Describe Alexander's visit to Diogenes in about 3

作者&投稿:戢泄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

foreign language learning ;


A small study of foreign language learning in adults compared two methods.

Whle in Corinth, Alexander the Great received warm welcome from everyone except Diogenes.With thegenerosity which his teacher had taught him and the curiosity about the extraordinary man,Alexander decided to call upon him. When thev met there were neither compliments nor flattery IromDiogenes. Alexander first broke the ice; he said: Is there anything I can do for you, Diogenes? 1n-stead of showing gratitude and respect, he shocked everyone present by saying Yes. Stand to one S1ae.Y ou are blocking the sunlight. " On hearing this, Alexander turned away slowly and silently. Atter ashort silence, Alexander said quietly to those nearest him, "If I were not Alexander, I should be Dioge-nes." And he was serious about it.
The meeting between the Conqueror and the Dog shows that Alexander understood Cynicism asDiogenes could. They called themselves the world citizens. They admired heroes in poetry and theydetermined to labor to help mankind while all others worked only for themselves. So of all men alive inthe world only Alexander and Diogenes were free. To some extent, Alexander envied Diogenes. That'swhy Alexander, the great king of that time, was able to remain modest and honest when his authoritywas challenged by Diogenes, the beggar. Diogenes, the seeming beggar on the street, was braveenough to demonstrate his creed by example when he faced the king. Therefore, great people can keeptheir excellent qualities at any time, which is useful for young people to learn and grow to be a worldcitizen.

唐海县15897305791: 大学英语口语,describe a friend 根据这个题目编写一个三人对话,高分求助英语高手帮忙
俞哀尤尼: J:Jim D:Davis W:Walter J:Hi!Long time no see! D:Yes,we have not seen each other since we graduated from middle school.How are you? J:I'm fine.Oh,this is my friend Walter. W:Nice to meet you! D:Nice to meet you too!I'm Davis. J:Yes,I'm glad that...

唐海县15897305791: 请教英语高手:describe与explain的用法以及区别 -
俞哀尤尼: describe 描述;描写;形容;叙述 If you describe a person, object, event, or situation, you say what they are like or what happened.explain 解释;说明 If you explain something, you give details about it or describe it so that it can be understood 也就是说,explain 要describe 得让人懂,是解释给人听的.而describe 没有这层意思.

唐海县15897305791: 请问describe as怎么用?可以给我举例说明吗? -
俞哀尤尼: describe A as B意思是“把A描述成B”,如: The teacher described the girl as shy in class. The sound of "th" is described as difficult to pronounce. 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

唐海县15897305791: describe在什么情况下后面不加介词 -
俞哀尤尼: 例: 1.She described the accident very carefully. 她非常仔细地描述了事故. 2.He described what he had seen and heard. 他描述了他的所见所闻. 3.She describes herself as“ordinary.” 她自称自己“很平凡”. (这个也有介词 但介词不是直接加在后面的 但是用被动语态时必须和介词挨在一起) describe……as……把…称为,把…说成 总的来说 很多情况下都不用加介词的 可以直接加sb./sth.如果你看懂请采纳O(∩_∩)O~ 没看懂可以追问~

唐海县15897305791: describe的c浊不浊化? -
俞哀尤尼: 在这个单词里面谁是需要浊化的,因为他后面紧接着一个元音字母.在这种情况下,他就需要进行浊化的. 而且从他的音标上来看,可以看出他确实是这种情况.平常在读的时候需要对这个现象格外注意.

唐海县15897305791: describe怎么读? -
俞哀尤尼: describe 英[dɪˈskraɪb] 美[dɪˈskraɪb] vt. 叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等) 周转; [例句]We asked her to describe what kind of things she did in her spare time 我们请她描述一下她业余时间都在做什么. [其他] 第三人称单数:describes 现在分词:describing 过去式:described过去分词:described

唐海县15897305791: 雅思口语 describe a wise man -
俞哀尤尼: A wise person might be described as a person who, in the middle of experience and emotion, takes a wider perspective on things before acting or concluding. People see themselves and their self-awareness and events even in the context of our ...

唐海县15897305791: describe as 的意思 -
俞哀尤尼: 意思是:描述为.describe as的例句: The English language possesses a vivid saying to descriBe this sort of situation. 英语中有句俗语生动地描绘了这种情景.务必采纳

唐海县15897305791: describe的第三人称单数,过去式,过去分词,现在分词是什么? -
俞哀尤尼: describes; described; described; describing

唐海县15897305791: describe...as中的as可省略么? -
俞哀尤尼: 亲:describe作为及物动词是可以直接跟宾语的,加上as只是为...的含义.

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