it is adj for sb to do sth与it is adj of sb to do sth有何区别

作者&投稿:祗重 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
it is +adj+for sb to do sth与it is+adj+of sb to do sth有何区别~

用for 是因为前面的adj是来描述do后面的sth.
用of 的话,adj就用来形容sb的
it is adj of sb to do,这里的形容词是形容人的性格特征的,如nice,kind clever,foolish,smart,都是形容人的,
it is adj for sb to do就是普通的形容词,如hard,impossible,important

it is+adj+for sb to do...
it is+adj+of sb to do ....的含义及区别
It is kind of you to help me.你能帮我太好了.(kind 形容的是you)
It is beneficial for you to do sports.运动对你有益.(beneficial形容的是do sports)
二.表达含义: is+adj+for sb. 就是“做…对某人(for sb)来说怎么样(adj)” is+adj+of sb. 就是“某人做…(of sb)怎么样(adj)”
三.辨析:it is+adj+for sb和it is+adj+of sb.
①“It’s +adj.+of+sb.+不定式”表示“某人(做某事)怎么样” 一般用表示人物的性格,品德.表示主观感情或态度的形容词.若形容词是描述逻辑主语(行为者即of后的sb)的性格、品质特征的形容词. 这个adj.是用来形容sb.的.
of后的宾语能与前面的形容词构成主表关系. 这类形容词有:
lazy(懒惰的), right(正直的)
wise, clever, nice, kind, silly,
rude, wrong, right, foolish,
natural, stupid, bad, brave,
cruel, honest,naughty,wise,rude等.例如:
It’s very kind of you to help me.(=You are very kind to help me.)你能帮助我,真好.
It's very kind of you to look after my cat.你能照看我的猫,真好.
It’s kind of you to say so.(=You are kind to say so)
It’s very rude of her to say such words.(=She is very rude to say such words.)她说这样的话,真粗鲁.
It’s foolish of him to go alone.(=He is foolish to go alone.)他单独出去太傻了.
It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了.
It’s clever of you to work out the maths problem. It's very kind of you to look after my cat.
It’s foolish of you to do that.
It’s wrong of the other children to make fun of you.
②“It’s+adj.+for+sb.+不定式”表示“做某事对某人来说怎么样”.常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词.若形容词是描述做的事情(即adj描述的是to do),不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,用for sb.这类形容词有:
right(正确的) likely(可能的)等,例如:
It’s not easy for them to learn a foreign language.(=To learn a foreign language is not easy for them.)
It's very hard for him to study two languages(=To study two languages is very hard for him).
It’s very important for students to listen to teachers carefully.(=To listen to teachers carefully is very important for students.)对于学生来说上课认真听老师讲课是非常重要的.
It’s necessary for us to get to school on time.(=To get to school on time is necessary for us.)
It’s important for her to come to the party.=It is important that she should come to the party.
It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险.
It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难.
③注意:for 与of 的辨别方法:
It is+adj+for sb to do. adj应该是对做这件事的评价;
It is+adj+of sb to do sth. adj应该是对做这件事的人的评价,adj多用形容人的.
①It is +adj+for sb to do sth. 形容词(for前的)是多用来形容一件事情(动词不定式所表示的动作),
即修饰的是 to do sth. adj是do sth.的属性; sb.跟adj.没有直接联系. for是指干谋事会如何.
It's plesant for us to take a walk after supper.
②It is+adj+of sb to do sth. 形容词(of前的)是多用来形容人的;修饰的是介词of后面接的宾语. sb.跟adj.
It's very difficult for me to do it. (difficult 指事情很难)
It's very kind of you to do it for me. (kind指人的品质好)
It is more convenient for him to walk directly.对他来说,直接走过来比较便捷. (convenient 指事情很便捷)
It is clever of him to come down without ropes.他很聪明,不用绳子就能下来. (convenient 指指人很聪明)
句子结构:“逻辑主语+be+形容词”.即 adj to do sth (不定式作句子的状语).
It is good for you to look at this book. 是说: ....对你有好处. 看这本书对你有好处.
It is nice of you to give me such advice.是说: 你很好,感激你给我提供建议.
It is nice of you to help me. 提取you与nice 可构成you are nice. (通顺,所以应用of).
It's very kind of you to help me. 提取you与kind可构成you are kind. (通顺,所以应用of).
It is good for you to look at this book.提取you与good可构成you are good(有好处的). (不通,所以应用for)
It is hard for him to study two languages. 提取he与hard可构成he is hard(困难的). (不通,所以应用for)
of sb. 的句型通常都可转换为不定式作状语的句子,但for sb.句型不可以.
It’s very nice of you to offer me a seat.
= You are nice to offer me a seat. 十分感谢你给我让座.
It is careless of him to lose so many things.
= He is careless to lose so many things. 他丢了这么多东西,真是太粗心了.
It’s very important for you to practise your oral English in daily life.

  在“It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth."与"It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth."两个句型中,介词用for还是of应根据作表语的形容词的词义特点和说话人的侧重而定。


  1. It's important for us to stay healthy. 保持身体健康对我们来说很重要。

    (本句子中的important说明的是to stay healthy的特性,即句子侧重的是说“To stay healthy is imprtant.”)

  2. It's necessary for him to learn Chinese well.学好汉语对他来说很有必要。

    (本句子中的necessary说明的是to learn Chinese well的特性,即句子侧重的是说“To learn Chinese well is necessary.”)

