
作者&投稿:再骆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As we all know, we live in a far from a homogeneous-group world where different things coexist peacefully with each other. We have to admit that there are a great variety of types even within the same species. As the saying goes, "sons of the same dragon go different". So i really can't have an absolute answer for this. It really depends on several factors, including the gene goes to the kid's parents,or the health condition of the mother when she carries the baby or wether the father drinks during the wife's pregnancy or not. It usually has been said that the baby whose father drinks a lot will be born with irratability and more easily get raged and take offense, which, can partially answer for the high rate of crime in the USA. When i point out that man is born good, i have with me evidence. If you caught a person falling into the water ,drowning and dying, even when there was no one urging you, you wouldn't turn a blind eye to it--you would do something. This is human, they look after each other,you might think. We do it out of instincts but for interest's sake. However, on the other hand, there is a parable, when the god annouced to a crowd of people ,there was a victim who must die to pay for the guilt. Once several people looked away and spoted the poor sacrifice, then there came a landslide. They relieved for survival instead of showing sympathy for the "poor lamb" , which shows the dark side of human. In the typical story of THE LAST DINNER, Judas managed to disguise the conspiracy instead of saving his friend, while , Jesus himself was ready to sacrifice himself to save the people. It's often said, it can truly reflect the natrue of a person in an emergency and no matter how much or high-standard education you got, you can't fake yourself. One person is enormously different from another. It's really for science to decide.

My Future Job
I began to think about my future job a long time ago. A job depends largely on the nature of a person. I selected the job as a public servant, which was a responsible decision. A person working in this field has to be pretty serious, attentive, focused and organized. He or she should be able to find the right approach to communicate with all kinds of people, know what would be better for them and try to meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole. I try to cultivate these qualities, as well as on a moral and spiritual basis, which is fundamental for jobs in the civil service. A future job should be interesting and a person should like it, because this is an important part of happiness in life. State and municipal management is a relatively new specialty in the market of educational services.
Being a civil servant is a prestigious and stable occupation. It provides long-term employment and career growth, depending on the contribution of individual. It is a wide field for creative activity; there will be an opportunity to express yourself and demonstrate an unconventional mindset, because at the moment transformations take place in the sphere of state and municipal management. Today, the job of a civil servant is marked by every third man as an attractive one, and by every second person - as a prestigious one.
The recognition of the rights and freedoms of a citizen is the highest value of the modern state, therefore, the job of a civil servant assumes the recognition and observance of these rights as the first of its responsibilities. Choosing this career, I understand that I should serve the interests of civil society first and foremost. I really want to find myself, get pleasure from my job, and, in exchange, sincere gratitude for my work.

哦 还有一件事,目前我在学的ABC天卞口语的教师要我明白,就是想学会英语是轻松的;绝对要有一个好的研习情境与实习口语对象 外教水平很重要,纯正欧美口音才行 坚决天天口语练习,1对1加强化教学才可以有非常.好.的学习成果..课程结束后需要复习听取课后录音反馈,把所学知识融会贯通 然后要是真的没人帮忙的状况下,可以去旺旺或大耳朵拿到课余教材学习 多说、多练、多问、多听、多读 不知不觉的口语能力会提高起来 学习效益肯定会迅速明显的 Last week, our class held a field trip.We went to the East Park by bike for environmental protection and health. It was the first time to the East Park for most of the students In he East Park,we visited zoo,boating,picnic,photo successively. Around 1:00,we returned to school.Everyone was tired, but very glad. Ts field trip not only increased ledge, but also made our class more united..

遇到火箭队的疯狂球迷让我读完中锋 穆托姆博 的名字





求'!!!大神写一篇作文 《成长的路上有你真好 》 要原创的 被描写的可...
妈妈,你就是我的幸运星,有你真好。从懵懂稚童到青春少年,妈妈就是那个不断给我惊喜、一直悉心呵护、给我带来幸运的人。妈妈,成长路上,有你真好!亮点点评 精选素材,立意精美。作者精心选取生活中细小的充满母爱的素材来突出母亲的形象,没有妈妈的只言片语,却把妈妈的默默付出与关爱表现得淋漓...

生活中需要笑声 作文 650字请各位大神发一篇上来,语句通顺啊,今晚要...



一路上有 你的陪伴 每次看到你,都是那么欣慰……每一次看到你,都感到亲切;每一次看到你,都感到愉悦,内心充满着无穷的力量。你的内心充满了知识,一眼望不到尽头。歌德曾说过:“一书一世界。”儿时的我喜欢那种与纸张磨搓的感觉,心中有着一阵莫名的悸动,用一双好奇的眼睛往你里面窥探。不...


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