
作者&投稿:臾澜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Hansel and Gretel

Hansel and Gretel are young children whose father is a woodcutter. When a great famine settles over the land, the woodcutter's abusive second wife decides to take the children into the woods and abandon them there so that she and her husband will not starve to death, because the children eat too much. The woodcutter opposes the plan but finally and reluctantly submits to his wife's scheme. They are unaware that in the children's bedroom, Hansel and Gretel have overheard them. After the parents have gone to bed, Hansel sneaks out of the house and gathers as many white pebbles as he can, then returns to his room, reassuring Gretel that God will not forsake them.

The next day, the family walks deep into the woods and Hansel lays a trail of white pebbles. After their parents leave them, the children wait for the moon to rise before following the pebbles back home. They return home safely, much to their stepmother's horror. Once again provisions become scarce and the stepmother angrily orders her husband to take the children farther into the woods and leave them there to die. Hansel and Gretel attempt to leave the house to gather more pebbles, but find the doors locked and escape impossible.

The following morning, the family treks into the woods. Hansel takes a slice of bread and leaves a trail of bread crumbs to follow home. However, after they are once again abandoned, the children find that birds have eaten the crumbs and they are lost in the woods. After days of wandering, they follow a beautiful white bird to a clearing in the woods, where they discover a large cottage built of gingerbread and cakes with window panes of clear sugar. Hungry and tired, the children begin to eat the rooftop of the candy house, when the door opens. An old woman emerges and lures them inside with the promise of soft beds and delicious food. Unaware that their hostess is a wicked witch who waylays children to cook and eat them, the children enter the house.

The following morning the witch locks Hansel in an iron cage in the garden, and forces Gretel into becoming a slave. The witch feeds Hansel regularly to fatten him up, but he cleverly offers a bone he found in the cage (presumably a bone from the witch's previous captive) and the witch feels it, thinking it is his finger. Due to her blindness, she is fooled into thinking Hansel is still too thin to eat. After weeks of this, the witch grows impatient and decides to eat Hansel even if he is not fat.

The witch prepares the oven for Hansel, but decides she is hungry enough to eat Gretel too. She coaxes Gretel to open the oven and prods her to lean over in front of it to see if the fire is hot enough. Sensing the witch's intent, Gretel pretends that she does not understand what she is being told to do. Infuriated, the witch demonstrates and Gretel instantly shoves her into the oven and slams and bolts the door shut, leaving "The ungodly witch to be burned to ashes", with the witch screaming in pain until she dies. Gretel frees Hansel from the cage and the pair discover a vase full of treasure and precious stones. Putting the jewels into their clothing, the children set off for home. A swan ferries them across an expanse of water and at home they find only their father; his wife died from unknown causes. Their father had spent all his days lamenting the loss of his children and is delighted to see them safe and sound. With the witch's wealth that they found, they all live happily ever after.




滑县13180974767: 糖果屋历险记英文简介 -
苑迹皮敏: When the mysterious key to open the door of the candy castle,Angel shed tears,Living on forest carbon,Diffuse gravel road off the Millennium ......A long time ago, & the Chocolate Factory's carbon wood forests,There are countless ...

滑县13180974767: 用英语来概括《糖果屋历险记》,不用很长,必采纳和感谢 -
苑迹皮敏: 1.井里面的石头 走到井后面,然后会长出一片黑色的花枝覆盖着井,上面有好几朵黑色的花,用弹弓去打那些花,会发现黑色的花会变成白色,耐心点慢慢试,把所有的花都打成白色的时候花就会掉下来,花枝就会退去,然后用桶去捞那个石头就可以了2.房顶的石头 爬回屋子里去,拿起哥哥的画(纸),走到炉子旁边放下.然后看窗户,阳光从窗户照进来,有一道光线照在炉子上面的水管上,水管被照到的地方会发光,用弹弓打那个地方,会产生火花,火花掉到纸上,炉子烧起来.然后爬出屋外,发现乌鸦被黑烟熏跑了,就能拿到石头了

滑县13180974767: 求游戏糖果屋历险记1和2的压缩包 给一个压缩包,直接解压能玩的,不要游戏盒子,谢谢 -
苑迹皮敏: 解压用R.E.管理器就可以了 R.E.管理器v3.1.9 (3.0+)汉化版 2m /s/1gdEKknx 纯白交响曲 828m (解压密码:纯白交响曲吧) /s/1o8BwJrk.

滑县13180974767: 糖果屋历险记的第一章和第二张下载地址 不要在线玩的. -
苑迹皮敏: 你下载快玩或4399游戏盒...

滑县13180974767: 马克吐温的英文短篇小说【中英文版的最好】 -
苑迹皮敏: 《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝里·芬历险记》英汉对译,都是长篇小说,但可节选: http://www.wwenglish.com/en/z/n/novel/

滑县13180974767: 糖果屋历险记读后感70字 -
苑迹皮敏: 故事是这样讲的一对可怜的兄妹遭到了继母的抛弃,流落荒林,最后来到了一座糖果屋,饥饿难忍的兄妹俩迫不及待的吃了起来.但是糖果屋的主人是一个吃人的女巫,她把兄妹俩抓了起来,想要把哥哥养得胖胖的,然后吃了哥哥.但兄妹俩凭借着自己的智慧战胜了女巫,并且找到了回家的 路. 这个故事告诉我们这个故事告诉小朋友们在困难面前一定要冷静,不要慌张,要用自己的机智去战胜困难.

滑县13180974767: 寻找《糖果屋历险记2》游戏不白屏完整版
苑迹皮敏: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/550407

滑县13180974767: 糖果屋历险记FLASH游戏第二章无限load -
苑迹皮敏: 要去原版地址玩 原版地址为http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/550407

滑县13180974767: 糖果屋历险记10颗石头在哪里找 -
苑迹皮敏: 黑童话小游戏——糖果屋历险记攻略1. 小女孩起床(操作方法的说明),发现哥哥还在睡觉便打碎玻璃窗(右下角的玻璃).2. 虫子飞进来,当它停留在哥哥打呼的嘴上方时就用弹弓射虫子,虫子掉进哥哥的嘴.3. 哥哥醒来,妹...

滑县13180974767: 2014中国童话竞赛深圳石岩公学幼儿园中英文短剧糖果屋历险记第几名 -
苑迹皮敏: 中学 一贯制学校 小 学 幼 儿 园 小计福田 竹林、竹香、梅山、水围、全海、福强、保税区(共7所) 城建园中园、上沙、华新、景田、盈颖、广业、汇龙、金达来、育仁、特发、石厦、锦林、共和世家(共13所) 20所罗湖 松泉、铁路、奥斯翰...

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