    注意:与介词for搭配的往往是表示事物的特性的形容词,如important,necessary, difficult, easy, hard, possible等。


  1. It's kind of you to help me.你帮助我真是太好了。

    (句中的kind是用来说明you的特征,即句子侧重说得是“You are kind.”)

  2. It was foolish of her not to follow her mother's advice.她不听妈妈的劝告是愚蠢的。

    (句中的foolish是用来说明her的特征,即句子侧重说得是“ She is foolish.”)

    注意:与介词of搭配的往往是表示人物的内在品质特征或行为表现的形容词,如kind, polite, stupid, foolish, brave, clever, wise, careful, lazy, rude, honest等。

  三、 当形容词即可表示事物的特性,又可表示人物的内在品质特征或行为表现时,用for或of都可以,这主要是根据说话人所强调的重点来确定。例如:

  Lincoln said that it was not right for the South to break away from the Union. 林肯说南方从合众国分裂出去是不对的。

  (此句子中用的是for,这强调的是“to break away from the Union”这一行为;如果用of,强调的就是“the South”。林肯在演讲时的重点显然是强烈谴责分裂国家的行为。)

  注意:即可用for也可以用of的形容词常有good,wrong, right, nice等。

It is+adj.+of sb. +to do sth中的adj.跟sb.有关,
你会发现在这个句型中你把sb.和adj.提出来可以造个句sb. is(are) adj.
如It's very kind of you to help me.
把里面的sb.和adj.提出来可以发现you are kind是说得通的.

而It is +adj.+for sb.+to do sth表示做某事对某人来说很adj.
这里的adj.是do sth.的属性
如It's difficult for you to deal with the problem.

of是指品质方面的,如:kind. friendly等,而其他的都是用for

长宁区18022315767: it is +adj+for sb. -
钱纪谷氨: i am glad to help you. 主谓语是 i am,it is +adj+for/of sb.里的真正的主语其实不是it,这句话一般省略了后面的,完整的是这样的:it is so kind of you to help me .后面的you to help me才是真正 的主语,但是句首又不能没有主语,所以用it作形式主语,it指的内容是you to help me.你觉得语法难懂的话用中文意思去理解也可以, 我很高兴帮你.这明显“我高兴”是主谓语,你帮我真是太好了.明显是说“你帮我”这个行为太好了,它是主语.若有其它高手解释,欢迎指正不足.谢谢.

长宁区18022315767: it is+adj+for sb和it is+adj+of sb有什么区别?最好有例句 -
钱纪谷氨: 形容词不同,介词就不一样,如果形容词是用来形容人的时候,就用of.如:kind nice honest 如果是其它形容词就用for,如: possible,likely

长宁区18022315767: It is +adj+for sb.+to do sth. 与 It is +adj +of sb.+to do sth. 的区别? -
钱纪谷氨: 1.“It is time for……”表示“是……时候了”.句中介词for后接名词或代词作宾语. 如:It's time for school.是上学的时候了. 2.“It's time to do sth.”表示“是做某事的时候了”.此句常与上句替换使用. 如:It is time for us to ...

长宁区18022315767: it's+adj.+of +sb. it's +adj.+for sb.这两句的用法 -
钱纪谷氨: 如果形容词是表示【人】的品质特点的, 用of, 如:It is wise( kind/ nice/ brave/ stupid...) of sb to do sth 如果形容词是说明【事情】的属性特点的, 用for, 如:It is hard( easy/ difficult/ possible/ necessary...) for sb to do sth 如不明白请追问,要是满意请【采纳】 祝学习进步

长宁区18022315767: it is +adj +for sb +to do 造句 写翻译 -
钱纪谷氨:[答案] It is important for you to study hard. 刻苦学习对你来说很重要

长宁区18022315767: it is adj for sb to do sth与it is adj of sb to do sth有何区别 -
钱纪谷氨: 在“It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth."与"It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth."两个句型中,介词用for还是of应根据作表语的形容词的词义特点和说话人的侧重而定.一、当形容词是说明不定式的特性时,要用介词for,也就是说不定式(短语)与形容词...

长宁区18022315767: it is+adj+for sb和it is+adj+of 有什么区别 -
钱纪谷氨: 表示人的情感品质的形容词如kind作表语时 用of, 其它形容词作表语用for sb It is kind of you to say so. It is easy for me to do it.

长宁区18022315767: It's+adj+forsb+todo是什么句型 -
钱纪谷氨: 你好,这个是一个主系表结构的句子,句型属于肯定句.其中不定式或不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语,避免头重脚轻,这时大多构成“It is + 形容词(+for sb.)不定式”结构.It is impossible for him to give up smoking.但也可能用于其它...

长宁区18022315767: It is +adj +to do 有这个句型么?It is +adj+for sb to do sth 与 2.It is+adj+of sb to do sth, -
钱纪谷氨:[答案] 都有的,详细看下面 若形容词是描述不定式行为者的性格、品质的,如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.. It's very kind of you to help me.你能帮我,真好. It's clever of you to work out the maths problem. 你真聪明,...

长宁区18022315767: it is adj to还是for sth -
钱纪谷氨: it is +adj.+forIt sb. +to do sth. 强调的是动词不定式,前边就用for sb.比如:It is important for us to study English. 也有It is +adj. +of sb. to do sth. 强调sb.时,就用of. 比如: It is very kind of you to help me with my English.强调的是你好,所以用of, 至于你说的sth.前,一定要接动词不定式形式, to do sth.


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