,我忍不住了,我和妈妈立即来做这个游戏,哇!好快呀!我的心一上一下的,刚放松,又紧张起来,刚放松,又紧张起来,……我的心就是这样一上一下的。  后来,我们又玩了许许多多好玩的、刺激的小游戏,怎么样,你觉得今天,我玩得开心吗?

My hometown Hunan

I was born in Xiangtan, Huan. It's a beautiful place. I love it very much.
Now please let me tell you something about my hometown--Hunan Province.
Hunan Province is in the south of China, which covers an area of 211,800 square kilometers. The population is about 66 million and the capital city is Changsha.
There are many places of interest in Hunan, such as Zhangjiajie and Mount Heng. And a lot of famous persons were born here like Mao Zedong and Zeng Guofan.
Hunan is rich in natural resources. And it has made great achievements in economic development.
I love my hometown. And welcome to visit it!

If I were mayor, I will not be built for the 50th anniversary of Daqing city and spend the money to Jige Yi painting the exterior of the streets and alleys, I will this Jige Yi subsidies in the possession of every citizen, the first thing to do The first major modification is the size of Nanning city bus, bus are all fitted with air-conditioning, so that every member of the public spent only 1.2 yuan will be able to enjoy air-conditioned bus.

If I were mayor, I will not be built for the 50th anniversary of Daqing city and spend the money to Jige Yi painting the exterior of the streets and alleys, I will this Jige Yi funds to build several more affordable housing units, More low-income people have a house to live.

If I were mayor……

Unfortunately, I am not, I can not, I will be more and more like the city, the reason is very simple, the city of its beautiful appearance, like a beautiful peacock coat, so I Gufangzishang, but I Clear that the beautiful appearance Below hide the empty. In the city, no economic enterprises as a strong point, the only real estate can be relied upon is, therefore, prices will be rising. No matter how national macro-control, it will be difficult to block the spiralling prices Gao Pan. Urban development to expand to absorb the more crowded cities to the crowd, exhausted their life is nothing more than to that of a 100 square meters to the Xiaowo.

This is the price of food in town, this town has always appointed the people food, because they need to survive…

晋城市13129449376: 以发现湘潭美 为主题写一篇文章1000字 -
陈尤妥佳: 湘潭一年四季都是美丽的! 春天,树上抽出嫩绿的叶子,微风吹过脸上舒服极了!早晨, 树上的露水就像一颗亮晶晶的白珍珠,有的把树叶当做滑滑梯在上 面滑来滑去,有的把树叶当成舞台在上面滚来滚去. 夏天,树木长得密密层层,挡住了大家的视线,晚上,老人们 拿着扇子都在树底下乘凉,热闹得像一片海洋. 秋天,树上的叶子变黄了,果实成熟了,梨香香的,苹果甜甜 的,秋天真像一个水果屋. 冬天,枝干上盖满了厚厚的雪,像大地妈妈给大树盖上了一件 洁白的棉被,树底下的雪洁白洁白的,踩上去舒服极了! 湘潭的四季是美丽的,我喜欢这里!

晋城市13129449376: 以湖南的家乡菜为题写600字作文 -
陈尤妥佳: 家乡菜小时在湖南外婆家生活了几年, 外婆家的湖南菜给我留下了难忘的记忆.现在我想起了湖南就想起了外公外婆,也想起了那叫人嘴谗的湖南家乡菜.所以,一放寒假,急着和父母一起赶着回湖南湘潭,补美食,补辣椒.外公外婆一家见...

晋城市13129449376: 我的家乡湘潭九华作文 -
陈尤妥佳: 我的家乡九华山是四大佛教名山之一,坐落在安徽池州市境内,这里四面环山,一年四季绿水长流,景色十分迷人.九华山的春天总是来得有点晚,不过春姑娘一到,大地仿佛一下子就苏醒了,小草马上探出头来,或许是想看看春天的世界吧!...

晋城市13129449376: 日语作文,题目是我的家乡,说个3.4分钟就好,我的家乡是湖南长沙,面积12144公里虽然面积大但是 -
陈尤妥佳: 私の故郷は中国の湖南省长沙市です. 面积は12144平方キロメートルがありますが结构小さい町だと思います. 463万人口な町です. 周囲有名人と観光地と美味しい食べ物がいっぱいいっぱいあります. でも辛い物は相対的に多いです. 人人の性格も唐辛子のように结构热情です. 是非游びに来てくださいよ~ 私は自分の故郷が大好きです.

晋城市13129449376: 题目《我的家乡》作文(80∽100字) -
陈尤妥佳: 我的家乡是一个小镇,那里风景优美,绿树成阴.春天,树枝抽出了嫩绿的枝条,小草懒洋洋地睁开眼,花儿们也纷纷盛开了,红的、蓝的、黄的、紫的,千奇百怪,五光十色.花儿们发出阵阵醉人的芳香,引来一大群蝴蝶,蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞...

晋城市13129449376: 以“我的家乡”为题目写普通话说话范文 -
陈尤妥佳: 我的家乡坐落在**市的一个小山村,أ那里没有城市热闹,也没有城市的喧哗与繁华,不过那里山清水秀,أ那是我最熟悉的地方,أ那里有着我童年美好的回忆. 记得春天的时候أ小草就转出地面,أ树上的叶子也抽出来了,أ把大地染成一片绿色...

晋城市13129449376: 以《我的家乡》为题目写一张作文600字 -
陈尤妥佳: 我的家乡是个美丽富饶的地方.一想起我的家乡——福建,就使我心花怒放,心久久不能平静.家乡存储了我天真烂漫的童年.那里的一草一木,一山一石是我最好的朋友.春天,小溪里的水融化了,那叮叮咚咚的流水声像一首悠悠的小令,非...

晋城市13129449376: 介绍家乡特产:特产名称:特产介绍:广告语:我的家乡在湖南湘潭,特
陈尤妥佳: 我们大理的最好的特产就是松花粉,马尾松生长在大理的深山中,而它的花粉具有多种营养成分,马尾松生长远离城市是在原始生态的环境中生长,因此松花粉是绿色健康的好东西.松花粉具有美白养颜的功效,还能预防疾病,这是大自然赐给人类最好的保健食品.

晋城市13129449376: 我的家乡作文500字有小标题 -
陈尤妥佳: 我是一个农村生长的孩子,这里没有繁华的街道,也没有城市的喧嚣,但它却有着清新自然的风景,纯朴勤劳的人们.听烦城市喧闹的你,请和我一起出发,去领略一下我家乡的美丽所在吧! 不知不觉,春天已悄然来临.沉睡的动物们开始苏醒...

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