
作者&投稿:林柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Natural disasters, human beings are dependent on the nature of the unusual happened, it caused by human society, the harm is often huge.Such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, typhoons, floods,tornadoes and other unexpected disasters

July 28, 1976 early morning a major earthquake in Tangshan,The 1976 earthquake measured 7. 8 on the Richter scale and killed over 200, 000 people.There were most painful scenes when earthquake happened,the village of the country in the world is also unusual.


1.你的句子中有些在中文语法中不通的 我帮你修改了下


2.在英文中 一般不说 “造成242769人死亡”具体人数

over 200, 000 people 超过 20万人

3.我把你的句子美化了 希望您能满意

4.Richter scale里氏震级

绝对权威的翻译 相信我

希望对你 有帮助 注意采纳最佳答案 哦

如还有疑问 请问

Shortcoming: 1) will clone reduces the hereditary change, will produce the individual through the clone to have the similar heredity gene, the similar disease sensitivity, one kind of disease might destroy entire the community which will produce by the clone. May conceive, if a national cow group all is the identical clone product, one kind of not serious virus on possibly destroys national the animal husbandry.
2) The clone technology use will cause the people to favor most has the use value individual in the massive reproduction existing population, but will not be promotes the entire population's superior win and the inferior wash out according to the natural law.In this sense, the clone technology has disturbed the natural evolution process.
3) The clone technology is one kind of expensive technology, needs the massive moneys and the biological professional's participation, the failure rate is extremely high.Multi-Li is 277 experimental only achievements.Although the present developed a more advanced technology, the success ratio also only could achieve 2-3%.
4) Transferred the gene animal to enhance the risk which disease infected.For example, if a production medicine milk cow infected the virus, this kind of virus on possibly infects the patient through the milk
5) The clone technology will apply in the human body causes to the descendant hereditary feature manual control.The clone technology gives rise to controversy whether is the core allows to the growth initial period human embryo to carry on the heredity operation.This is very many moral philosophers cannot accept.
6) The clone technology also available creates “the superhuman”, or has the vigorous and healthy physique actually intelligence low person.Moreover, if the clone technology can in the humanity the effective utilization, the male has also lost in the heredity significance.
7) The clone technology the influence which will bring to the diplomatic relation also will be huge.May regard as the father by father's DNA clone production child twin brothers, retarded several dozens years birth.Very difficult tentative plan, when a person discovered oneself is other person's complete replica, what he (or can she) have to feel?

Curricula Introduction for Graduate Students

001 Score:3
002 专业英语 Score: 1
003 自然辩证法Score:3
004 工程Score:3

专业必修课程(15学分) 课程代码210001:
课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 数字集成电路理论与设计VLSI I/ Theory and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits (VLSI I) 54 3 Jan M. Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective 本课程内容包括MOS和双极型器件的SPICE模型,MOS和ECL反相器,CMOS组合逻辑门设计,时序逻辑电路设计,ALU设计,互连和时序,存储器和阵列结构。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 模拟集成电路理论与设计/Theory and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 54 3 Paul R. Gray, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits 本课程内容包括集成电路有源器件模型,双极和CMOS集成电路工艺,单晶体管和多晶体管放大器,电流镜和有源负载,参考源,输出级,运算放大器,集成电路的频率响应,反馈放大器的频率响应和稳定性,非线性模拟电路。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成电路制造与工艺/IC Foundry Flow 54 3 本课程内容包括单项工艺包括单晶生长和外延、氧化、扩散、LPCVD、离子注入、刻蚀、光刻、溅射、化学机械抛光;CMOS工艺流程、工艺接口技术包括:器件模拟,版图后期合成与处理,光刻标记与对准,公共模块如IO、ESD防护,来自实际工厂的数据处理如参数提取、最差条件文件获取等。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 半导体物理和器件物理学/Semiconductor Physics and Devices Physics 54 3 R. M. Warner, Semiconductor-Device Electronics 本课程内容包括半导体物理和器件电子学基础,半导体体特性,PN结,双极结型晶体管(BJT),金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 数字信号处理器应用技术/DSP Application 54 3 C.Britton&RoRabaugh,McGraw-Hill,DSP Primer 本课程内容包括数字信号处理器的基本知识,DSP和软件,DSP系统结构,数字信号处理器在工业领域、消费类电子产品、视频和音频领域的系统方案和数字信号处理算法。

