求几段英翻西, 需要人工翻译 语法一定要正确~ 谢谢大家!

作者&投稿:泰芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The reason why the earth is round is because god wants to bring those who are lost together again.
We have encountered so many difficulties, which made us more mature but at the same time made us lose our courage.
It is only when we are trapped, will the inner potential be stimulated, and thus stronger and braver will we become.
Most of the time, we have to be stronger than we really want to.
We put aside our dignity, personality and persistency, simply for the sake of someone we can’t let go.

The reason I want to go to the university of Portsmouth is becasue it is a great university of England. and there are a lot of Chinese students, making it easier to communicate in everyday life. To get a degree in the universith of Portsmouth, I will do my best to learn and understand every key concept taught to my highest extent. As a well reknown accademy of science, engineering, comerce, social science and various other fields of expertise, well focused on the qualities of teaching and scientific developments, ranking third in medicine across entire England, top ten in architechture and language,great reputations in various other subjects such as electronic and communication, I believe all these reasons are making me want to attend the university of Portmouth already!
Attending the university of Portmouth, through high grades in my subjects and obtained my degree, allowing me to get a great high salary job that leads to a wonderful life, not worrying about food and shealter, and constantly working for my future, as my first step! During the time I study in university in England, I will try very hard in my learning, on top of that, I will also develop my interests in sporting. making my brain work with better fluency, both the left and the right side increasing my efficency in my learing. I hope to become a lawer, because the society nowdays is not as beautiful as we would like to think of it, a lot of unfairness happen and i believe a more fair pattern is needed to keep the society more harmonious, so I want to become a lawer, making the society more fair and just!


1。海伦和她的丈夫要去广场购买食物,因为没有他们的冷冻食品。 2。爱丽丝和她的朋友去skiiy因为今天是假日,有快乐。 3.Tom是烹调食物,因为今天是他的女友的生日,他想给她一个惊喜。 4。家庭是前往神奇世界。因为孩子想去这个地方。它是儿童的乐趣。 5.it是8:00病人:米,但今天贝蒂有很多的家庭作业,这样做贝蒂是在卧室里了。 6.Heidy的姐姐将她回家,所以heidy是烹调食物给她,和她的妹妹想吃面条。 7。 Tim的卧室是如此杂乱,所以他需要清理。 8。露西很喜欢花,所以她总是去照顾她的朋友的花园。 1. Ellen y su marido se va a la plaza a comprar comida, porque no hay comida en su congelador. 2. Alicia y sus amigos van skiiy porque hoy es un día de fiesta, y no eran felices. 3.Tom es la cocción de alimentos, porque hoy es el cumpleaos de su novia, que quiere darle una sorpresa. 4. La familia es ir a la Maravilla del Mundo. Debido a que los nios querían ir a este lugar. es divertido para los nios. 5.it es a las 8:00 p: m, pero en la actualidad Betty tiene un montón de trabajo a domicilio, por lo que Betty está haciendo en el dormitorio. 6.Heidy hermana 's va a su casa, por lo que es Heidy cocinar la comida para ella y su hermana quiere comer fideos. 7. dormitorio de Tim es tan desordenada, por lo que necesita para limpiarla. 8. Lucy le gusta las flores en gran medida, por lo que siempre van a cuidar el jardín de su amigo.

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邲沫济迪: 1. I love swimming very much, I remember that when I was in fourth grade, I went to swim with my father. I didn't dare to get into the water at the beginning, and my father coaxed me to do it. I was choked by water when in the water, but I gradually liked ...

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