
作者&投稿:贰萱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
连词成句 1、 sing, my, l, sister, and, dance~

1/My sister and I sing and dance.

What can you do?

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


I can sing and dance.

I can sing and dance.

I can sing and dance.

can ,he ,a ,sing ,songs ,of ,lot ,nice 连词成句
He can sing a lot of nice songs.

you ,can ,what,I,sing,sing,can连词成句
You can sing what I can sing. 你可以唱我可以唱的。或 \/ I can sing what you can sing. 我可以唱你可以唱的。

这个句子连成一句话,Do you often sing songs under the trees? 翻译成汉语的意思是,你经常在大树下面唱歌吗?因为这个句子有谓语,而且有助动词,所以应该是一个一般疑问句,对应的回答可以用yes或者no回答。句子的结构是主谓宾加地点状语。时态一般现在时。

I will sing the song for her birthday.

Robim can sing the birthday song.

Have you ever sung in public?

一、sing基本释义及用法介绍 1、sing作为动词,意为唱(歌);演唱;鸣;啼;啼啭;呜呜作响;发嗖嗖声。例句:I just can't sing in tune!我一唱就走调!Now I'd like to sing a song by the Beatles.现在我来唱一首披头士乐队的歌。The birds were singing outside my window.鸟儿在我窗外啼啭...

Yes,I can sing and play the guitar .

英语连词成句加看图完成对话 。急
1.I'm going to play the violin.2.They are going to have a lot of fun.3.The lion dance is interesting.4.Su Yang is going to the Summer Palace with me.5.It is nice to see you.1.the National ;going to sing, dance to go 2.Thanksgiving traditional important festival ar...

He can sing in English 希望能帮到你。我等着你采纳哟,不明还可以追问的,嘻嘻!

福泉市17890117108: 连词成句 sport,can,what,play,you ) club,wants,连词成句 sport,can,what,play,you ) club,wants,join,English,the,Bob,to (.) sing,dance,she,can,and (.) he,is,at,... -
郴沫醋酸:[答案] what sport can you play? Bob wants to join the English club she can sing and dance He is good at telling very good stories What club do you want to join

福泉市17890117108: 连词成句 sing,dance,I,can,and -
郴沫醋酸: 您好!I can sing and dance. 我能唱歌和跳舞.

福泉市17890117108: jane andjill dance sing连词成句 -
郴沫醋酸: Jane and Jill are dancing and singing.

福泉市17890117108: sam you dance can sing and连词成句 -
郴沫醋酸: Can you sing and dance,Sam? 这是一个一般疑问句. 意思是说:SAM你能唱歌跳舞吗?Yes, i can. No, i can't.

福泉市17890117108: 连词成句 1、 sing, my, l, sister, and, dance -
郴沫醋酸: 1/My sister and I sing and dance.

福泉市17890117108: Kitty sing can and dance 连词成句 !!! -
郴沫醋酸: Kitty sing can and dance 连词成句:Kitty can sing and dance kitty 能歌善舞

福泉市17890117108: 英语连词成句
郴沫醋酸: 1.What time does school start? 2.Would you like to go shopping? 3.We usually eat noodles at the weekend. 4.my mum never makes dumplings1.I can swim very fast. 2.The robot can dance and sing.The robot can sing and dance. 3.Can you talk with us? 4.Summer terms usually start in July.

福泉市17890117108: 英语连词成句 they,often,after,class,dance,sing,and(.) -
郴沫醋酸: They often sing and dance after class.

福泉市17890117108: can robot sing dance the and 连词成句 -
郴沫醋酸: Can the robot sing and dance?或 The robot can sing and dance.

福泉市17890117108: 连词成句project, I, to, money, for, Hope, want, raise -
郴沫醋酸: I want to raise money for Hope project.我想为希望工程捐钱 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Her hari style was popular in 1990s 他的头形在20世纪90年代很流行

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