—_______ do you spell it?—_______, apple. [ ] A. How; A-doub...

作者&投稿:占影 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
how ___ you spell it? A-___P-L-E,apple.~

how (do) you spell it?

How do you spell it? 你这么拼写的?
Yes, S-P-E-L-L, spell. 是的,S-P-E-L-L, spell。


衡水市17354774614: what's can you do?的答语 -
戈楠氟美: What can you do? I can work. 亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx!

衡水市17354774614: 初一英语,what do you - do on sundys?第二句the sun - rises in -
戈楠氟美: 解析: 初一英语,what do you_do on sundys? 初英语:1、What do you【usually】do on Sundys?【你在星期天通常做什么?】这句话you你、你们是主语,人们的生活不可能像机器一样有规律,即多变性、随意性,因此,用usually通常恰当. 2:The sun【always 】rises in the east and sets in the west.【太阳总是从东方升起西落下.】这是真理.只要宇宙存在,这个规律就不会改变.你看见太阳是这样,你看不见太阳还这样的.always一直,总是.

衡水市17354774614: Do you s——live on the fifth floor?以s开头的词语 -
戈楠氟美: 参考答案:Do you (still) live on the fifth floor?——你仍然住在五楼吗?still:adv.仍,仍然;分析过程:从本句来看,即便不用still这个单词,句子的意思仍然完整通顺,因此,空缺的单词必为一个副词,做状语,修饰live这个谓语动词,经过分析筛选,本空填still(仍然)较为合适!不懂请及时追问,满意请采纳,谢谢支持!

衡水市17354774614: Do you have any suggestion(s)? -
戈楠氟美: suggestion是一个可数名词,其复数形式是在词尾加上s,例如:The teacher has some good suggestions on how to learn English.

衡水市17354774614: How do you s - ----your summer vacation? -
戈楠氟美: spend

衡水市17354774614: what do you think of等于哪三种? -
戈楠氟美: what do you think of 等于: 1、How do you like ... 2、What do you think about... 3、What's your opinion? what do you think of your English teacher? 你觉得你的英语老师怎么样? How do you like your English teacher? 你觉得你的英语老师怎么样...

衡水市17354774614: How do you spend you day(s)?加不加s? -
戈楠氟美: 可加可不加,意思不太一样,your day 你的一天your days你的日子两者在英语口语当中一般可以省略

衡水市17354774614: 加介词 Do you usually visit friends -- New Year's Day . Easter is--March or April. -
戈楠氟美: Do you usually visit friends_on_New Year's Day . Easter is_in_March or April. May Day is_on_the 1st of May. 一般来说,天前面的介词都用on,月份和年前的介词用in 希望能帮到你~

衡水市17354774614: 英语关于补全对话的做题技巧和练习
戈楠氟美: “补全对话”这一题型是以书面的形式测试我们同学的口语交流和表达能力. 解题思... What can I do for you? C. I want to know if you can help me. D. What's wrong ...

衡水市17354774614: 1:What's your favorite spore?(改为同义句)What______ do you -______?2:It's good for our leg muscles to run.(改为同义句)______ ______ good ... -
戈楠氟美:[答案] 1.spore;like;best 2.Running;is 3.instead;of;went 4.to;get 5.instead;of

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