
作者&投稿:鄹张 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

做运动 拍照
用英语 在晚上
母亲节 get up
go swimming here you are
under the chair go to bed


I would like to give you some advice. Becausethe weather there changes a lot, so before the trip, you should know theweather there well and prepare enough clothes and umbrellas. It would be betterif you take some common medicines with you in case of some little illness. Whenyou are on the trip, you must be careful of your food and drink and yourpersonal and property safety. And also, don’t forget to protect our beautiful nature.Just be nice to it. In China, Shangri-la is said to be the heaven on earth. SoI believe you have made a good choice. I think travelling is a good way torelax yourself and enjoy life. You can not only see wonderful sceneries butalso open your mind and deepen your thinking.


1)n__ick___a friendly of funny name for someone or something.
2)d_isney____the place to which you are traceling.
3)l_ondon____a well-known place.
4)c__abbage___a plant grown in fiedls by farmers.
1)These vegetables are harmful but those are __nutritional___
2)Tigers are very fierce but sheep are very __gentle____
3)It is possible to get to the city by train but it is ___impossible__by plane.
4)"Student"is a countable noun but "meat"is an __noncountable___noun.
5)In this part of the city, you can see ancient and ___modern__buildings next to each other.
1)He drove so fast that I really felt my was in ___still__.
2)Water is one kind of the __basic___ elements.
3)The workers used a ___knife__ to kill mice in the factory.
4)The Japenese can't speak English. Would you please use Japanese to ___talk___with them?
5)There is an ___advertisment___before the film in each DVD.
6)We must stop that factory from ___polluting__the river as soon as possible.
1)Goodbye, everybody !I _am leaving___(leave) now.
2)I _leave____(leave) school at about 4 o'clock every day.
3)Ice ___melts___(melt) to become water.
4)It's really cold today. The ice in my drink __didn't melt___(not melt)
5)I ____am thinking_____(think) about my English exam now.
6)I ____don't think_____(not think) the basketball game is exicting.
7)This book ___belongs____(belong) to me .
8)My father ___owns____(own) two fast food, staurants in London.
9)Next Friday, she ____is going__(go) to see a film with frieds at 7p.m.
1)The park is two kilometers away.(对划线部分提问)
_____How far_____ __________is the park?
2)We had our class meeting yesterday afternoon.(改为一般疑问句)
______did you have____ __________ _________your class meeting yesterday afternoon?
3)He watched TV twice a week last year.(对划线部分提问)
_____how often_____ __________ Did he watch TV last year?
1)自我保护:___self defence______ 2)采访某人:____interview someone____
3)警告某人不要做某事:__warn somebody not to do something__ 4)非常了解:__be_very familiar with_____
5)把氧气释放到空气中:___release the _oxygen into the air





导语:七夕情人节就要到了,我收集整理了一些非常有趣的动物谜语,希望大家喜欢。 天天躲山洞,夜晚出来唧唧叫,从不做亏心事。(打一动物) 谜底\/答案:蝙蝠 小小姑娘满身黑,秋去江南春来归,从小立志除害虫,身带剪刀满天飞。(打一动物) 谜底\/答案:燕子 唱歌不用嘴,声音真清脆,嘴尖像根锥...

超难的字谜语大全及答案 谜语主要指暗射事物或文字等供人猜测的隐语,也可引申为蕴含奥秘的事物。谜语源自中国古代民间,历经数千年的演变和发展。接下来由我为大家整理出超难的字谜语大全及答案,希望能够帮助到大家! 超难的字谜语及答案 篇1 1、南岛风光(打一字)——谜底:岚 2、一黑一白斗智斗勇(打一物品)...

猜谜语大全及答案数字,关于数字的谜语大家了解过吗?范文网我给大家整理了很多有趣的数字谜语,一起来看看吧!数字谜语大全【1】1.十一月十一日(打一节日) —— 谜底: 大光棍节 2.八格牙路(打一数字) —— 谜底: 8916 3.我爸气死你(打一数字) —— 谜底:...

7、谜语:俏丽若三春之桃,清素若九秋之菊 (猜体育项目省略语) 答案:【女子花样】8、谜语:山,刺破青天锷未残(猜一体育词语) 答案:【凌空一顶,出界】9、谜语:因欠收无赚头. (猜字一) 答案:【歉】10、谜语:毁掉土壤大开林,错上加错 (猜历史名城一) 答案:【襄樊】11、谜语:一只八宝...

25.十字路口,嫦娥路边走(猜一字) 答案:胡 26.我和你爸爸的弟弟的儿子的同学的哥哥是什么关系 答案:没关系 27.加减乘除少一点(猜一字) 答案:坟 28.人在园中(猜一字) 答案:囚 29.用三个3组成一个最大的数 答案:3的33次方 30.如果你说出它来,它就不见了,它是什么? 答案:沉默不语 ...

猜谜语是大家都喜欢玩的游戏,那么,以下是我给大家整理收集的蔬菜的猜谜语及答案,供大家阅读参考。蔬菜的猜谜语及答案: 谜语:1、六月柿(打一蔬菜)2、矮瓜(打一蔬菜)3、白绿甘蓝营养高(打一蔬菜)4、光脚的珊瑚(打一蔬菜)5、照集体照 (打一蔬菜)6、圆圆个头,头顶一撮毛;片片切,眼泪掉...

001●一个黑孩,从不开口,要是开口,掉出舌头。【谜底】瓜籽 002●五个兄弟,住在一起,名字不同,高矮不齐。【谜底】手指 003●人脱衣服,它穿衣服,人脱帽子,它戴帽子。【谜底】衣帽架 004●屋子方方,有门没窗,屋外热烘,屋里冰霜。【谜底】冰箱 005●两只小口袋,天天随身带,要是少...

谜语是中华文化的一部分,也是我们生活的一部分。下面是我带来的是疯狂猜谜语试题和答案,希望对您有帮助。谜面:一月一日不猜明,若能猜出勇气嘉。 (打一字)谜底:胆 解析:一个“月”和“一日”可组成“胆”字,“胆”暗示“勇气嘉”。谜面:听听会飞,细看不是,用心难过,见人来回。 (打一...

46、 天论,打一成语 ——【谜底】:同日而语 47、 天明,打一成语 ——【谜底】:人地生疏 48、 天上的星星,打一成语 ——【谜底】:数不胜数 49、 天上地下,打一成语 ——【谜底】:霄壤之别 50、 天生我材必有用,打一成语 ——【谜底】:自顾不暇 51、 天时人事日相催,打一成语 ——【谜底】:迫...

1、喜上眉梢 2、妖魔鬼怪 3、余音绕梁 4、盲人摸象 5、鸡飞蛋打 6、心照不宣 7、人走茶凉 8、刀光剑影 9、七嘴八舌 10、悲喜交加 11、雷声震耳 12、舍己救人 13、眉目传情 14、猪朋狗友 15、一针见血 16、愁眉苦脸 17、指腹为婚 18、一拍即合 19、花好月圆 20、骑虎难下 21、...

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丰通佳倍: 一. 1. b. Chinese,c要大写 2. c. an 3. d. a dictionary 4. 正确 5. c,去掉my或a 二. Hello in an it No,isn't colour\color a

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丰通佳倍: A,意思是:抵达,到达!

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丰通佳倍: we are taking how to improve english .2008 Olmypic Games is organized in Bejing

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丰通佳倍: 1,guangzhou .2,how do you like it ?3,did.4,don't want to . 5,agree with.

蚌山区13017809079: 英语题目解答】、 -
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丰通佳倍: 1.has, bought, to2. must, 3.him, to, go4. spend, doing

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