
作者&投稿:直殃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求一篇大学英语作文 内容是大学成功的因素~谢谢~

It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful, because they possess high intelligence. But this is not true. High intelligence is not equal to success. Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors.
Non-intelligence factors are at least as important as intelligence factors, if not more than the latter. Success is built upon tremendous amount of study, practice and devotion. In addition, having a definite goal and knowing what to do next become more important. In fact, researchers have evidence that an intrinsic passion for one’s work is a key factor for success.
According to my own experience, during our college years, having a good study habit is also important. Higber marks can’t be gained by putting in more hours. Efficiency in study can help us learn more.
Therefore, I think success is brought about both by innate intelligence factors and by non-intelligence factors.

Can we change our fate?
No one was born to an unchangeable life,our fate depends on our own efforts .
Just as countless famous and successful people in history suffered a lot,we ordinary people can also overcome obstacles to get what we pursue with our perseverance and determination.
First ,we must build up our own confidence and believe our friends'encourage,which is basic but indispensable to our success.Second,apart from the strong beliefs,what we need to equip ourselves and to carry out the plan is to not to give up easily.If we can insist on doing the right things step by step,someday we will achieve our dream.Third,keeping up with the time and always being optimistic and easygoing will also benifit us a lot.Last , we are supposed to keep in mind that god always do the diligent one a favor.(天道酬勤)
From above,personally,if we can keep fit both mentally and physically,it won't be much difficult and tough for us to change our fate.Now that a large number of people have demonstrated they have changed their fate successfully,why can't we?

Dear Mr.Brown,
I am writing to introduce my best friend Li Ming to you, whom I think is the best for the position in your company. Li Ming, male, was born on Aug.21, 1980 in Dandong,

假如你是外教,布置了一篇作文作为家庭作业,你抄谁的作业交上去之后,觉 ...
Today our foreign teacher Jerry asked us to write a short passage about “Pets in Our Life”. I think everyone has a deep and profound feeling about pets in our life. In addition, I think different people hold different opinions. I want to share my views with you. We all...

在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。你写作文时总是无从下笔?下面是我为大家整理的假如我是四年级作文10篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 假如我是四年级作文 篇1 假如我是法力无穷的齐天大圣,我会一个筋斗云翻到天宫。 玉帝见一个威风凛凛的...

作文假如我是语文老师如下:1、假如我是语文老师 假如我是语文老师,我会以极大的热情投入到我的工作中去,因为我知道,作为一名语文老师,不仅仅是传授知识,更重要的在于引导学生们发现自己的潜力,帮助他们实现自己的梦想。首先,我会注重培养孩子们的阅读能力和写作能力。我会选择一些有趣的、有启发性...

我不禁叹了一口气.重忆这堂课,我感慨万端,盲人的生活是漆黑的,没有光,也没有颜色,可是他们却勇敢地站起来往前走,这种精神值得我们学习.那些不满足生活现状的人们,我建议也去体验一次盲人的生活.我相信,你会满足现在所拥有的一切。 5. 假如我是一个盲人800字作文 盲人,这个词大家并非陌生。 在日常生活中,我们...

其实,缩写很简单,我们平时就在口述自己看到的故事,我们把口述语变成书面语就可以了,你学会了吗? 缩写《猎人海力布》 从前,有个叫海力布的猎人,他热心助人,大家都十分敬爱他。 有一天,海力布去打猎,从老鹰的嘴里救下了一条小白蛇。原来这条小白蛇是龙王的女儿。小白蛇为了报答他的救命之恩,带海力布去龙宫,...

在学习一篇课文时,我先会让他们分组讨论,四人一组,然后我会让他们分别扮演文章中的人物,最后讨论完毕,我会请几组同学上来表演,表演完后,我会和同学们一起给他们送去掌声。我要让他们明白:学习好比玩游戏,只有自己亲身体验和经历过,那么你才会有成功 、有收获。假如我是一名语文老师,下课了,...

假如我是教师,我会让学生们自己挑选要不要听课,要听课的人,就专注的跟我合作,否则你就去操场跑步。 我会不会骂学生呢?我想已然我是教师,学生只需犯错,我就要教训他正确的观念,我不会发飙,但我会很有耐性的一向劝导,我很有耐性哦! 至于语文课最难的造句、作文,我会请同学们英勇的举手发言,只需脑筋动得快的...

在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是我整理的假如我是老师作文(精选12篇),希望能够帮助到大家。 假如我是老师作文 篇1 中考临近了,手忙脚乱地应付各科老师发下来的提纲、资料。因头胀脑...

