表目的 to...,for... 和so that...

作者&投稿:莫滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 8月30日下午15:06--15:25


'Why did you go out?' 'To post a letter.'

A friend of mine phoned to invite me to a party.

We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.


This wall is to keep people out of the garden.

The President has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

I need a bottle opener to open this bottle.


It's difficult to find a place to park in the city center.

Would you like something to eat?

 Have you got much work to do?

I get lonely if there's nobody to talk to.

money/time/chance/opportunity/energy/courage 等动词后面也可以跟to (do something)

They gave us some money to buy some food.

Do you have much opportunity to practice your English?

I need a few days to think about your proposal.

for... 和 to... 比较:

I'm going to Spain for a holiday.

I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.

for 之后用名词,to 之后用动词

What would you like for dinner?

What would you like to eat?

Let's go to the pool for a swim.

Let's go to the pool to have a swim.

可以说...for (somebody) to (do something)

There weren't any chairs for us to sit on, so we had to sit on the floor.

for -ing 和 to... 都可用来表示一般目的:

This knife is only for cutting bread. (to cut bread)

What... for? 用在疑问句中表示目的

What is this switch for?    What did you do that for?

有时必须用 so that 来表示目的,so that 后面不能跟动词不定式

i) when the purpose is negative 

I hurried so that I wouldn't be late.

Leave early so that you won't miss the bus.

ii) with can and could 

She's learning English so that she can study in Canada.

We moved to London so that we could visit our friends more often.

iii) when one person does something so that another person does something else

I gave her my address so that she could contact me.

He wore glasses and a false beard so that nobody would recognize him.

祥云县13429033575: to和for在表目的时的区别 -
邓轮民诺: 作状语表目的时,to 后接动词构成不定式,即 to v.; for后接n. 构成介词短语,即 for n.; eg: To learn English well, I listen to the radio every morning, do homework every evening, and take notes in class. I try my best to learn English well for my further study abroad.

祥云县13429033575: to和for在表目的时,有什么区别呢?请别答非所问,自作聪明!如题 -
邓轮民诺:[答案] 作状语表目的时,to 后接动词构成不定式,即 to v.; for后接n. 构成介词短语,即 for n.; eg: To learn English well, I listen to the radio every morning, do homework every evening, and take notes in class. I try my best to learn English well for my further study...

祥云县13429033575: to和for的区别for是表目的的to也是表目的的怎么区别啊? -
邓轮民诺:[答案] …… to do sth不定式表目的 和for是一样的~! i come down to have diner i come down for diner for sth to do sth

祥云县13429033575: for和to在表目的方面的不同用法具体点好不 -
邓轮民诺:[答案] for + (doing) sth 从不表示目的,而是表示作用、功能或用途. to do sth 则主要是表示目的的.

祥云县13429033575: 表目的时,什么时候应该用to,什么时候用for -
邓轮民诺: to 表目的,"为了...",后接动词原形,即,to do for 也有"为了...", 但后接名词或动名词,即for+doing/n

祥云县13429033575: For与to在表示目的时的区别 -
邓轮民诺:[答案] to 不表示目的!而强调方向!

祥云县13429033575: in order to与for用法上的区别. -
邓轮民诺:[答案] in order to后接【动词原形】,表目的. for是介词,介词后面跟【名词】,表目的.for也可以用作【连词】后面接句子,表原因. 如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,

祥云县13429033575: to和for的区别for是表目的的to也是表目的 -
邓轮民诺: to 和for都可以表目的,但搭配不一样.to后跟to do,for后跟doing

祥云县13429033575: for与to的用法区别口诀
邓轮民诺: to后面常接对象for后面变原因有时也表目的to有方向性for有受益者直接影响用to间接角度来用forto的搭配有come for的搭配set off. for与to的用法区别口诀 用法区别口诀就...

祥云县13429033575: 在英语中,you这个单词可以用to和for来搭配,可是什么时候用for,什么时候用to呢? -
邓轮民诺:[答案] 基本就是字面解释,表目的用for,表对象用to. happy birthday to you 完整形式是 i wish a happy birthday to you ,表示给你之意并有给的动作,this present is for you ,是为你准备,强调目的,动作不一定发生.

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