
作者&投稿:励步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The CMA 主语is mainly concerned被动式谓语 in supporting the generation of functional independence requirements状语表方面,
while the ZSA and PRA主语 support谓语 (physical independence requirements and the aircraft’s protection)宾语 from internal and external threats状语.

I 主语like 谓语 bananas宾语
He 主语 is 系动词 a good 定语 boy 表语

此句的主要成分为the deal was a welcome development,是主系表结构。
主语是the deal。另外,was是系动词,a welcome development为表语,二者构成谓语。
on Monday是时间状语,修饰主语the deal。
“for the financial advisers involved in a year starved for deal activity”,是状语,for是介词,其后“the financial advisers (involved in a year starved for deal activity)”是介词for的宾语,组成介宾短语。
“involved in a year starved for deal activity”是过去分词短语,做后置定语,修饰介宾短语“the financial advisers”,其中“involved”是过去分词。
“the financial advisers involved in a year starved for deal activity”相当于定语从句,即the financial advisers (who were) involved in a year starved for deal activity”。

主语是deal,谓语就是was,a development是表语,for……是状语

哪位大神能帮忙分析下面一段英语的语法结构呢?Another way of re...
Another way of resolving conflict 是主语 is by adorning a compromising attitude 是系表 Such an attitude says 是主谓to oneself and to others 是状语that it is good to be fair to both sides of the conflict是宾语。Such people 是主语are ready to listen to是 谓语the arguments on bot...

Such a simple request.本句为 It was such a simple request 的省略。But what ran through my mind was that if I touched him, I could lose my job.◎ 本句为多重复合句 第一重(全句)【主语从句】what ran through my mind 【表语从句】that if I touched him, I could lose my ...

more:更多的是 what the students ''say'' or write to one another,or the way they incorporate their work and career ideas into their papers and debates with each other,is more practically inspiring than any help I could provide them with. 这句中what引导的主语从句的连接词,is才...

译文:"让我感到难受的不是准许她不上体育课这件事 – 反正谁会愿意跟她一队?让我感到难受的是不管是谁,只要他还有那个心思去看她一眼就知道那根本就不是由于什么哮喘或脚软或“太过娇嫩”使她无法上课。"What bugged me about it 主语从句 was 系动词 that anyone … would know that it wa...

and或and that有时指“而且”。 My fan is a present from a friend, and (that) a recent present.我的风扇是来自一个朋友的礼物,而且,还是最近收到的。用and连接的两个或两个以上的名词等,常因合成一个概念,而作单数看待。Going to bed early and getting up early is a good habit.a...

Selling styles(主语,复数) differ(谓语,现在时) in many ways(状语) but(表转折) one fundamental difference(主语,单数) if(应该是is吧,系动词做谓语) between the sales-oriented and the customer-oriented approach(between ...and...整个做表语).The first one(主语,单数) ...

the officer,是真正的主语 with his strongly built form and slight air of superiority ,是定语,修饰主语“the officer”made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.是句子的谓语部分结构。以上部分是第一句话。The area(主语) was (be动词)one(表语) that kept early hours(that从句...

① He thought for a long time. 他想了很长一段时间。② My mother likes making dumplings.我妈妈喜欢包饺子。③ You can tell me the story in your own words. 你可以用自己的话,把这个故事讲给我听。④ I think it easy to learn to fly a kite. 我觉得学放风筝很容易。⑤ You ...

也会比较恰当。it'll be appropriate for you(这里是一个形式主语)这段话的大意应该不难理解,但是因为中国人思维方式和外国人不太一样,所以句子之间的关系不太容易分析。如果都是一些单句,也许会容易理解分析结构。单词的意思就不要我解释了,只强调一个address,对...致辞,及物动词。

now and then to cast his watchful eye down the peaceful street,the officer,with his strongly built form and slight air of superiority ,made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace 当中 主句基本结构是the officer made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace 主语 officer 动词...

荷塘区17818565548: 请大神帮我分析一下下面句子的结构,就是分析主谓宾,定状补成分I have decided to place an order of some books . -
潜锦麦道:[答案] 这是一个 用现在完成时时态 接动词不定式的句子 主语——I 谓语——decide (原形) to place an order of some books——不定式 place an order of 固定词组(预订 做后半部句子的谓语) some books 宾语 some——定语 这个句子结构比较简单 是一...

荷塘区17818565548: 帮我分析下几个英文句子的成分,也就是主谓宾定状补了...1.her dress had split along the seam.2.she spat in his face and went out.3.what breed is your dog.4.... -
潜锦麦道:[答案] her dress 主 had 谓 split宾 along the seam补she 主 spat in 谓 his face 宾 and went out 状what breed 宾 is 谓 your dog 主there主 are 谓 three candidates 宾 standing in the election 补

荷塘区17818565548: 帮忙分析一下英语句子,主谓宾状定 -
潜锦麦道: 解答:我非常高兴你终于在三天之类到来了.I(主语)am(谓语) so glad(宾语) that you're finally comeing in three days.(宾语从句) 谢谢

荷塘区17818565548: 急求 帮忙分析一下 这段英文里每句的句子结构 就是主谓宾 什么做状语做定语什么的 要细一点 -
潜锦麦道: 句子成分逐句分析如下:But 【he 主语】【paid谓语 】【no attention宾语】.【He主语】【 stood谓语 】【in front of me介词短语,作地点状语】,【for as long as he stood at the other tables介词短语,时间状语】,【looking at me with tragic eyes ...

荷塘区17818565548: 一个英语句子,帮我分析下主谓宾 -
潜锦麦道: 银行如果不以能够吸引买家的价格评估不良资产,银行系统的复苏将会非常困难.unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers状语从句,reviving the banking system主语 will be difficult系表结构作谓语

荷塘区17818565548: 帮忙分析下这个英语句子?The air itself around the point of explosion began to burn.分析句子构成(主谓宾定状补) -
潜锦麦道:[答案] The air(主) itself(同位语) 《around the point of explosion》(定语-介词短语) began(谓语动词) -to burn(宾语--不定式).

荷塘区17818565548: 请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!
潜锦麦道: 保证答案准确率! 句子主干是一个主系表结构,即:主语The subject + 谓语(系动词is + 表语a subject). 介宾短语of life and death是主语the subject的后置定语; of interest也是介宾短语做表语a subject的后置定语; to scientists and philosphers亦是介宾短语做interest的后置定语. 副词alike做状语. 句子翻译为:生死轮回是一个对于科学家和哲学家来说同样感兴趣的课题.

荷塘区17818565548: 英语主谓宾及句子分析 -
潜锦麦道: 组成句子的各个部分叫句子成分.英语句子成分有主语,谓语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,定语,状语等. 顺序一般是主语,谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,而表语,定语,状语的位置要根据情况而定. 1、主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物...

荷塘区17818565548: 帮忙分析一下英语句子,主谓宾状定I'm so glad that you're finally comeing in three days.coming -
潜锦麦道:[答案] 我非常高兴你终于在三天之类到来了.I(主语)am(谓语) so glad(宾语) that you're finally comeing in three days.(宾语从句)

荷塘区17818565548: 请高人帮忙分析下面句子的主谓宾定状补. 越详细越好.谢谢!The cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike. -
潜锦麦道:[答案] 保证答案准确率!句子主干是一个主系表结构,即:主语The subject + 谓语(系动词is + 表语a subject).介宾短语of life and death是主语the subject的后置定语;of interest也是介宾短语做表语a subject的后置定语;t...

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