
作者&投稿:平易 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(39)At Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐馆

Fast food restaurants are popular in the United States for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. You order your food and take it to a table yourself. If you order your food "to go", you take it out of the restaurant. Tipping is not necessary in this kind of restaurant.

美国的快餐馆因快速供应便宜的饭菜和小吃而深受欢迎。 你得自己定购食品,自己端到餐桌上。 如果你定购"带走"的食品,你还可以拿出店外。在这种餐馆里无需付小费。

1.A: What would you like to eat?

B: I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato.

A: How about something to drink?

B: A Coke, please.

A: OK. I'll see if I can get waited on.

2.A: What do you want?

B: I think I'll have a piece of apple pie.

A: Do you want something to drink?

B: Coffee would be fine.

A: OK. Sit down and I'll get it.

3.A: What are you going to have?

B: I'll try a steak sandwich.

A: Can I get you anything to drink?

B: Yes, I'd like a chocolate shake.

A: That sounds good. I think I'll have the same.

4.A: What can I get you?

B: A cheeseburger and an order of french fries would be great.

A: Would you like anything to drink?

B: I feel like having a Coke.

A: That's a good idea. I think I'll join you.

(38)At Dinner 吃晚餐

Dinner time varies somewhat in the United States. In small towns it may be as early as 5:00, while in large cities it may be as late as 9:00. It's best to call for a reservation in expensive or well-known restaurants.


1.A: Would you like to order now?

B: Yes. I'll have the shrimp cocktail to start.

A: What would you like for your main course?

B: I'll have a sirloin steak, medium rare.

2.A: May I take your order?

B: Yes. I'd like a cup of onion soup.

A: And what would you like after that?

B: I'd like the roast chicken, please.

3.A: Are you ready to order?

B: Yes. I'll have the fresh fruit cocktail.

A: And for your entree?

B: I think I'll try the broiled sole.

4.A: Have you decided what you'd like?

B: Yes. First I'll have tomato juice.

A: And then?

B: I'll have the lamb chops, well-done, please.

(37)At Lunch 吃午餐

Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00. Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada.

午餐通常从中午供应到下午两点。 在美国和加拿大, 三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。

1.A: Please have another sandwich.

B: Thank you, but I really can't eat any more.

A: You're going to have dessert, aren't you?

B: Well, I'll join you if you're having something.

2.A: You'll finish the chicken, won't you?

B: No, thank you. I'm trying to cut down.

A: Aren't you going to have dessert?

B: No, thank you. I just can't eat any more.

3.A: Would you like some more soup?

B: No, thank you. It's delicious, but I've had enough.

A: Would you like soem dessert?

B: Well, maybe I'll have just a small piece of pie.

4.A: Can't you eat the rest of the salad?

B: No, thanks. I'm supposed to be on a diet.

A: Why don't we have something for dessert?

B: I really shouldn't, but I'll have a little ice cream.

1.A:What's this in English?
B:It's a key.
A:Spell it,please.
A:Whay color is it?
B:It's red.
2.A:Let's play soccer.
B:That sounds good.
A:Do you have a soccer ball?
B:No,I don't.But I have a basketball.Let's play basketball.
A:Ok,let's play.
3A:What kind of movies do you like?
B:I like action movies.
A:Why do you like they?
B:They're exciting.
1.A:Excuse me.Is there a bank in the neighborhood?
B:Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn right.It's down Long Street.It's next to a hotel.
A:Thank you very much.
B:You're welcome.
2.A:Let's see the pandas.
B:Why do you like pandas?
A:Because they're cute.
B:Well,I like koalas.
A:Why do you like koalas?
B:Because they're very intereting.
3.A:What do you do?
B:I am a waiter.
A:What do you want to be?
B:I want to be a teacher.
4.A:What did you do last weekend?
B:I went to the beach.
A:How was your weekend?
B:It was great.
5.A:What do you think of Enlish Today?
B:I love it.
A:How about Chinese Cooking?
B:Oh,I can't stand it.Cooking is for moms!

T:Oh,my god!What's the matter with you?Why you can't walk?
A:well,I ran too fast that my left leg was broken.
J:Let's go to the hospital.

Doctor:It is not very serious.
A:But I feel not well.
D:You should stay at home for a week with no exercise.
T:You mean that he can't go to school.
D:you're right.
A:Great,I don't like to go to school.
J:It is not good,Allen.
D:You should take this medicine three times a day.Don't forget!
A:I'm sorry to hear that. 我还找到:At Fast Food Restaurant 在快餐馆 Fast food restaurants are popular in the United States for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. You order your food and take it to a table yourself. If you order your food "to go", you take it out of the restaurant. Tipping is not necessary in this kind of restaurant. 美国的快餐馆因快速供应便宜的饭菜和小吃而深受欢迎。 你得自己定购食品,自己端到餐桌上。 如果你定购"带走"的食品,你还可以拿出店外。在这种餐馆里无需付小费。 1.A: What would you like to eat? B: I'd like a hamburger with lettuce and tomato. A: How about something to drink? B: A Coke, please. A: OK. I'll see if I can get waited on. 2.A: What do you want? B: I think I'll have a piece of apple pie. A: Do you want something to drink? B: Coffee would be fine. A: OK. Sit down and I'll get it. 3.A: What are you going to have? B: I'll try a steak sandwich. A: Can I get you anything to drink? B: Yes, I'd like a chocolate shake. A: That sounds good. I think I'll have the same. 4.A: What can I get you? B: A cheeseburger and an order of french fries would be great. A: Would you like anything to drink? B: I feel like having a Coke. A: That's a good idea. I think I'll join you. (38)At Dinner 吃晚餐 Dinner time varies somewhat in the United States. In small towns it may be as early as 5:00, while in large cities it may be as late as 9:00. It's best to call for a reservation in expensive or well-known restaurants. 在美国吃晚餐的时间不尽相同。在小城镇可能早在下午五点就吃晚餐,而在大城市可能晚到九点才吃。如果上高级餐厅或有名的饭店去吃晚饭,最好是先打电话预定。 1.A: Would you like to order now? B: Yes. I'll have the shrimp cocktail to start. A: What would you like for your main course? B: I'll have a sirloin steak, medium rare. 2.A: May I take your order? B: Yes. I'd like a cup of onion soup. A: And what would you like after that? B: I'd like the roast chicken, please. 3.A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. I'll have the fresh fruit cocktail. A: And for your entree? B: I think I'll try the broiled sole. 4.A: Have you decided what you'd like? B: Yes. First I'll have tomato juice. A: And then? B: I'll have the lamb chops, well-done, please. (37)At Lunch 吃午餐 Lunch is usually served between noon and 2:00. Sandwiches are a very popular quick lunch in both the United States and Canada. 午餐通常从中午供应到下午两点。 在美国和加拿大, 三明治是极大众化的午间快餐食品。 1.A: Please have another sandwich. B: Thank you, but I really can't eat any more. A: You're going to have dessert, aren't you? B: Well, I'll join you if you're having something. 2.A: You'll finish the chicken, won't you? B: No, thank you. I'm trying to cut down. A: Aren't you going to have dessert? B: No, thank you. I just can't eat any more. 3.A: Would you like some more soup? B: No, thank you. It's delicious, but I've had enough. A: Would you like soem dessert? B: Well, maybe I'll have just a small piece of pie. 4.A: Can't you eat the rest of the salad? B: No, thanks. I'm supposed to be on a diet. A: Why don't we have something for dessert? B: I really shouldn't, but I'll have a little ice cream.

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