
作者&投稿:莫瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6-10 CCCBB
11-15 BDBBB

选C,因为朋友可数,所以用few而不用little,再根据题意,汤姆是新来的,所以很少朋友,few是“很少”的意思,a few是“很多”的意思。

  1. B

  2. A

  3. C

  4. D

  5. C

  6. C

  7. A

  8. A

  9. A

  10. C

  11. C

  12. A

  13. B

  14. B

  15. A




bacdc caaad cabba

1Lucy and Lily aren't going to see their sick aunt this evening.\/a:nt\/ 2It took us the whole afternoon dig the big hole.\/hul\/ 3Bill went to buy a soccer for his son after saying bye to me.\/bai\/ 4The woman in a red coat read a funny story just now.\/red\/ 5Last...

答案在每题前面 C7. If you (require)something, you:A. send it away B. do without it C. need it 满分:3 分 B8. If a teacher (cancels) a class, that means the class A. will cover important material.B. is called off.C. will meet as always.满分:3 分 B 9....

1. (why are those students singing and dancing)in the garden?题中为正在进行时,故用 be+ v.ing形式 2. Halloween parties usually (begin at 6:30 pm and finish at 11).由usually可知应该用现在时。所以用动词原形。3. D:cool 4. Look!The light of the candles (is shining) ...

used to过去常常做某事 be used to doing sth.现在习惯做某事 9. — Helen, will you be at the party tonight?— Yes, but I have so much homework to do that I really ___.A. can’t B. mustn’t C. won’t D. shouldn’t 答案:A I can't我不能做某事 一般拒绝...

1.Did he eat his lunch at one o'clock?He didn't eat his lunch at one o'clock 2.did they do their homework last night?They didn't do their homework last night 3.did he come by car this morning?he didn't come by car this morning 4.did the sun rise at half past ...

1.always does his homework in the library.2.is good for

Identify the errors in the following sentence:Jack was in the conference room discussing plants with other committee members when the chairman had called to say he’d be late.[ 1分]C.had called 45. I heard a ___ noise last night.[ 1分]B.curious 形容词 自己理解下 ...

【紧急 英语】帮忙做题,高手进来!
为你解答。1、There (some ce-cream) in the refrigerator.2、There (are) some newspapers on the table.3、There (are) some birds in the tree.4、There are some pears (on) the tree.5、I have (fourteen) pears and (forty) bananas.6、To tell you (the) truth, I ...

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7 .C 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.D

1、选which是因为前提已经给出18号或者19号 问问题的这个人只是不知道18还是19中的哪一个 所以用which 如果这个人根本不知道在哪里当然应该用where了 2、what。。。that 这是个用法 没有什么原因,所有关于“。。。指的是。。。”和“。。。是。。。”都可以用what。。。that来造句 如 what i ...

祁阳县13830158117: 初一英语,帮忙做一下.急!----------------------------- - 单项选择题 - -------------------------- - 1 、1. - ____ - does the book cost? A 、How B 、How many C 、How much... -
公灵逍遥:[答案] 1 C 、How much 2 D、How far 3 D 、How much; a little 4 A 、How much ------------------------------ 单项选择题 ---------------------------- 1 、1.__c____ does the book cost?A 、How B 、How many C 、How...

祁阳县13830158117: 初一下册英语,单项选择
公灵逍遥: 4.选A,介词后面需要跟动词ing形式 6.选D.what about doing sth, 7.选B.be good at doing sth,

祁阳县13830158117: 帮我出一下初一上学期的英语单项选择20道(快点,急!!!) -
公灵逍遥: 您好!十道选择题:( B )1.What do you have____lunch? A.in B.for C.of ( C )2.-________ _Yes,she does. A.Do you like apples? B.Is it his fruit? C.Does she like fruits? ( B )3.My sister Sue likes________. A.egg and bananas and apples B.eggs,...

祁阳县13830158117: 初一英语单项选择题:( 请讲解一下) -
公灵逍遥: C 因为此题中显然需要一个形容词来修饰名词homework 而in 和on 都是介词不能修饰形容词 所以不选 而D中的a lot 应改为a lot of 或 lots of 就对了(既可以修饰不可数名词又可以修饰可数名词) C中的some是既可以修饰不可数名词又可以修饰可数名词 而homework是不可数名词 所以选C

祁阳县13830158117: 请帮忙出初一英语上学期的选择题 -
公灵逍遥: 1.What( )books do you want to read A.too B.also C.other D.any 2.My English teacher has a beautiful( ) A.look B.looking C.hair D.looks 3.He couldn`t( ) A.found B.find 4.The news made all the people( ) A.feel happy B.feel happily C. to feel happily 1...

祁阳县13830158117: 初一下册英语综合练习一:一.单项选择1.The music sounds - -- -
公灵逍遥: 1C 音乐听起来很悦耳.2B 用介词by时应为by car,中间不加修饰成分;乘坐汽车是坐在汽车里面的,所以应用介词in 3C 在电话用语中,不能出现I、you等人称代词,而应用this、that代替,4C stop to do sonething 是停下(手头正在做的)去做...

祁阳县13830158117: 几道初一英语单项选择题. -
公灵逍遥: 1考得是a,b,c,d这几个词的区别,这几个词都有 “说”的含义 A,一般作为“告诉”的时候,一般要加sb.;而作为“分辨”的时候就不用 B,强调的一般是说话的内容 C,强调的一半是说出声,比如说鹦鹉学舌,婴儿学说话的也是用speak;另外有演讲的意思 D强调的是双方的交流的,互动的 这样就可以选出来是B 2.请注意,第二个人先说了YES,然后再说想要什么 .所以上一个人应该是以一般疑问句的形式问他要什么的,所以选B3.and 连接的是两个动词,而两个动词的形式是应该一致的,let的后面的动词,一定是动词的原型,所以就算加了and,也不要加to 所以选A

祁阳县13830158117: 帮忙做份简单初一的英语试题!!高悬赏 -
公灵逍遥: 单项选择 ( B )1、Dale is my friend.I love very much. A.his B.him C.its D.he( A )2、This English girl is good. A./ B.is C.a D.an( B )3、Where are you from? I'm from . A.Huzhou B.HuZhou C.Hu zhou D.Hu Zhou( B )4、This is pencil. A.hers B.my C.it...

祁阳县13830158117: 帮忙做一道初一的英语选择题
公灵逍遥: c 谓语动词要和后面的主语一致. 望采纳,谢谢~

祁阳县13830158117: 几道初一英语的选择填空(高手来帮助一下.感谢!!!)
公灵逍遥: d,any修饰不可数名词 a,a piece of量词短语修饰good news a,take sb to do sth b,颜色转换用turn are,the smiths复数

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