what is going on跟how is going on是一样的吗

作者&投稿:乘吴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
how is it going and how is it going on 有区别吗?都怎么回答~

how is it going 和 how is it going on 有区别:
(1)how is it going意思是情况进展的怎么样?最近情况好吗?
(2)how is it going on是打招呼的意思,相当于 how are you!
(3)how is it going 和 how is it going on表达的意思是不同的,具体用法也不同。
how is it going 的回答:肯定回答可以说Pretty good!(相当好)否定回答:可以说Not so well(不太好,很不好) 。
how is it going on回答:I am fine, thank you,I am very well, thank you。

一、 单独用作疑问词.
(1)How are your parents?你父母身体好吗?
(2)How are things in your father’s factory?你爸爸厂里的情况怎么样?
(1)How is the weather today?今天天气怎么样?
(1)How does your mother go to work every day?你妈妈每天怎么去上班?
(2)How can I carry the box upstairs?我怎样才能把这箱子搬到楼上呢?
(1)How do you like this book?你觉得这本书怎么样?
二、 与其它形容词或副词搭配使用
(1)How old问年龄、年代.
(2)How old is your friend?你朋友多大了?
(3)How old is the bridge?这座桥有多少年代了?
(4)How many pictures are there on the wall?墙上有多少幅画?
(5)How many问可数名词数量.常将可数名词复数紧随其后.

what's going on的意思是:怎么了?发了什么?发生什么事了?到底怎么回事?进展得怎样?
What 's going on in the auditorium ? 礼堂里在干什么?
Judy: You look like you' re fuming. What' s going on? 朱蒂:你气得快冒烟了。怎么了?
It's no use trying to pull the wool over my eyes I know exactly what` s going on. 要想瞒我是多此一举的&我对所发生的事一清二楚。

What’s up?怎么了?
What’s the matter?出什么事了?
What happened?怎么搞的?
2、what's going on与how is going on辨析:
What's going on?怎么回事?出啥事了?发生什么事了?一般指现场发生了些不同寻常的事,如交通事故,众人围观等
How is everything going on with you?这是客套语、问候语直译是您近况如何?大概意思是一切都还好吧?

不一样,what是问什么,how是问方式。what is going on的意思是;在进行什么?how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?

1.Because they got a smart teacher, how is it going on with your coworkers?因为他们有个聪明的老师呀,你们同事怎么样?
How is Tom going on with his new book?汤姆的新书写得怎么样?
2.What is going on? 怎么回事?
Employees who know what is going on can prepare themselves for the inevitable and are able to cope when the ax finally does fall .了解情况的员工可以为不可避免的结果有所准备并在砍斧挥落时从容面对。


What's going on?怎么回事?出啥事了?发生什么事了?一般指现场发生了些不同寻常的事,如交通事故,众人围观等.
Excuse me,what's going on here?

How is everything going on with you?这是客套语、问候语直译是您近况如何?大概意思是一切都还好吧?

what is going on的意思是;在进行什么?
how is going on的意思是:怎样进行?

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on什么意思 -
校静盐酸: 这是英语常见的表达法,表达的意思就是发生什么事情? 类似的说法有以下几种,在英语中经常见到 What 's up? What happened? How is it going? 都是一个意思. 希望采纳,谢谢

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on如何回答?一个老外用问候,我不知道怎么回答,他跟我说是what is going on的意思,我其实主要是想问what's up的回答(作为问候语) -
校静盐酸:[答案] what's going on?what's up?一样都是熟人见面打招呼的用语.回答很简单 fine或者是 great,not bad.就跟咱们中文里面吃饭了没有一样 期待肯定回答~

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on是固定搭配吗? -
校静盐酸: 是的.等于what 's up.意思是怎么了.答题不易,满意请采纳,谢谢.

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: 英语翻译你在干什么?我记得有一种是What do you going on?还是What is going on?为什么要加on呢?除此之外还有别的说法吗?如果和一个不算太熟的朋... -
校静盐酸:[答案] 你在干什么?-----最好用What do you do? 没有What do you going on?和What is going on? go on是继续的意思! 和不算太熟的朋友说再见,用Bye-bye! 不过,说See you也没关系,说不定以后就是朋友了呢~

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on 中going on 是 接近快到的意思为什么套在这句话中就变成发生了什么. 怎么了 的意思啊 还有请问英文中”我早就应该明白的”怎么说谢谢 -
校静盐酸:[答案] what is going on是怎么回事我早就应该明白的是I understand that the long overdue

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on中的what与what is your name的what所做成分一样吗还有这两句里的is意思或用法相同吗 -
校静盐酸:[答案] 是的 都是特殊疑问词提前 作主语 实际上换成陈述句是主系表结构中的表语

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on -
校静盐酸: 发生了什么事?祝楼主进步!要是答案还满意的话,记得采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~!

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on如何回答? -
校静盐酸: what's going on?what's up?一样都是熟人见面打招呼的用语. 回答很简单 fine或者是 great, not bad. 就跟咱们中文里面吃饭了没有一样 期待肯定回答~

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what is going on的中文意思 -
校静盐酸: 为什么删除? What is going on?的意思就是:发生了什么事?的意思呀.

秀山土家族苗族自治县19559158122: what happened和what is going on 的区别 -
校静盐酸: what happened : 发生了什么事? [一般过去时], 已发生了的事.what is going on : 发生什么事了?[现在进行时], 发生的事仍没完结.

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