
作者&投稿:水吴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


开放分类: 英语、从句、语法、语言、复合句
引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever。下面对这些连词引导的让步状语从句作一说明。
(1)though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意。
这两个连词意思大致相同,在一般情况下可以互换使用。在口语中,though较常使用,although比though正式,二者都可与yet, still或nevertheless连用,但不能与but连用。例如:
Alhough/Though he was worn out, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。
Although/Though he is very old, (yet)he is quite strong. 他虽然年纪大了,身体还很健壮。
She passed the examination though she had not studied very hard. 她虽然不用功学习,考试却及格了。
(2)as, though表示“虽然……但是”,“纵使……”之意。
Object as you may, I " ll go.(=Though/Although you may object, I " ll go.) 纵使你反对,我也要去。
Hard as/ though he works, he makes little progress. (=Though he works hard, he makes little progress.)尽管他学习很努力,但几乎没取得什么进步。
Child as/though he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.(=Though he was a child, he knew what was the right thing to do.)虽然他是一个孩子,但他知道该做什么。
Fast as you read, you can " t finish the book so soon. 纵然你读得快,你也不能这么快读完这本书。
(3)even if, even though 表示“即使……”,“纵使……”之意。
这两个复合连词的意思基本相同。它们常可互换使用,但意义有细微差别。even if引导的让步从句含有强烈的假定性,而even though引导让步状语从句时,是以从句的内容为先决条件的,也就是说,说话人肯定了从句的事实。例如:
We " ll make a trip even if/though the weather is bad. 即使天气不好,我们也要作一次旅行。
Even if he is poor, she loves him. (=He may be poor, yet she loves him.)即使他很穷,但她还是爱他。
Even though he is poor, she loves him. (=He is poor, yet she loves him. )尽管他很穷,但她还是爱她。
You " ll have to attend the ceremony whether you " re free or busy. 不管你忙不忙,都要参加这个典礼。
Whether you believe it or not, it " s true.无论你是否相信,这都是真的。
(5)“no matter+疑问词”或“疑问词-ever”的含义为“……都……;不管……都……”,它们引导的让步状语从句可以互换。例如:
No matter what happened, he would not mind. (=Whatever happened, he would not mind.)无论发生了什么,他都不会介意的。
No matter who you are, you must keep the law.(=Whoever you are, you must keep the law.不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。
但“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,而“疑问词-ever”还可以引导名词性从句。例如:
Whatever(=No matter what)you say, I won " t believe you. (Whatever 引导让步状语从句)无论你说什么,我都不会相信你。
I " ll eat whatever(≠no matter what)you give me. (whatever引导宾语从句)你给我吃什么,我就吃什么。
Whoever es will be wele. (Whoever 引导主语从句) 不管谁来都受到欢迎。
While I like the colour, I don " t like the shape.我虽然喜欢那颜色,但不喜欢那形状。
让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念,由although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论哪里), whether(是否), no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论……), even if(即使), even though(即使)等词引导。
如: We won”t be discouraged even if(=even though) we fail ten times.我们就是失败十次也不泄气。
It was an exciting game, though / although no goals were scored.那是一场精彩的球赛,尽管一个球都没进。(though, although不能与 but连用)
Whether you believe it or not, it”s true.不管你信不信,这是真的。
However (=No matter how) expensive it may be, I”ll take it.无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。
Don”t let them in, whoever(=no matter who) they are.不管他们是谁,别让他们进来。
No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I”m wrong.无论我说什么或怎么说,他总认为是我错。
1.no matter
e.g. However pure the water looks,I do not want to drink it。
I want to marry the man I love, no matter who he may be。
下面句字不能用no matter结构:
Whoever es back firs is supposed to win the prize.(主语从句)
I am ready to do whatever you want me to .(宾语从句)
2. as 引导让步状语从句的用法:
e.g. Heavily as it was raining outside, they started out very early.
Young as he is, he knows a lot=Though he is young 或Young though he is, he….
他虽然年轻,但懂得很多。(though 也有这种用法,可以替换as,但although没有这种用法)
It was hard work;; I enjoyed it, though=It was hard work, but I enjoyed it.那工作很苦,但是我喜欢干。
3.用though/although, as 引导让步状语从句时,句中不能用but表示转折语气。
不能说:Though he looks weak, but he is healthy.
而要说:Though he looks weak, he is healthy.
或者说:He looks weak, but he is healthy.

“no matter”引导的从句,是让步状语从句吗?