Dear Scott:We are going to visit the left-behind children this weekend.we will be so happy if your school students could be accepted our invitation to visit them with us.Here are the activity subjects: a. we will show our love to those children by sending some presents (books...

老师评语:你的想象非常出色!从你的想象故事中老师体会到:你真是个爱憎分明,乐于助人的好孩子!你的想象合理,情节生动完整,语句流畅,层次清晰,你的作文进步很快,老师非常高兴。多多努力,争取写得更好! 假如我是四年级作文300字 篇7 假如我是王老师,我将带着阳光般的微笑,手捧崭新的课本,走进明亮的教室,走上向往...

麦盖提县18772642236: 英语作文,假如你是布朗先生,写一封回复的信涵给李教授,内容:接受李教授所在的大学的邀请,给英语系 -
衡元云芝: Dear Mr.Brown, I am writing to introduce my best friend Li Ming to you, whom I think is the best for the position in your company. Li Ming, male, was born on Aug.21, 1980 in Dandong,

麦盖提县18772642236: 假如你是机场广播员,请根据下面的汉语提示来写一篇广播稿.来自美国的布朗先生要乘2758航班离京回国.友谊宾馆的经理来电说布朗先生的护照和钱包忘在... -
衡元云芝:[答案] 2758航班的乘客,美籍旅客布朗先生,您的护照和钱包丢在下榻的宾馆,现其工作人员于十分钟后到达机场,请您在机场门口等候.

麦盖提县18772642236: 一篇英语作文 假如你是john写一封信给你的朋友tom告诉他星期天你的活动 -
衡元云芝: 您好,很高兴为你解答!以下为我按照您的要求手工写就的文章:Dear Tom,Tommorow is Saturday. I have a lot of things to do. I'll get up early at 7 o'clock and have breakfast at 7:30. After breakfast ,I'll do my homework from 8 to 10 am. Then I play ...

麦盖提县18772642236: 书面表达 假如外商布朗先生将来红光帽厂洽谈业务,请你以该厂销售员的身份用英语写一篇短文,向他介绍工厂概况,内容要点如下: 1. 红光帽厂建于 ... -
衡元云芝:[答案] Mr Brown Welcome to the Red Light Hat Factory! Our factory was set up in 1998. It has about 200 workers. Most of them were high school students. After they finished school they returned t...

麦盖提县18772642236: 初二英语作文,写信的,在线等,急!!!谢谢了!!! -
衡元云芝: Dear Mike,First thing I would like you to know is that you shouldn't compare two persons even they are your teachers. You have to admit that Mrs. White had left your school and your new teacher is Mr. Brown. Every teacher has his/her own method to ...

麦盖提县18772642236: 帮我写一篇英语作文内容如下:给John Brown先生写一封短信.内容:已收到他3月12日来信.请他与本月25日来我公司.讨论合作的细节(details).请他将航... -
衡元云芝:[答案] Mr. John Brown, May 15, 2008 Your letter written on March 12th has been receivd. Please come t...

麦盖提县18772642236: 英语作文,假如你是Wang Tong,用英语给朋友Rick写一封回信,告诉他你星期六通常做些什么(不少于60词) -
衡元云芝: Dear Rick,On Saturday, I usually get up at six.I ofen have breakfast at seven. Then I write my homework. And I have a Art lesson at ten.Sometimes I go to my grandparents'home.And I have lunch there.In the afternoon,I usually play with my friend.In the ...

麦盖提县18772642236: 求英语作文假如你是班长王芳,你的英语外教布朗女士(Ms Brown)叫你调查一下你班60个学生上周末的活动.请你根据信息写一份英语报告给她.信息如下:... -
衡元云芝:[答案] Dear Ms Brown! I have searched what all of us students did in the weekend! Please note the following information: Stay at home:8people Go shopping :10people Play sports :25 people Go to the movies :5 people Go to the library :12 people From the ...

麦盖提县18772642236: 英语作文假如你是bob著名影星成龙是你的笔友 请给他写一封介绍你自己的生活习惯 80词左右 书信格式 -
衡元云芝: Dear Jack Chen,My name is Bob,a student in ***school.I'm am 14 years old. I want to be a actor when I grow up. It is important for a actor to be healthy,because it is premise of my dream.Before, I seldom ate vegetables. Because I disliked ...

麦盖提县18772642236: 英语 作文 感谢信:假如你是Peter Smith,请写一封感谢信给你的老师Professor Jackson -
衡元云芝: Dear Jackson How are things going? I'd like to say "Thank you"most at this moment. Do you remember I was upset two months ago because of the choice of the job. It was you who offered me lots of information and gave me many precious ...

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