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非谓语动词就是动词的ing或者加ed形式,来补充修饰名词,如The girl standing in that street is my favorite friend.就是一个非谓语做定语来修饰名词的句子
如果改成定语从句就是The girl who stands in that street is my favorite friend.就是把非谓语恢复原来形式然后用which who that 等一些引导词来把句子衔接上。二者并没有什么本质的区别,作用都是为了把主语名词修饰的更具体更完整,使其更容易被理解,信息更加丰富。

一般时的定语就用V加ing形式,过去被动时用过去分词,将来时用动词不定式,现在被动时用being done


我感觉应该是做定语,修饰 a place 的、、、例如:there is a man wearing a red hat ...

Unlike Rabbi Bainish, whose intimations of immortality and consequent rededication to God precede his radiant deathbed vision, Rabbi Nechemia cannot allay his doubts until the very moment of death, when a light he never knew was there flickered in hid brain. While his dying words—something is ...

潮州市18779765329: 英语翻译,合同 -
店府夫西: 16.1 各种各样 各个组织 之间的关系.组织的之间的关系独立于承包人.无任何授权或者组织或其雇员来担任另一组织的代理人或者代表.也不希望任何组织雇员,代理人或者的承包人被解释为其它组织雇员,代理人或承包人.如果组织使用与...

潮州市18779765329: 还是帮忙翻译. -
店府夫西: 11. 如果政府或司法程序强制要求接收方或其代表人披露专有信息,接收方同意在披露之前及时向披露方提供书面通知,说明该要求,以便披露方申请保护令或其它适当的救济和/或免除接收方遵守本协议规...

潮州市18779765329: 简单的关于英语演讲稿,六年级滴 -
店府夫西: Teacher schoolmates are nice I the examination questions giving a lecture is me our survival dreaming of the hit the target world is going ahead with a celestial body , our celestial body is very beautiful , place having many disharmonies but, I am ...

潮州市18779765329: 谁帮我翻译一下这个短文!
店府夫西: This short article from the analogy with the way spring to form the most descriptive, to give full expression to spring rain brought by the lubricant. From the "land of farmers," bring out the spring to the peace and quiet. Rendering a spring rain brought the vitality of life!

潮州市18779765329: The relationship between language, culture and thought is that( ). -
店府夫西: 单选的话选D 若是多选, AD

潮州市18779765329: 翻译 conjunction这个词 -
店府夫西:[答案] conjunction [kEn5dVQNkFEn] n. 联合,关联,连接词 conjunction con.junc.tion AHD:[k…n-j¾ngk“sh…n] D.J.[k*n6d9(0k.*... 造成不景气的历史压力和经济压力齐发 One resulting from or embodying a union; a combination: 由联合形成的或体现联合...

潮州市18779765329: 请翻译一些话.汉译英 谢谢你们 -
店府夫西: 1. with the letter are some cards that I have collected2. I have thought you are a wonderful singer since movie 1, this is also proven well in movie 23. I hope you wil...

潮州市18779765329: constructive obligation是什么意思 -
店府夫西: constructive obligation推定义务;推定债务;建设的待付款The essence of the strict liability is the constructive fault , and the most key issuein it is notice obligation. 其本质为一种推定过错责任,注意义务是其中的关键问题.~很高兴为您解答如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

潮州市18779765329: 英文翻译苏州园林问题请高手帮助翻译苏州四大园林的名称和介绍.急需
店府夫西: 苏州园林Suzhou gardens 狮子林Lion Grove Garden 怡园Joyous Garden 留园... paintings and calligraphies hung on the wall, embodying the leisurely life of the master. To ...

潮州市18779765329: 求罗素关于数学的观点“数学,如果正确的看,不但拥有真理,而且也具有至高的美”英语原文
店府夫西: Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty – a beauty cold and austere, without appeal to any part of our weaker nature, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music, yet sublimely pure, and capable of a stern ...

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