
作者&投稿:长兴实 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Yesterday, I went to school to learn to learn brother. School profile schools, cultural atmosphere, so that all of our colleagues amazed. A Jinjiao, everyone was shocked and tidy campus. This is a township school, the campus can keep so clean, it was the number of support staff in order to achieve this cleanliness ah? When we asked this question, the school's headmaster told us that the school's health, green only a janitor in doing this work. Headmaster's answer shocked us again, which is amazing. One detail I have to mention that the school toilets actually have toilet paper, and then we visited the canteen, dormitory, playground, laboratory.

My name is lihua.I'm going to show you around the school.First let us look at the school documentary.Now we come to the basketball court,watching the basketball game.Let us enter the school open Chinese calligraphy elective courses, it is very interesting.Our classmates and parts of China for a photo at the gate!A happy memory.Noon time, with Chinese students in the school cafeteria for lunch.

Yesterday, I went to school to learn to learn brother. School profile schools, cultural atmosphere, so that all of our colleagues amazed. A Jinjiao, everyone was shocked and tidy campus. This is a township school, the campus can keep so clean, it was the number of support staff in order to achieve this cleanliness ah? When we asked this question, the school's headmaster told us that the school's health, green only a janitor in doing this work. Headmaster's answer shocked us again, which is amazing. One detail I have to mention that the school toilets actually have toilet paper, and then we visited the canteen, dormitory, playground, laboratory.

Thursday, the old man took me to the new school to visit.
One came to the school gate, I was attracted by new school. I can't wait to run into our classroom, wow! Our classroom is capacious and bright, tables and chairs neatly. If I now in this class in capacious and bright classroom, wouldn't it be great!
I reluctantly left the classroom, came to the playground, I saw the playground there are two different colors of plastic runway, very beautiful.
Visit the school, on the way home, I thought: today is the day I think the most happy. In such a beautiful school, I will good good study day day up.
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