
作者&投稿:植娇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Jane often runs in the morning.(用now改写)?~

Jane often runs in the morning. 简经常在早上跑步
整理:Jane is running now. 简正在跑步

第一句read要加S,He often reads.
He often reads books.

He often runs/ran every morning.(现在或过去经常发生的事情)
He ran this morning.意为他今早跑步了(说话的时间在跑步之后)
He's running this morning.意为他今早要跑步(说话时间在跑步前)
He will run this morning.同上

如I like playing tennis.
It's time for swimming.

如Ofen speaking English is a good way to learn it.

He frequently (often) running every morning "and" He's running this morning (now general) "

often 是副词修饰动词



1. 一般现在时
是以动词的原形表示的,当主语为第三人称单数时,做谓语的动词原形后要加上词尾-s or –es, 其构成方式列表如下:
情况 构成 例词
一般情况 词尾加-s Reads, writes
以ch,sh,s,x,o结尾的词 词尾加-es Teaches,washes,guesses, fixes, goes
以辅音字母+Y 结尾的词 变Y为I,再加-es Tries, carries

但是,动词to be 和to have 的一般现在时的形式特殊如下:
一般动词的词形变化 To be 的词形变化 To have 的词形变化
I know it I am a student I have a pen.
You know it. You are a student You have a pen
He (she) knows it. He (she) is a student. He (she)has a pen.
We (you,they) know it. We (you,they) are students. We (you,they) have pens.


1. 表示一直发生的事情,经常发生的动作:
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
It often rains in summer in Beijing.
2. 表示客观事实或者真理:
Birds fly.
The earth goes around the sun.

3. 谈论时间表、旅程表等,如:
What time does the film begin?
The football match starts at 8 o’clock.
Tomorrow is Thursday.

4. 谈论籍贯、国籍等,如:
Where do you come from?
I come from China. 你是哪国人?我是中国人。

Where do you come from?
I come from Guangzhou. 你是哪里人?我是广州人。

5. 询问或者引用书籍、通知或新近接到的信笺内容,如:
What does that notice say?
What does Ann say in her letter?
She says she’s coming to Beijing next week.
Shakespears says, “Neither a borrower or a lender be.”


现在进行时是由助动词to be 的现在时 + 现在分词构成:
肯定式 否定式 疑问式
I am working.You are working.He (she) is working.We (you,they) are working. I am not working.You are not working.He (she) is not working.We (you,they) are not working. Am I working?Are you working?Is he (she) working?Are we (you,they) working?

现在分词的构成,是在动词原形上加—ing, 但是应该注意:
情况 变化 例词
动词以单个e 结尾 去掉e, 加 ing Love _lovingArgue _ arguing
动词以 —ee结尾 直接加 ing Agree_ agreeingSee _ seeing
动词为单音节:以单一元音字母 + 单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加 ing Hit _ hittingRun _runningStop _ stopping
动词为双音节或者多音节:最后一个音节为重读音节,以单一元音字母 + 单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加 ing Be’gin be’ginningAd’mit ad’mitting
以 y 结尾的动词 直接加 ing Carry carryingEnjoy enjoying

1) 表示说话时正在发生或者进行的动作
Please don’t make so much noise, I’m studying.
Let’s get out. It isn’t raining any more.

2) 表示在现在相对较长一段时间内正在进行的动作,但是说话一刻不一定在做的动作
Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house.
David is teaching English and learning Chinese in Beijing.
Ann is coming tomorrow.
Oh, is she? What time is she arriving?
At 10:15.
Are you meeting her at the station?
I can’t. I’m working tomorrow morning.
以上句子也可以用be going to (do) 的形式来表示。但是谈论已确定的安排时候,用现在进行时态显得更加自然,除非受到动词的功能的限制。在此,切不可用will, 如:
Alex is getting married next month. 不能用 will get married.

4) 和always 连用表示某种情绪,可能是厌烦也可能是赞扬,如:
Tom is always going away for weekends.
My husband is always doing homework.

有些动词是表示一种状态而不是动作,一般不用于进行时。例如,我们一般不说 I am knowing, 而说 I know. 常见的这类动词有:
want like hate know see hear believe understand seem
think(相信) suppose remember need love realize mean forget prefer have (拥有)belong

To understand is to accept. 理解就是接受
Do you like Beijing?
Do you see the rainbow?
I remember him very well.
I think I understand what he wants.


Tom plays tennis every Sunday.
Where’s Tom? -------He is playing tennis.

What do you do? 你是干什么工作的?
What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么?

My parents live in Shanghai. They have been there for 50 years.
She’s living with some friends until she can find an apartment.

