English Question

作者&投稿:史固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
English Question~

可以写成when i was walking in the street,I saw him .

nomatter what happens i will always love you .

looks是谓语,far less是对谓语的修饰,作状语,an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility做宾语,and作为连接词连接了两个谓语动词,只是两个谓语动词都是looks,所以省略了一个,a good deal more是对省略后的looks的修饰,其余的作宾语。还原以后应该是much of this ,understandably ,looks far less like an opportunity to exercise more financial responsibility ,and looks a good deal more like a frightening acceleration of the wholesale shift of financial risk onto their already overburdened shoulders。大部分这些(根据上下文推测this的意思)看上去不太像是给他们机会承担经济责任,而更像是加快经济风险向他们原本已经超负荷的肩膀上大批转移。

base 强调基础 和下面的空间 比如地下室 和地基 就是这个

bottom 是底部 强调 一个大的空间的底部 通常是个底面

root 是根部 就是植物的 根部 或抽象的根源

sole 事底部 一般是两个面的接触的地方 比如鞋底 脚底



bottom多指容器或者其他器物的底部,如bottom up干杯,the bottom of my heart打心底里……





1 / beɪs; bes/ n
(a) lowest part of sth, esp the part on which it rests or is supported (某物的)底部; (尤指)底座, 基底: the base of a pillar, column, etc 柱基等. (b) (geometry 几) line or surface on which a figure stands 底边; 底面: the base of a triangle, pyramid, etc 三角形的底边、 角锥体的底面等. (c) (fig 比喻) starting-point; underlying principle 起点; 基本原则: She used her family's history as a base for her novel. 她把她一家人的经历作为她小说的蓝本. * His arguments had a sound economic base. 他的立论在经济方面是有充分根据的.
(chemistry 化) substance (eg an alkali) capable of combining with an acid to form a salt 可与酸化合成盐的物质(如碱); 盐基.
main part or ingredient to which other things are added 混合配料的主要成分: a drink with a rum base 以朗姆酒为主要成分的饮料 * Some paints have an oil base. 有些颜料是以油脂作为主要成分. * Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make-up. 使用化妆品之前先用点润肤脂打底.
place at which armed forces, expeditions, etc have their stores (军队、 探险队等的)基地, 根据地: a `naval base 海军基地 * an `air base 空军基地 * [attrib 作定语] a base camp, eg for a mountaineering expedition 大本营(如为登山队所建者) * establish, set up a base 建立、 设立根据地.
(mathematics 数) number on which a numerical system is built up, eg 10 in the decimal system, 2 in the binary system 基数(如十进制系统以10为基数, 二进制系统以2为基数).
(in baseball) each of the four positions to be reached by a runner (棒球)垒. =>illus at baseball 见baseball之插图.
(idm 习语) not get to first base => first base (first1). off base (US infml 口) (a) mistaken 错误的: You're a bit off base there. 你在那个地方有点不对头. (b) unprepared 毫无准备的: Her reply caught him off base. 她的答覆使他不知所措.
> baseless adj without cause or foundation 无原因的; 无根据的: baseless fears, rumours, suspicions 无根据的恐慌、 谣言、 怀疑.
# `baseboard n (US) = skirt (skirting-board). `base hit (also single) (in baseball) hit that enables a batter to reach first base (棒球)安全打(使击球手能上第一垒的击球).
`baseline n (sport 体) line marking each end of the court in tennis or the boundary of the running track in baseball (网球场的)底线; (棒球场的)垒线. =>illus at tennis 见tennis之插图.
`base rate (finance 财) interest rate used by individual banks as a basis for fixing their interest rates for borrowers and investors 基本利率(银行各自使用的利率, 据此而定出适用於贷款者和投资者的利率). base 2
/ beɪs; bes/ v
[Tn.pr] ~ sth on sth use sth as grounds, evidence, etc for sth else 以某事物为另一事物的根据、 证据等: I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上. * This novel is based on historical facts. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的. * Direct taxation is usually based on income, ie A person's income is used to calculate the amount of tax he has to pay. 直接税通常以收入为依据(根据个人收入计算出应交税款的数额).
[esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb in/at... place sb in (a place from which to work and travel) 把某人安置在(某地进行工作和活动): Where are you based now? 现在把你安置在哪里工作了? * Most of our staff are based in Cairo. 我们大部分工作人员都驻在开罗. base 3
/ beɪs; bes/ adj (-r, -st)
(fml derog 文, 贬) dishonourable; despicable 不光彩的; 卑鄙的: acting from base motives 从卑鄙动机出发的行动.
not pure 不纯的: base coin 搀有贱金属的硬币.
low in value 不值钱的: base metal 贱金属.