专业选修课程(12学分) 课程代码210101:
课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 微电子电路的计算机辅助设计/Computer Aided Design for Microelectronic Circuits 36 2 本课程内容包括ICCAD简介,线性电路的稳态分析-电路方程的自动建立和求解线性代数方程组的算法,非线性电路的直流分析,瞬态分析,电路模拟中的半导体器件模型,SPICE及其中的MOSFET模型简介。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 计算机系统与结构/Computer Architecture 36 2 Hennssy&Patterson, Machine Press, Computer Architecture ----A Quantitative Approach 本课程内容包括微计算机及微处理器性能评测;指令级结构设计与RISC技术;数据通路与控制单元设计;流水线技术;存储管理与Cache设计;微处理器发展趋势。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 VLSI测试方法学/VLSI Testing Methodology 36 2 本课程内容包括集成电路逻辑模型和逻辑模拟、IC故障模型和故障模拟、IC测试生成方法和自动测试图案产生、可测性设计的度量和方法、系统层的故障建模和测试生成。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成电路高级综合技术/Advanced Synthesis Techniques of VLSI 36 2 Synopsys Documents 内容包括基于Verilog/VHDL的逻辑综合,有限状态机综合,RTL综合,约束优化,模拟。设计流程,行为描述与仿真,行为描述与目标结构的匹配,数据通道设计,控制器设计,测试向量生成,系统验证;行为设计和数据通道与控制器的设计与优化;综合VHDL描述,算子调度,资源分配,寄存器优化,控制码生成,控制器结构选择,状态化简。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成电路版图设计/Advanced Placement and Routing Technology of VLSI 36 2 Michael J. S. Smith, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits 本课程内容包括布图规划,布局及算法,布图文件格式,总体布线,通道布线及算法,电路提取和设计规则检查(DRC)。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成电路设计实践 (VLSI II)/IC Design and Practice (VLSI II) 36 2 本课程内容包括CMOS集成电路逻辑设计和版图设计的要领,包括静态和动态CMOS逻辑电路,晶体管的尺寸,输入和输出电路结构,电阻和电容估算,延迟时间。教授逻辑设计和版图设计软件的使用。自己动手完成四位全加器的逻辑设计和版图设计。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成电路工艺原理与实践/Fundamentals and Practice of Integrated Circuit Technology 36 2 James D. Plummer, Silicon VLSI Technology: Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling 本课程内容包括半导体器件与工艺的历史展望,现代CMOS工艺技术,硅晶圆片制造及其基本特性,光刻,热氧化及硅-二氧化硅界面,杂质扩散,离子注入,薄膜淀积,刻蚀,后道工艺技术。本课程的重点是CMOS集成电路工艺,并讲授深亚微米器件与工艺,包括铜布线和金属硅化物工艺原理。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 嵌入式系统与结构/Embedded System and Architecture 36 2 Steve Furber, ARM SoC体系结构 本课程内容包括处理器设计导论,ARM体系结构,ARM汇编语言编程,ARM的组织和实现,ARM指令集,体系结构对高级语言的支持,Thumb指令集,体系结构对系统开发的支持,ARM处理器核,存储器层次,体系结构对操作系统的支持,ARM CPU核,嵌入式ARM的应用,AMULET异步ARM处理器。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 射频与高速集成电路分析与设计/RFIC Design for Wireless Communication System 36 2 Reinhold Ludwig, RF Circuit Design Theory and Applications 本课程内容包括传输线分析,Smith电路阻抗分析图,单端口与多端口网络,RF滤波器设计简介,有源RF元件及其模型,匹配和偏置网络,RF晶体管放大器设计,振荡器和混频器。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 微电子封装技术/Microelectronic Packaging Technology 36 2 本课程内容包括微电子封装的现状和发展趋势,封装的主要性能指标及电、热、热力学等方面的设计,集成电路封装的主要制造工艺及所用材料,集成电路封装的选择原则及封装的主要失效模式等。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 系统级电路设计和接口技术/System Level Circuit and Interface Design 36 2 本课程讲述面向系统设计的电路板设计、布图技术,抗干扰、高速PCB板设计以及微处理器与外围部件的接口技术。

课 程 名 称 学时数 学分 教材 集成系统芯片SOC设计方法学导论/An Introduction to System-on-Chip Design Methodology 36 2 Henry Chang.etc. Kluwe Academic Publishers, Surviving the SOC Revolution-----A Guide to Platform-Based Desgin 本课程讲授集成系统芯片(SOC)的层次结构设计,SOC基于平台技术的IP重用、IP发布、IP接口技术、IP通讯以及SOC的验证技术和测试技术。

1. 使用MATLAB作系统行为级分析与设计。
Related courses:
DSP Application and Organization
RFIC Design for Wireless Communication System

2. 用VHDL和Verilog HDL完成一个实例化微处理器的设计。
Related courses:
An Introduction to System-on-Chip Design Methodology
Computer Architecture
Advanced Synthesis Techniques of VLSI