是的。 句型结构:no matter+疑问词 如:1. No matter which subject you like best, you have to learn those you don't like. 2. I do not want to go out today, no matter who asks me.

no matter 【不管,无论】本身为条件。

even if 引导让步状语从句

even if ,尽管。。,即使。。。,引导让步状语从句
Even if I failed again,I will not give up the experiment.

as soon as 引导让步状语从句

as soon as引导的时间状语从句用法一般是两种情况:
1.With all the eagerness which such a transition gives Emma resolved to be out ofdoors as soon as possible.
2.Elinor sat down to her drawing-table as soon as he was out of the house.
3.She said: "Come down as soon as you've changed, Charlotte. "
4.As soon as he'd cut the express car off, he made the engineer run her up the track about half a mile to a road crossing.

as 引导让步状语从句的用法是什么?

as 引导让步状语从句时,意为“尽管”,这时从句要倒装,即把从句的表语或状语放在as之前。
例如: Heavily as it was raining outside, they started out very early.
Young as he is, he knows a lot.
though 也有这种用法,可以替换as

什么是 让步状语从句



不可以~~引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although,while, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever,regardless of+名词/名词短语/名词从句,despite,in spite of。切记although,though 不可与but连用


让步状语从句,指引导从句的连词有虽然,即使的意思,一般引导让步状语从句的连词有although/though(虽然,尽管),even though/even if(即使)。as也可以引导让步状语从句,as从句一般放在主句之前,须用倒装。从句中的表语,状语或动词原形置于句首。若表语是名词,前置时要省略冠词。




让步状语从句 通俗一点说:比如though或者even though可以引导让步状语从句.举个例子吧,Though he studies English very hard, he cannot learn it well. 即使他努力学英语了,可他就是学不好.让步语气就是这么来的.句子中我想说he英语学得不好.但我一这么说,别人会觉得可能会觉得he已经很努力了,反而...

让步状语从句让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管……即使……”就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉。 [编辑本段]使用的连词引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词...

让步状语从句:定义:让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉。使用的连词:引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although,while, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no ...

1,让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”.2,Although\/Though he was exhausted, (still) he kept on working. 虽然他已经精疲力竭了,但仍然继续工作。Fast as you read, you can’t finish the book so soon. 纵然你读得快,你也不能...

让步状语从句是复合句中的一种从属从句,用来表示与主句相反或与主句的预期情况相矛盾的情况。通过使用让步状语从句,我们可以提出让步,承认一个可能的反面情况,或引出与主句相对立的观点。让步状语从句通常由连词although, even though, though, while, whereas等引导。它们在句子中起到连接主句和从句的...


让步状语从句是表达一种让步或转折的逻辑关系。它通常出现在主句之前,用来表达一种尽管存在某种情况或事实,但主句中的动作或状态仍然发生或存在的含义。这种从句体现了说话者想要强调主句内容的重要性,即使存在某种相反的情况也会如此。二、让步状语从句的结构特点 让步状语从句具有特定的结构特点。在形式上...

让步状语从句,是指状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句。一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉。引导连词:让步状语从句引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though,although,while,as; even if,even though; whether...or...; no matter...

什么是让步状语从句 详细??
回答:什么是让步状语从句 常有学生问什么是让步状语从句? 让步状语从句因为其引出较差的条件或状态而得名,表示条件退让一步.让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念, 由although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无...

图们市15129861686: 在英语中,什么叫做让步状语从句 -
成王诸盐酸: 让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句.一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说…”的感觉. 引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些: though,although,while,as; even if,even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever,regardless of+名词/名词短语/名词从句,despite,in spite of. 切记although,though 不可与but连用,但可以与still和yet连用.

图们市15129861686: 什么是让步状语从句?凡是什么词引导什么性质的句子我都不懂 -
成王诸盐酸:[答案] 让步状语从句 开放分类: 英语、从句、语法、语言、复合句 引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever.下面对这些连词引导的让步状语从句作一说明. (1)...

图们市15129861686: 什么是让步状语从句? -
成王诸盐酸: 以though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever等连词引导的状语从句叫让步状语从句 下面对这些连词引导的让步状语从句作一说明. (1)though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意. 这两个连词意思大...

图们市15129861686: 让步状语从句是什么? -
成王诸盐酸: 感谢您关注智课网(SmartStudy)!让步状语从句 主要由although,though, while, whereas等连词引导,表示“虽然,尽管” ·Although she was tired,she stayed up to watch the late night film on television. ·Though he had verylittle money, ...

图们市15129861686: 什么叫让步状语从句? -
成王诸盐酸: 让步状语从句是状语从句的一种: 让步状语从句 的常用引导词有:though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, as等. 下面举几个例子,你就会明白了 even if 即使 We wouldn't lose heart even if we should fail ten times. 就是再失败...

图们市15129861686: 什么是让步状语? -
成王诸盐酸: 让步状语,全称让步状语从句.是指状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句.一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说…”的感觉. 让步状语从句一般指情况的对比,也可叫“对比从句”.比如汉语中的...

图们市15129861686: 什么是让步状语从句 especially"让步" -
成王诸盐酸: 引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, although, as; even if, even though; whether...or...; no matter+疑问词,疑问词-ever.下面对这些连词引导的让步状语从句作一说明. (1)though, although表示“虽然,纵然”之意. 这两个连词意思...

图们市15129861686: 让步状语从句是什么? -
成王诸盐酸: 让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句.一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉.

图们市15129861686: 什么是让步状语从句?请详细解释下!谢谢.. -
成王诸盐酸: 让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念,由although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), ...

图们市15129861686: 让步状语从句的含义 -
成王诸盐酸: 网上摘得,希望有所帮助~ 介绍 让步状语从句是状语从句中的一种,其本身也是状语从句.一般翻译为“尽管……”或“即使……”,就是我们日常生活中用的“退一步说……”的感觉. 引导让步状语从句的连词主要有以下这些:though, ...

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