他:He 经常: often 和:with 玩耍:played 他的同学:his classmates 他经常和他的同学玩耍:He often played with his classmates 求采纳

如果你说的是当下的情况,就用一般现在时。例如:He usually goes swimming in the river.He often swims in the river.如果你想表达的是过去经常发生的,那么就用一般过去时。比如:He often swam in the river. (——反推回来,当别人看到你用的是过去式的时候,也就知道了他是过去经常去河里...

he often studies English.根据often经常可知用一般现在时。

He often(经常,上面说的always是总是的意思)flys(第三人称单数) a kite in village(或country,都是乡村的意思)He often flys the kite in village

He often plays football。often是经常,usually是通常,always是总是,请勿搞混。它们都是常态动作,主语是第三人称,谓语要用第三人称单数。

often的用法、在often 后面+圆形还是?什么的、初一英语期中考试、帮我...
often意为“经常, 再三”,是副词,不影响主句动词变化,动词依旧根据人称变化 例:How often does the train run?这火车多久一班?【说明】此词一般用于动词之前, be 和助动词之后, 有时也用于句末以加强语气。(1)often放在be动词后。He is often late for school.他经常上学迟到。(2)often...

eg:He often goes to school on foot 他经常在周末做他的家庭作业。所以频度副词后接不接第三人称单数。主要看主语和时态。其次,对频率提问,是How often多久。第三人称用法 1、在句子的时态是一般现在时时,第三人称单数都要加s或者es,第三人称单数是针对一般现在时来说的,动词的过去时时没有...

He is often late for school 他经常上学迟到。例句:1、Sam gets up late, so he is often late for school.萨姆起床晚,所以他常常上学迟到。2、Nobody knows the reason why he is often late for school.没人知道他上学总迟到的原因。重点词汇:1、often 读音:英 [ˈɒfn] ...

1.什么是频率副词?频率副词用来描述动词的频率或者次数,比如always, often, sometimes, rarely等。2.频率副词的位置 在简单句中,频率副词位于助动词、情态动词、be动词或者第一个动词之前。例如:"He often plays basketball on weekends."他经常在周末打篮球。在否定句中,频率副词位于助动词之后。例如...

He often\/always plays table tennis .He plays table tennis all the time.He is used to playing table tennis .He plays table tennis reularly.

马塘区17650188570: 怎样翻译成英语我爸爸经常每天早晨早饭前去跑步? -
闾瑗复方:[答案] My father often runs before breakfast.

马塘区17650188570: 他经常跑步吗用英语怎么说 -
闾瑗复方: Dose he often run? 更为规范的是:Is he always running?(英语中常用进行时表示经常的习惯等等)

马塘区17650188570: Li Ke - ----------runs in the morning, for he wants to be healthy.A. never &nb... -
闾瑗复方: B 试题分析:never从来不;often经常;hardly几乎不,简直不.句意:李可常常在早晨跑步,因为他想保持健康.结合语境可知选B.

马塘区17650188570: 一道英语题目seesbdosth和seesbdoingsth有一?
闾瑗复方: I often see her ____ in the park. nning; n 这句话强调的是经常,而不是她跑的状态. 所以应该是B 而且see sb doing一般强调的是一个时间点某个人正在干什么.不和often连用. 把这句话该为被动就是 She is often seen to run in the park.经常性的动作 如果是 She is seen running.就是某个时刻的动作了.

马塘区17650188570: 你喜欢什么运动,为什么喜欢,多久做一次 ? 英语作文 紧急!!! -
闾瑗复方: which kind sports do you like? Why? How often do you do exercises ?

马塘区17650188570: I often saw him - - - in the park in the morning.这个空格应该填正在进行时还是一般现在时?
闾瑗复方: 应该是现在进行时,,比如说running,,表示每天早上看到他在公园里跑步,,,如果填一般现在时runs的话就是每天早上看着他跑步了,,从他开始跑看到他跑完,,显然前者更符合情理...

马塘区17650188570: 他以前经常在早晨跑步用英语怎么说 -
闾瑗复方: He used to always run in the morning

马塘区17650188570: She often goes -- (run)in the morning(用所给单词的真确形式填空,并翻译全句) -
闾瑗复方: running go doing是固定搭配 如go shopping等 她经常在早上去跑步.

马塘区17650188570: 他经常跑步要的run要加s吗,还是加ing,就是某人经常干某事的某事要加ing还是加s啊, -
闾瑗复方:[答案] 经常跑步加s 是三单形式 eg:He always runs.某人经常干某事的时候加s有be动词的时候一般加ing 当然被动的时候要用done的形式如果像楼上说的动名词做主语的话要用ing eg:Running is his hobby.没有used to doing 的...

马塘区17650188570: 我经常在早上吃饭前跑步英文i often run()()()before() -
闾瑗复方:[答案] i often run(in)(the)(morning)before(breakfast)

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