
作者&投稿:毋倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语在线翻译 翻译短语~

1. A little penguin
2. Three shy of pandas
3. Four terror of tigers
4. Five friendly of elephants
5. Seven beautiful of giraffes
6. Eight cute of koalas
7. Nine smart of dolphins
8. ten ugly of lions

to bring forward, to advance,move up,in advance, ahead of schedule, ahead of time, ahead of scheduled time, bring forward, ahead of time, put ahead。。。还有很多,写不下了

1.ask for sb
2.Live with sb together
3.be close to
4.go to school
5.be good at
6.make friends with
8.be willing to
10.best wishes.
11.suff the interenet
12.stay in our leisure time
13.receive sb's letter
Unit 2:
1.one or two times per week
2.wash the teeth
3.the secondary school
4.like to do sth
5.take a walk
6.have a rest
7.take part in
8.be pleasent to
9.in the night
10.to be late at the afternoon
11.play guitar
12.do the morning exercise
13.go to have a sleep
14.have breakfast(lunch)
15.get up
16.wash the face
17.a block of bread
19.have supper


make a pledge to sb.starting from the new year improve the quality of living kick off a sport event learn to acquire a hobby because of this reason 俺是英文老师,如有问题可以继续提问。希望对你有帮助~如果满意记得采纳哦,谢谢!~

What a bad luck!

对某事感兴趣be interested in (doing)sth 忙于做某事be employed in doing sth\/be absorbed in doing sth\/be busy in doing sth 那时at that moment(那一刻)\/at that time(那个时期)出故障break down(用法:sth be breken down,一般指汽车,轮船或电器坏了)任何部分any part 用这种方法in ...

英语翻译短语及常用句型 导读: If Bernard wants to call me or anything, I’ll be here all day.如果伯纳德要找我或什么的,我整天都会在这儿。 have none of: 不参加;不准;不接受 I will have none of your stupid ideas! 我才不接受你那愚蠢的想法!He was offered a job but ...

stand someone up这个词组,大家若是第一次看到,想必多半是满头雾水,怎么单字全都认识,意思却完全猜不出来。其实stand someone up的意思就是“放(某人)鸽子”,这么简单又实用的句子,可得赶快记起来。 12. So that explains it. 原来如此。 有时候事情的来龙去脉浑沌不清,让人摸不着头脑,若是突然曙光一现,让...

短语:1 保持做。。。(keep doing...)2 设法做。。。(try to do...)3 保持充满生气 (keep vitality enough)句子:1. Stella is interested in writing poem 2. Bamboo is panda's main food 3. Damon lost the chance to win you, because he broke the rules.4. Everyone who from ...

给某人留口信 leave SB a message 玩游戏 play game 拜访某人 visit sb 上舞蹈\/钢琴课 go to dancing \/ piano class 在假日 in holiday 此刻现在 right now 写明信片 send post card to sb 一张给某人的明信片 a card for sb 为野餐洗些水果 washing some fruit for the picnic 理发 go to ...

prevent cheating

一份某人自己的档案 a file of somebody's own 将头发扎成马尾辨 get the hair into a ponytail 做有关……的记录 make a record of something 网球拍 tennis racket 一则新闻报道 a news report 找出,发现 find out 将……当做翻译来用 take someting as the translator 划线的词(部分)...

集!!小学英语 帮忙翻译一些简单短语
1.开生日聚会 have a birthday party 2.把它们给我 give them to me 3.住在北京街 live in Beijing Street 4.愿意做某事 would like to do sth.5.在星期五早上 on Sunday morning 6.和他一起 be with him 7.让我们 let us 8.邀请他们来 invite them to come 9.邀请他们去游泳 invite ...

藤县18432809625: 求几个英语短语的翻译1.同时 2.及时 3.目前 4.在日出的时候 5.在一年中的这个时候 6.在黎明 7.在21世纪 8.在1999年末 -
咸穆丹红:[答案] 1. at the same time 2.Timely 3.At present 4. at the time of Sunrise 5. throughout the year at this time 6. at the dawn 7. in the 21st century 8. at the end of 1999

藤县18432809625: 翻译几个英语短语...急急急 帮帮忙啊,求你们了!!
咸穆丹红: 1 And someone pay Pal2 places3 In... Internal behind4 On my way home5 On the way to somewhere6 pay ···for 7 Go to sleep8 In a post office

藤县18432809625: 英语:短语翻译全部!求求你!
咸穆丹红: unit 5: 1. a drop of water ; turn off; add...to...; pass by ; come out of ; a bit/ little; a part of...; pocket money; be made up of/ consist of...; dry off; turn ...into; bathing basin ; bath shower; rather than unit 6: 1. solar energy; a bag of... ; to some degree; ...

藤县18432809625: 英语:全部!求求你 -
咸穆丹红: 您好,翻译如下:你曾经听过这样一个短语叫做"当每次蓝月亮来的时候"吗?人们用这种表达方式来描述他们不常常做的事情.举个例子, 有人会说他试图避免吃甜食因为它们不健康,但是会吃巧克力"当每次蓝月亮来的时候".或者一个不常...

藤县18432809625: 求两个简单英语短语的翻译 1.善于思考2.善于挑战多谢多谢! -
咸穆丹红:[答案] 1. good at thinking 2. good at challenging 思考和挑战在这里应该是指行为/活动,所以用Ving形式更佳. 而good at challenges 表示"在各种挑战中表现良好"了!

藤县18432809625: 英语:全部!求求你! -
咸穆丹红: cameranervousweakworkwithout

藤县18432809625: 英语短语翻译全部! -
咸穆丹红: 49 一小圈的朋友50 一茶匙的蜜糖51 对一个人的态度52 类似于某人53 被谁批评54 不胜感激55 被谁访问56 被谁惊吓到57 (要)有礼貌58 注意你的态度59 除了做60 藉/ 以此理由

藤县18432809625: 英语短语求翻译
咸穆丹红: now and then是时不时,偶尔的意思 sooner and later迟早 more and less多少

藤县18432809625: 求英语聊天缩写短语(带中文翻译) -
咸穆丹红: U你 yr 你的 AM早上 PM下午 GUD好 PLS 请 TXT 2 ME 给我发短信 wait 4 U, 等你 WER R U NW?你现在在哪 Statn车站 THNK认为或谢谢 COME 2 D OFFICE到办公室来一下 AFTR后 先给你这些啦

藤县18432809625: 英语短语翻译急急急 -
咸穆丹红: lose the match 输掉比赛go on a diet 节食take exercises 做体操,做运动stay up late 深夜不睡,迟睡keep pets 养宠物ask for leave 请假one after ano...

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