英语新概念2的问题 高手进

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英语新概念2的问题 高手进~

1. deny 是否认,不承认的意思。denied是它的过去式
2.这里考察的并不是你说的关于want的固定词组,而是省略句,补全后是 It did not want to welcome the New Year.按照语法,在省略时,to是不可以省的

Joe Sanders has the best garden in our town. He wins "the Nicest Garden Competition" each year. Bill Frith also has a fine garden, but Joe's garden is better. The writer's garden is terrible,and he always wins a prize for the worst garden in the town.

his 是形容词性物主代词
C of 两面是相同成分,因为前面没有词所以后面不能直接跟名词性物主代词。
of his own 可以表示 his 的名词性物主代词

OF后面可以加物主代词,如:a bag of mine,暗示我有许多包,这是其中一个.

My name is ...
This is mine.
所以The garage is his.=His garage is this.
The garage is of his. 可以解释为他所拥有的garages中的一个.与上一句Mr.Scott has a garage.不相符合.

引用:“of 后面能加名词也能加物主代词 去看看初中的书。。”


of后面不加物主代词的吧~~of 后面都加名词的~

满洲里市15974647645: 新概念2小题 高手进 谢谢大家
佟蚂硫酸: 1.getting 2.surprised 3. is played 4. rains

满洲里市15974647645: 十万火急!!高手进来!帮忙解决一下新概念第二册的英语题!!!
佟蚂硫酸: Now the famous macaroni-eating competition has been started.There are six copetitors,who are all very fat,as you may know their past achievements are very famous,each one of them can eat huge quantity of macaroni ,now the huge quantity of ...

满洲里市15974647645: 英语高手请进,一个很纠结的问题.在新概念英语二第178页第十行有个a relative of the patient,我想问下为什么不用patient's呢?我查资料知道说 我父亲的一... -
佟蚂硫酸:[答案] 是Then Dr. Millington asked the caller if he was a relative of the patient.这句话吧?if引导的条件状语从句he was a relative of the patient指的是打电话的人是否是病人呢的家属,a relative of the patient 指的是家属中的其中一个,强调的是这个病人的亲...

满洲里市15974647645: 新概念英语第二册问题 -
佟蚂硫酸: Do you want some butter? 在表示征求他人意见,是否要吃、喝什么时,用不定代词some,或something. 如:Would you like some suger in your coffee?Could I drink some tea ,mum? 当表示“一些”时,some常常用于肯定句,any常常用于否...

满洲里市15974647645: 英语新概念2的问题 高手进 -
佟蚂硫酸: 1. deny 是否认,不承认的意思.denied是它的过去式2.这里考察的并不是你说的关于want的固定词组,而是省略句,补全后是 It did not want to welcome the New Year.按照语法,在省略时,to是不可以省的

满洲里市15974647645: 英语高手帮忙解答新概念二问题
佟蚂硫酸: Imagine their surprise and delight(祈使句) when(when引导的时间状语从句) they broke open(break open是个动词短语意思是 打开,在这你就把它们看做是一个动词) the packing cases and(下面是从句中的并列句后面的found这个动词与break open这个动词短语是并列的) found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey-still in perpect(这个单词大错了吧,应该是perfect吧!) condition

满洲里市15974647645: 新概念英语第二册学习问题,时态,语法不过关.请学习过的高手解答. -
佟蚂硫酸: 英语语法学习要明白两点.一是概念,另一个就是结构.英语的时态是汉语没有的,因此很多中国学习英语的人士在刚开始学习英语时态时感到很迷惑,建议你先从概念入手,(因为结构是固有的,是不会改变的,也许再下去100年都不会变)...

满洲里市15974647645: 求几道新概念2的英语题!英语专家进!1.模仿例句,改写下面句子.例句:I haven't any eggs.I haven't got many eggs.He hasn't any coffee.He hasn't got much ... -
佟蚂硫酸:[答案] 1.They haven't got much stationery.(注意的是stationery是不可数名词,所以用much) 2.shall是无法缩写的 3.more pretty(pretty三音节,加more) 4wives(两个人,所以妻子用复数)

满洲里市15974647645: 新概念2题目 高手必进 谢谢大家
佟蚂硫酸: 你好,我是多年新概念教学经验的老师.希望给出的答案对你有帮助. 1、I didn't go to bed until 10 o'clock last night. 2、I was sitting in front of them. 3、He is having a class. 4、what's the weather today. 5、I am interested in the book. 6、i had a good meal. 7、How beautiful the girl is! 8、His sister doesn't like bananas .

满洲里市15974647645: 新概念2题目 高手进 谢谢
佟蚂硫酸: rudely, bear repeat outside attention angry, angrily until ringing aunt business theatre

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