/ ˈbɔtəm; ˋbɑtəm/ n
[C usu sing 通常作单数] lowest part or point of sth 物体最低的部分或最低点: the bottom of a hill, mountain, slope, valley, etc 丘、 山、 坡、 谷等的底部 * The telephone is at the bottom of the stairs. 电话在楼梯下面. * There are tea leaves in the bottom of my cup. 我的杯底有茶叶. * The book I want is (right) at the bottom of the pile. 我要的那本书(就)在这堆书底下. * Sign your name at the bottom of the page, please. 请在这一页的下方签上你的名字.
[C usu sing 通常作单数] part on which sth rests; underside 物体最低的部位; 底面: The manufacturer's name is on the bottom of the plate. 制造厂商的名称在盘子背面.
[C] part of the body on which one sits; buttocks 臀部; 屁股: fall on one's bottom 摔倒时屁股着地 * smack a child's bottom 打孩子的屁股.
[sing] farthest part or point (of sth); far end (of sth) 最远的部分; 最远点: There's a pub at the bottom of the road. 路的尽头有一家酒馆. * The tool shed is at the bottom of the garden, ie at the end farthest from the house. 工具房在花园的尽里头.
[sing] (person or group in the) lowest position in a class, list, etc (处於等级、 名单等)最低位置(的人或团体): He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底. * Our team came/was bottom of the league last season. 我们队在上季度的联赛中排名最后. * She started at the bottom and worked her way up to become manager of the company. 她从最低的位置干起, 通过努力终於当上了公司的经理.
[sing] ground under a sea, lake or river (海洋、 湖泊或河流的)底: The water is very deep here, I can't touch (the) bottom. 这儿水很深, 我摸不着底. * The `Titanic' went to the bottom, ie sank. ‘提坦’号客轮沉入海底了.
[C] ship's hull; keel 船身; (船的)龙骨.
[C usu pl 通常作复数] lower part of a two-piece garment (两件一套的服装的)下件: pyjama bottoms 睡裤 * track suit bottoms 运动裤.
[U] lowest gear 最低挡: drive up a steep hill in bottom 用低挡驶上陡峭的山.
(idm 习语) at bottom in reality; really; basically 其实; 实际上; 基本上: He seems aggressive but at bottom he is kind and good-natured. 他表面上好与人争, 而实际上却很善良厚道. be at the bottom of sth be the basic cause or originator of sth 是某事物的起因或根源: Who is at the bottom of these rumours? 谁是这些谣言的制造者? the bottom (of sth) falls out collapse occurs 崩溃: The bottom has fallen out of the market, ie Trade has dropped to a very low level. 市场崩溃了(生意很萧条). * The bottom fell out of his world (ie His life lost its meaning) when his wife died. 他妻子死时, 他的世界陷於崩溃(他的生活失去了意义). bottoms `up! (infml 口) (said as a toast to tell people to finish their drinks 祝酒时请人乾杯的用语). from the bottom of one's `heart with deep feeling; truly; sincerely 深情地; 忠实地; 诚恳地: love sb, congratulate sb, regret sth from the bottom of one's heart 由衷地爱某人、 祝贺某人、 惋惜某事物. from top to bottom => top1. get to the bottom of sth find out the real cause of sth or the truth about sth 弄清某事物的真正原因或真相: We must get to the bottom of this mystery. 我们一定要彻底解开这个谜. knock the bottom out of sth => knock2. smooth as a baby's bottom => smooth1. touch bottom => touch2.
> bottom adj [attrib 作定语]
1 in the lowest or last position 最低的; 最后的: the bottom line (on a page) (一页的)最末一行 * the bottom rung (of a ladder) (梯子的)最下一级 * the bottom step (of a flight of stairs) (一段阶梯的)最下一级 * Put your books on the bottom shelf. 把你的书放在最下层的架子上. * go up a hill in bottom gear 用低挡上山.
2 (idm 习语) bet one's bottom dollar => bet.
bottom v (phr v) bottom out (commerce 商) (of prices, shares, etc) reach the lowest level (指物价、 股票价格等)跌落最低水平: There is no sign that the recession has bottomed out yet. 没有迹象表明萧条已经到了极点.
bottomless adj 1 very deep 极深的: a bottomless pit, gorge, etc 无底的深坑、 峡谷等. 2 (fig 比喻) unlimited; inexhaustible 无限的; 无穷尽的: bottomless reserves of energy 取之不尽的能源.
bottommost / ˈbɔtəmməust; ˋbɑtəmˏmost/ adj [attrib 作定语] lowest 最低的: the bottommost depths of the sea 海洋的最深处.
# ,bottom `drawer (US `hope chest) store of clothes, linen, cutlery, etc collected by a woman in preparation for marriage 嫁妆.
,bottom `line (infml 口) deciding or crucial factor; essential point (in an argument, etc) 决定性因素; (论辩等的)基本论点: If you don't make a profit you go out of business: that's the bottom line. 不盈利, 就停业: 根本问题就在这里.