Related courses:
Computer Aided Design for Microelectronic Circuits
Theory and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits (VLSI I)
Theory and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits
RFIC Design for Wireless Communication System

4. 用Verilog 语言描述并进行约束优化综合
Related courses:
Advanced Synthesis Techniques of VLSI
Computer Aided Design for Microelectronic Circuits

5. 布局布线
Related courses:
Advanced Placement and Routing Technology of VLSI
IC Design and Practice (VLSI II)
Fundamentals and Practice of Integrated Circuit Technology

6. 后端验证
Related courses:
RFIC Design for Wireless Communication System
IC Design and Practice (VLSI II)
VLSI Testing Methodology

7. 用Tanner Tools或Cadence布图软件设计版图。
Related courses:
E005 Theory and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits (VLSI I)
E010 Advanced Placement and Routing Technology of VLSI,
E011 IC Design and Practice (VLSI II)

February 2008 - 2009 September 2004 (which is still continuing):
Topic: Hspice analog integrated circuits based on the level of modeling and simulation platform for Research and Implementation
Their respective projects: national university students innovative projects
Subject Description: The circuit simulation software and more remain in the transistor-level, there are large-scale simulation of the circuit will consume a very long time, so I and several other team members would like to hspice through the establishment of the basic macro-model circuit, so that the use of According to their own needs can choose the parameters in choosing suitable circuit, making simulation more quickly. This project has been applied to the state university students funding innovative projects, being carried out in.

Subject name: LDO (linear regulators) Design
Their respective projects: Summer Internship production
Introduction topic: the study, I participate in the design of a LDO, calculated using manual methods and computer simulation of the properties of the test

Topic: amplifier design and characteristics of
Their respective projects: Analog CMOS integrated circuit design courses
Subject Profile: operational amplifiers in the analog circuit is the essential component of the closure, in this research activities in accordance with my amplifier to achieve the performance of CMOS all the tubes than the width of the design. And then passed the manual calculation and application of hspice simulation of the circuit design of the magnification factor, such as common mode in performance verification.

Subject name: GaAs balance of the Central African carrier on the transport properties
Their respective projects: Calculation of materials science curriculum design
Introduction topics: GaAs as a new generation of semiconductor materials, their properties have more and more people's attention, it makes the high mobility of its high-speed circuits are widely used in this study, we simulated GaAs programming through Central Africa Balance in the semiconductor carrier in the transport process, the main consideration in the study of the six major scattering mechanism and the use of the electronic MATLAB drawn at different temperatures under different electric field mobility, energy, and other changes in trends.

Subject name: BST and the preparation of measurement
Their respective projects: solid-state physics curriculum design
Introduction topics: BST, as a typical perovskite structure of ferroelectrics, is extremely non-linear dielectric properties, in this study, I and several team members to find information by reading literature , Calculated BST prepared to meet the requirements of the material, the use of sintering their hands of BST. And the use of the knowledge of the BST prepared to undertake a number of performance tests, focus on its non-linear dielectric properties.


Be still continuing in September , 2009 in February , 2008 now): Problem name: Owing to Hspice simulation IC behavior, level builds the project imitating real platform studying and realizing what one belongs to or is affiliated with: Country college student FOAK project problem brief introduction: That the circuit now emulation software stays much in transistor level , think that the emulation special circumstances of the time consumption coming across the large-scale circuit is very longtime, therefore my and another member of several group thinks of the grand model by the fact that hspice builds the various basic circuit, makes a user can choose the right circuit according to the parameter that self needs , the feasible simulation is especially rapid. Already, this project applies for the fund having arrived at the country college student FOAK project , carries out middle in course of. Problem name: Subordinate project of LDO (linearity voltage stabilizer) design: Summer vacation time produces the practice problem brief introduction: I have participated in LDO having designed one in studying this time , the method wielding handwork calculation and the computer imitate has carried out a testing on whose function Problem name: Amplifier design and characteristic property study the subordinate project: Simulate the CMOS IC curriculum design problem brief introduction: The arithmetic amplifier is to shut forbidden few ingredients in the dummy load , I design that in current research flexible according to the function index width to each Guan Zhong of CMOS needed to reach by amplifier than strong point being in progress. And then successively simulate by the fact that calculate by hand and wielding hspice to the circuital amplification modulus designing that, the common mode restrain verifies than waiting for a function to be in progress. Problem name: Be not that loss balancing current carrier's transports characteristic property in GaAs studying the subordinate project: The material secretly scheming against learns the curriculum design problem brief introduction: GaAs has been new generation semiconductor materials , whose characteristic property has been regarded highly by people already Yue Lai Yue , the person has got its high mobility will do in high speed circuit apply broadly , we have been not that loss balancing current carrier in semiconductor transports process in studying this time by the fact that the programming has imitated in GaAs , has considered six kinds main dispersion mechanism mainly in studying, the mobility applying MATLAB to different different temperature electric field moreover having drawn out an electron , the change trend that the energy waits for. Problem name: BST preparation and characteristic property measure the subordinate project: Solid state physics curriculum design problem brief introduction: BST (metatitanic acid strontium barium) is one kind of the ferroelectric body of representative calcium titanium ore structure , have the extremely strong dielectric nonlinearity character, I and several members of group read a document in studying this time by seeking a data , the preparation secretly scheming against out accords with the required BST material demanding , wield hot sintering process self gets to work preparation BST. And wield the what be mimicked knowledge carrying out many functions on BST that preparation puts up testing, priority has studied its dielectric nonlinearity function.

