
作者&投稿:益制 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lentinus is a genus of fungi in the family Polyporaceae. There are 40 species in the genus, which have a widespread distribution, especially in subtropical regions.The genus name Lentinus is derived from the Latin lent, meaning "pliable," and inus, meaning "resembling."
The plants of this genus are tough and pliant, becoming hard when old, unless very watery, and when dry. The genus differs from the other tough and pliant ones by the peculiarity of the gills, the gills being notched or serrate on the edges. Sometimes this appearance is intensified by the cracking of th你可以试下

The Shiitake is an edible mushroom native to East Asia, which is cultivated and consumed in many Asian countries, as well as being dried and exported to many countries around the world. It is a feature of many Asian cuisines including Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai. In the East, the Shiitake mushroom has long been considered a delicacy as well as a medicinal mushroom.In Chinese, it is called xianggu, literally "fragrant mushroom".

SHIITAKE (香菇) --- Lentinula edodes

Black Fungus (黑木耳) --- Auricularia auricula-judae


shii-taki mushrooms是什么意思啊?

” 800年前留下这185个字,包含了香菇栽培从择时、选树、选场、砍花、培育、收采、烘干、分级整个过程,技术已十分成熟,其时,日本仅有野生香菇。至明代,浙江参政陆容(1436-1494)在任上所著《菽园杂志》卷十四中,将《龙泉县志》中香蕈的185字以及制陶等五项转记其中。又过了一百多年,到明...

你好!香菇 mushroom 英[ˈmʌʃrʊm] 美[ˈmʌʃˌrum, -ˌrʊm]n. 蘑菇; 蘑菇状物,蘑菇形物体; (女用) 蘑菇形草帽; 暴发户;adj. 蘑菇的; 蘑菇形的; 迅速生长的; 雨后蘑菇似的;vi. 迅速增长; 采蘑菇; 迅速增加...


shii-take 和mushroom的区别
shii-take 香菇 mushroom 蘑菇 shii-take 香菇 mushroom 蘑菇

Lentinus is a genus of fungi in the family Polyporaceae. There are 40 species in the genus, which have a widespread distribution, especially in subtropical regions.The genus name Lentinus is derived from the Latin lent, meaning "pliable," and inus, meaning "resembling."The plants...



香菇牛肉面的做法的英文翻译_百度翻译 香菇牛肉面的做法 Letinous edodes beef noodles 重点词汇 香菇mushroom; xianggu; shii-take; lentinus edodes 牛肉beef; beeves; hotpot

【酱肉包子】 steamed bun stuffed with soy sauce spiced pork 【香菇肉丁】 steamed bun stuffed with mushroom and diced meat 【雪菜肉包】steamed bun stuffed with potherb mustard and meat 望帮到你

高州市17668892334: 香菇用英文怎么说?是不是shitake mushroom -
葛钞阿特: shiitake直接就是日语香菇的意思,如果纯英文的话champignon就是香菇的意思

高州市17668892334: 西洋菜,香菇怎样翻译? -
葛钞阿特: Watercress 西洋菜 香菇应该是mushroom吧 http://www.c-study-abroad.cn/VOA-tool/37949.html 这个网址有很多关于英语比较实用的信息、 建议可以去看看

高州市17668892334: 香菇的近义词有什么 -
葛钞阿特: 读音:xiāng gū 注音:ㄒㄧㄤ ㄍㄨ 基本解释: 寄生在栗树等树干的蕈类,菌盖表面黑褐色,有裂纹,菌柄白色.有冬菇、春菇等多种.味鲜美.也叫“香蕈” 英文释义: (1)shiitake (2)dried mushroom (3)fragrant dried mushroom没有近义词的

高州市17668892334: shiitake mushroom是什么意思 -
葛钞阿特: shiitake mushroom 香菇 mushroom[英][ˈmʌʃrʊm][美][ˈmʌʃˌrum, -ˌrʊm] n.蘑菇; 蘑菇状物,蘑菇形物体; (女用)蘑菇形草帽; 暴发户; adj.蘑菇的; 蘑菇形的; 迅速生长的; 雨后蘑菇似的; vi.迅速增长; 采蘑菇; 迅速增加; (火)猛然的扩大; 第三人称单数:mushrooms过去分词:mushroomed复数:mushrooms现在进行时:mushrooming过去式:mushroomed 例句:1.Not to worry. Mushroom and tofu for you. 别担心,给你准备了蘑菇和豆腐.

高州市17668892334: 求菇菌类产品的中英文对照表 -
葛钞阿特: 木耳 Wood ear、Jew's ear银耳 White fungus、Silver ear黄耳 Golden tremell、Yellow fungus香菇 Dried mushroom、Shiitake蚝菇 Oyster mushroom凤尾菇 Phoenix tail mushroom白灵菇 Ferule mushroom、King oyster mushroom杏鲍菇 King ...

高州市17668892334: 香菇在英语里怎么说香菇翻译成英语,应该怎么说.
葛钞阿特: 我查了一下《汉英词典》,里面的翻译是1)Xianggu 2)mushroom 我的意见是这样的: mushroom是蘑菇的统称,欧美人从前也见过,所以“香菇”应该再具体一点,说成是savoury mushroom (不是fragrant啊,那是形容花的香气,食物的应用savoury/savory). 我以前听一个美籍华人说,他叫它“dried mushroom”,我纠正了他的看法(蘑菇不是晒干了都成香菇的),但不知是否欧美人也已以讹传讹地说成“dried mushroom”了.

高州市17668892334: 中国香菇城 - ---翻译成英文 -
葛钞阿特: China Shitake Mushroom County 翻译根据:1)浙江丽水市的庆元县因盛产香菇而得“中国香菇城”的美名,因此“城”翻译为“County”比较好.City指“市”,“中国香菇城”按英文理解,应该是盛产香菇的地方.而庆元是个县,所以应该按字面意思翻译为County.2)香菇的英文称法是Shitake Mushroom ,不是Mushroom(蘑菇总称),而“Dried Shitake Mushroom”是“干香菇”了.

高州市17668892334: 请问蓝瘦香菇用英文怎么说? -
葛钞阿特: 蓝瘦香菇 I feel awful. I want to cry.蓝瘦香菇 I feel awful. I want to cry.

高州市17668892334: “蓝瘦香菇”英文怎么说 -
葛钞阿特: “蓝瘦香菇” Blue letinous edodes" “蓝瘦香菇” Blue letinous edodes"

高州市17668892334: 香菇用英文怎么说 -
葛钞阿特: 菇类应该都是fungus或mushroom吧...我看见过一些高级餐厅里面有很多什么菇,都有这两个单词出现...其他我看不明白...不好意思...我只知道这些...

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