第三.root 1
/ ruːt; rut/ n
[C] part of a plant that keeps it firmly in the soil and absorbs water and food from the soil (植物的)根(部): a plant with very long roots 根部很长的植物 * pull a plant up by the roots 把一植物连根拔起.
roots [pl] family ties, feelings, etc that attach a person emotionally and culturally to the society or community where he grew up and/or lives or where his ancestors lived (家族的)根: Many Americans have roots in Europe. 许多美国人祖籍在欧洲. * She has no real roots in this area. 她原籍不在这儿.
[C] part of a hair, tooth, nail or tongue that attaches it to the rest of the body (毛发、 牙齿、 指甲或舌头的)根部: pull hair out by (ie complete with) the roots 把头发连根拔掉.
[C esp sing 尤作单数] (fig 比喻) source or basis 根源; 根基; 根本; 基础: The root of the problem is lack of trust. 产生这问题的根源在於缺乏信任. * Money is often said to be the root of all evil. 金钱常常说成是万恶之源.
[C] (also base form) (grammar) form of a word on which its other forms are said to be based 词根: `Walk' is the root of `walks', `walked', `walking' and `walker'. walk是 walks、 walked、 walking、 walker 的词根.
[C] (mathematics 数) quantity which, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, produces another quantity 方根; 根: 4 is the square root of 16 (4 x 4 = 16), the cube root of 64 (4 x 4 x 4 = 64) and the fourth root of 256 (4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256). 4是16的平方根、 是64的立方根、 是256的四次方根. =>App 4 见附录4.
(idm习语) get at/get to/strike at the `root(s) of sth discover the source of sth (usu problematic or unpleasant) and tackle it there 找到某事物(通常指棘手的或讨厌的事物)的根源并加以解决. pull up one's roots => pull2. put down (new) `roots establish oneself in a place to which one has moved 在新的地方立足. ,root and `branch thorough(ly); complete(ly) 彻底(的); 完全(的): destroy an organization root and branch 彻底摧毁一个组织 * [attrib 作定语] root-and-branch reforms 全面的改革. the root cause (of sth) the fundamental cause 根本原因: He argues that one of the root causes of crime is poverty. 他认为犯罪的一个根本原因是贫穷. take/strike root (a) (of a plant) send down a root or roots (指植物)生根, 扎根. (b) (fig 比喻) become established 建立; 确立: a country where democracy has never really taken root 从未真正建立起民主制度的国家.
> rootless adj having no root or roots 无根的; 无根基的: a rootless wandering life 飘泊无依的生活. rootlessness n [U].
# `root beer (esp US) non-alcoholic drink flavoured with the roots of various plants 根汁饮料(用植物根茎调味的不含酒精的饮料).
`root-crop n crop grown for its edible roots, eg turnips, carrots, etc 根用作物, 块根植物(如萝卜等).
`root vegetable edible root eaten as a vegetable, eg a turnip, carrot, etc 块根蔬菜(如萝卜等). root 2
/ ruːt; rut/ v
(a) [I, Ipr] (of a plant) send down roots and begin to grow (指植物)生根成长: This type of plant roots easily. 这种植物容易生根成长. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] plant (sth) 种植(某物): Root the cuttings in peat. 把插枝扦插泥炭中.
[Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被动语态] cause (sb) to stand fixed and unmoving 使(某人)站立不动: be/stand rooted to the spot/ground 站在那里不动 * Fear rooted him to the spot. 他吓得呆若木鸡.
[usu passive 通常用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] establish (sth) deeply and firmly 使(某事物)深深扎根; 牢固地树立(某事物): a story firmly rooted in reality 深深扎根於现实中的小说 * Her affection for him is deeply rooted. 她对他矢志不渝. * He has a rooted objection to cold baths. 他一向反对冷水浴.
(phr v) root sth out destroy sthcompletely 根除某事物: determined to root out corruption决心根除腐败现象. root sth up dig or pull up (a plant, etc) with the roots 将(植物等)连根挖出或拔起. root 3
/ ruːt; rut/ v (phr v) root about/around (for sth) (a) (of pigs) turn up the ground with the snout in search of food (指猪)用鼻拱土觅食: rooting for acorns 用鼻拱土寻觅橡实. (b) (of people) turn things over when searching, esp in an untidy way (指人)翻寻, (尤指)乱翻: What are you doing rooting around in my desk? 你在我的书桌里乱翻什麽呀? root for sb/sth (no passive 不用於被动语态) (infml 口) cheer for sb/sth; support sb/sth wholeheartedly 给某人[某事物]打气; 全力支持某人[某事物]: We're rooting for the college baseball team. 我们在给学院的棒球队加油. * We're all rooting for you good luck with your job interview! 我们全都支持你--祝你求职面试成功! root sth out (infml 口) find sth after hard searching 终於找到某物: I managed to root out a copy of the document. 我好不容易才找到了文件的副本.

