典范711故事梗概 有好评!!

作者&投稿:爨孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A boy called Ernie saw a ghost ship floating about in the school playground, but no one besides of Ernie, Mrs Wiggins and Jade could see it and the captain of the ship - Captain Pegleg. He came here to find his ghost treasure, Ernie and Jade wanted to help him.
The next day, they carried a spade and abig bag, with the metal detector in it, They were so upset because they knowed that Captain Pegleg and ship couldn't leave without his ghost treasure. They watched the treasure map and started to find out the treasure.
They used Jade's father's metal detector, because it would go ping when it near the treasure, They looked for the treasure but they didn't find it again and again.
At last, they found the treasure, It was a chest, and filled with gold, It shone brightly,Finally Captain Pegleg went away, and everything had a wonderful ending.


Grace the pirate
This story is minaly about a pirate called Grace. First of all, she was really unlucky because she was surrounded by the pirate. And the rules didn't allow woman on the pirate ship. So she was tossed on board and sent to the nearest island. But she was really tough ,and she made her own house, looked for food by herself. She even got nanny to give her milk. But one day when she explored the island, she found an skeleton. She was really scared but she also found a piece of paper. And she found the treasure by reading the paper. There was sparkled pearls and glittered coins. But after that the pirate ship came back, the first mate asked her to be the captain. And she took the charge of the ship. The first thing she did is take equal shares of her treasure. And we can see she was really forward-looking. And in the battle next ,he won all crew's respect. So they sailed over the high sea.

不求楼主选为满意回答,留给出Air-raid 的兄弟

Houses are very different.Some are huge and have gold swimming pools.Pop stares live in those.Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory.Franklin Gates lives in one of those.Number three,Stanley Streer,to be exact.
Some people might think,"I want a house with a swimming pool,"But not Franklin.
He loved living on Stanley Street.Everyone was friendly.All his mates were there and the smells from the pie factory,delicious!There was just one problem.Franklin's mum and dad wanted to move.His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom.

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