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宜川县19875964430: 请大家帮忙翻译一下下面的英语文章(是关于电气专业英语的) -
胡师牛黄: 常微分方程是图解决一体化.集成可完成分析方法或数值方法对数字电脑.整合也可进行电子与运算放大器电路.实际上,运算放大器制定了最初的电子一体化微分方程. ( 1 )积分.该运算放大器电路fig.3.11利用负反馈通过一个电容器进行整合...

宜川县19875964430: 麻烦高手翻译一下有关电子芯片的说明
胡师牛黄: 这是一个M74HC595高速CMOS 8位 柜子的转移登记/输出 (3-STATE C2MOS硅刻蚀工艺门) 技术. 该装置包含一个8位,parallel-out serial-in 移位寄存器,吃一个8位d型存储 登记.有8 3-STATE存储寄存器的 输出.提供了两个独立的时钟 ...

宜川县19875964430: 急!请哪位英语高手帮忙翻译一下下面的一篇文章,机器翻译的止步!在线等,谢!
胡师牛黄: 在你的交际中,金钱是引起争端的主要因素吗? 我和我太太谈到钱的时候总是很困难.她说这叫她紧张.我俩跟金钱的关系截然不同.在我成长过程中总是有钱的,我家里很有钱.她家却总是负债累累.欠钱使她惊慌,却一点也不会让我烦心....

宜川县19875964430: 请电子行业的高手帮忙翻译一下,非常感谢!! -
胡师牛黄: Dear Lisa I am sorry for late reply. The original delivery date of the order DFID009 is Aug, 15. Later your company wanted to pull in. We confirmed with the manufacturer that the delivery date could be made by July, 22. But now the manufacturer ...

宜川县19875964430: 电路板方面的,请高手翻译 -
胡师牛黄: 都是一些IS410的性能介绍,没什么大用途,各个PCB网站上都有一些它的足迹,是常用的PCB板材.下面帮你翻译了一下,E文不好,不要见笑,还望高手指点'^_^1.Epoxy Laminate and Prepreg 1.环氧树脂预浸层压板High Thermal ...

宜川县19875964430: 英文翻译(有关电子商务与物流的文章),在翻译论文时有些地方没译出来,请高手帮忙,谢谢!! -
胡师牛黄: 因特网已经从三种途径影响到了供应链模型的应用.首先,因特网促进了企业资源计划(ERP)的使用以及高级计划及优化系统(APS)...

宜川县19875964430: 英文翻译(有关电子商务与物流的文章),在翻译论文时有些地方没译出来,请高手帮忙,谢谢!The Internet has influenced the usage of supplychain models... -
胡师牛黄:[答案] 因特网已经从三种途径影响到了供应链模型的应用.首先,因特网促进了企业资源计划(ERP)的使用以及高级计划及优化系统(APS).其次,企业能够通过获取实时信息的能力及访问大型计算机系统来建立详尽的(高密度)的供应链模型,并将其...

宜川县19875964430: 请高手帮忙翻译一段关于“在电子政务环境下政府信息资源的开发利用”的论文摘要和关键词!先谢谢了! -
胡师牛黄: Abstract: Under E-administration environment, the government is the biggest owner of administrative information resources, also is the biggest producer, user and promulgator of administrative infomation. Whether the government is able to fully ...

宜川县19875964430: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下面的!!!急 谢谢了
胡师牛黄: AC指交流电,DC指直流电.AC和DC用来表示电压和电信号,而不是电流.例如:1个12伏AC电源电压是可变的(这会造成一个可变的电流).电信号是指传输信息的电压或者电流,通常是指电压.这些术语可以用于任何电路里的电压和电流.

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