
作者&投稿:居肃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the city i like best
the city i like best is beijing. Beijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it.In recent years,the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly.You can see more museums,parks an shopping centers here and there.More and more highways and overhead walkways have been built up.What's more,a lot more buses which burn cleaner fuel,such as CNG or LPG,are put into use,to prevent air from being polluted.Water in the rivers is clean again.Wherever you go,you can see green trees,grass and beautiful flowers

I have a dream, that is going to America. America is a beautiful country. And the country is very popular.
I want to make money in America. I will have a very amazing life. My life in America must be very exciting. In America, I will find many interesting things. All of them are waiting for me to enjoy.
I want to be a Chinese teacher in America. I will meet many interesting people there. I will also enjoy talking with them. My life may be very difficult, but I am very confident to face to the challenge.

A:Do you have any preference on where to settle down?
B:I prefer far from the urban society.
B:I prefer a place of harmony where I can be myself and easy to settle.
A:Don't you think it's more conveniences to live in the urban?
B:Maybe, but it's too crowded. I like a place where I can live peacefully.

优点:爱整洁(我会经常打扫卫生不像姐姐,乱七八糟)爱举手提问(也不像姐姐,不大胆)爱看作文书(不像姐姐,只喜欢看小说)成绩好,语文一般般,数学很好的!爱交好朋友,我喜欢交女孩子的朋友,当然,我的朋友多多的啦! 你们看了上面,一定会想和我交朋友,但自私的朋友我不交. 篇五:介绍自己 我叫庞永生,顾名思义,...

――这样的介绍是最普通的介绍方法,也是最吃力不讨好的介绍方法。 还有人介绍自己的名字,用一些不相关的方法拆字区分,更是事倍功半。比如,姓朱,如果介绍自己撇未朱,可能一般人听不明白。其实简单的姓,简单的介绍方法最好,朱德的朱最好,一听就明白。 误区二:低级粗俗的词语来介绍自己。 比如,我姓王,王八的...

一两句精辟的自我介绍 自我介绍是向他人展示自己的一个重要途径,因此,一个精辟的自我介绍能够给人留下深刻印象。在我看来,一个好的自我介绍应该简洁明了,同时又能够突出自己的特点和优势。 以下是一两句精辟的自我介绍扩写: 1. "我是一位经验丰富的专业人士,拥有广泛的行业知识和卓越的领导能力。" 2. "我善于沟...

关于自我介绍作文400字(通用30篇) 当到达一个陌生的环境后,我们有必要进行适当的自我介绍,自我介绍可以满足我们渴望得到尊重的心理。你所见过的自我介绍是什么样的呢?下面是小编收集整理的关于自我介绍作文400字,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 自我介绍作文400字 篇1 我叫林源泉,8岁,在青岛南京路小学二年级二班上学。我...



写作思路:通过几个方面来阐述自己心理上的特征,表达出自己是什么样的人。正文:1、简单的自我介绍 从小到大我就是一个非常外向的女孩,妈妈甚至还说我是一个男人婆,嘿嘿,其实她是在逗我啦,在大家的印象中我都是一个头发短短的,衣服永远都是很黑黑的一套的形象,特别和班级里的男生混的好,这...

7、自信而不狂妄,成熟而充满朝气,对待事物有敏锐的独见行和洞察力,工作耐心刻苦,责任心强,待人真诚有礼貌,环境适应能力强,这就是我,一个愿意把最好的一面展示出来的我。 8、我是人见人爱,花见花开,汽车见了要转弯,啤酒见了打开盖的。XXX,我现在要来一段自我介绍,有时间的话就听一下,没有时间的话也要听...

咨询过程中,我建议他做一次角色扮演的练习,我来演面试官,他来表演一下面试中最常规的自我介绍。 听听我们当时的对话—— 小王:“首先,感谢领导在百忙中...为自己写一篇“墓志铭” 忘了是谁说过:“伟大的哲学家只管提问题,却从来不负责给出答案”。这大概是任何有关心灵的问题实际上都没有最终答案,所以千万...


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