第四.sole 1
/ səul; sol/ n (pl unchanged or ~s 复数或不变或作 soles) [C, U] flat sea-fish that is eaten as food 鳎; 鳎目鱼: sole cooked in white sauce 奶油沙司鳎目鱼 * Would you like some more sole? 再来点鳎目鱼好吗? sole 2

2 / səul; sol/ n
bottom surface of the human foot, the part on which one walks and stands 脚掌. =>illus at foot 见foot插图.
part of a sock, shoe, etc covering this (usu not including the heel) 袜子、 鞋等的底部(通常不包括后跟); 袜底; 鞋底: holes in the soles of his socks 他袜子底部的洞 * leather soles 皮制的鞋底 * The soles of his boots needed repairing. 他那双靴子的底该补了. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图.
> sole v [Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态] put a sole on (a shoe, etc) 给(鞋等)上底: have a pair of shoes soled and heeled 给一双鞋换底及打后掌.
-soled (forming compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) with soles of the specified kind 有某类型的脚掌、 袜底或鞋底的: rubber-soled boots. sole 3
/ səul; sol/ adj [attrib 作定语]
one and only; single 唯一的; 单独的: the sole cause of the accident 事故的唯一原因 * the sole survivor of the crash 那次车祸的唯一幸存者.
belonging to or restricted to one person or group; not shared 属於或限於一人或一组人的; 专有的; 独用的: have sole responsibility 单独负责 * We have the sole right to sell this range of goods. 我们有独家经销这类货物的权利.
> solely / ˈsəullɪ; ˋsollɪ/ adv alone; only 唯一地; 单独地; 只; 仅: solely responsible 单独负责的 * solely because of you 仅仅由於你的缘故.


十堰市13524625323: English Question:如何用英语表达一个半小时(1.5小时,不是半个小时)如何用英语表达一个半小时,最好给我两或三种解答, -
戢往甲睾:[答案] one hour and a half one half an hour one and half hours

十堰市13524625323: English question!!!!快点
戢往甲睾: 1.I saw he is playing with a friendly dog. 2.He spend an hour in reading English every day. He read English an hour every day.

十堰市13524625323: English question英语问题Linda needs hlaf an hour - ___(get) to school.The - _____(village) here are friendly to us. -
戢往甲睾:[答案] to get villagers 楼主half拼错了.

十堰市13524625323: English Question -
戢往甲睾: A 短语: sth matters ; 某事重要. 第一个空:it 是形式主语.how a man dies 是真正的主语.相当于短语中的sth. It matters little how a man dies: 一个人怎么死的并不重要. 第二个空:what matters,what做的是matter 的主语,相当于短语中的sth what matters ( 重要的事)做后半句的主语,叫主语从句. 这句话翻译成:一个人怎么死的并不重要.但是,重要的事是他是怎样生活的.

十堰市13524625323: English question.
戢往甲睾: mike is showing us his new bike.改同义句 mike will show us his new bike mike is going to show us his new bikebe+ doing 就相当于将来时

十堰市13524625323: English Question -
戢往甲睾: 我觉得不可以.near表示附近的范围比较大,假设以你为中心的话,附近一个圈都叫near,而beside一般你左右两边.并且距离上来讲beside比near还近.作为考题肯定要最贴切的答案,选beside,这狗就在人...

十堰市13524625323: english question -
戢往甲睾: 第一句应该写成while my father was reading the newspaper,he was nodding from time to time 这样后面的he才能指代明白

十堰市13524625323: english question -
戢往甲睾: We are late already 强调我们现在迟到了. We have been late already. 强调我们已经迟到了.两句都很地道都可以.

十堰市13524625323: English Question:如何用英语表达一个半小时(1.5小时,不是半个小时) -
戢往甲睾: one hour and a half one half an hour one and half hours

十堰市13524625323: English Question -
戢往甲睾: D 这是倒装句,表语前置引起的倒装. 在文学作品或歌曲中经常这样用,为了突出已经一去不复返了. 正确的语序是: the days when we are oppressed are gone

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