
作者&投稿:钱哑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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在英国,不仅仅是富裕的人们可以带自己的孩子去海边。如果一个工人,或是是个公共车司机,一个街道清洁者或是个服务生想带自己的妻儿去Southend 或是 Margate, Blackpool 或是 Clacton这几个地方,他们也能很容易的办到。


但是研究机器人的科学家詹姆斯 怀特不同意。 他认为让机器人做的事情像人一样将会是一件很困难的事情。例如,对于一个孩子来说让他们睡醒和知道自己在那里是很容易的。怀特先生认为机器人将不会这样。但是其他科学家不同意。他们认为机器人在25到50年后可以和人类交谈。

1.my name is ...I am ...years old.I am interested in keeping pets.my favorite thing is reading books.Do you want to be my friends?
2.My hobby is singing.Why ? because I think singing can help me keep a fine mood.when I was a baby,my mother often let me listen to music.That's why I like singing a lot today ,I think.
3.I am excited here to tell you that I will visit Beijing on this vacation.Will you go together with me?
I am going there by plane on next Friday.And I plan to stay there for about 5 days.The hotel is Beijing Tian'an.During the visit I want to see the Great Wall,Xiang shan Mountain and the famous Tian"anmen square.
4.My favorite animal is a dog.Her name is Lily.Her color is black and white.I like it because she is very kind and cute.And she will never bite you !
5.My father is a father that I believe the best one in this world.He is pretty outgoing.But I dislike only one of his hobbies.That is he smokes a lot a day.I enjoy playing and staying with him very much!

6.My mother is a very beautiful woman.She is a bank clerk.She is busy every day.she
has nearly no time with me,just with her work.when we chat with each other,she always let me study hard.I hate it!
7.My favourite TV show is cartoons ,especially Disney's.I will watch them on every sunday evening.They are amazing.My parents love them too.

我写了一份英文报章组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14个小时。我想我是太累了。这是吃晚饭的时间。我必须去!我很饥饿。英语日记带翻译100词范文相关 文章 :★ 短篇英语日记带翻译100词左右7篇 ★ 英语日记带翻译100词范文7篇 ★ 英语日记大全100词带翻译7篇 ★ 英语日记100词带翻译7...

在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是我为大家整理的七年级英语作文7篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 七年级英语作文 篇1 Today is Monday,I get up at 6:30.Then,I take a shower and...

在学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是我收集整理的七年级英语作文7篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 七年级英语作文 篇1 What Am I Going to Do What Am I Going to Do in the Summer Holiday The new summer holiday is coming...

最好短一点的,越短越好,初中二年级的水平... 最好短一点的,越短越好,初中二年级的水平 展开 ...大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。 2、Today Mailehaoduo clothes, and parents take to the streets

在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是我帮大家整理的七年级英语作文7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。七年级英语作文 篇1 I like blue, because blue ...

我们骑着自行车一路欣赏鸟语花香。享受着大自然带给我们的无限美好。大家开开心心地度过了愉快的一天。2。Today Mailehaoduo clothes, and parents take to the streets is happy, the parents have to pay to buy things. Unlike in their street to buy things they like to take a long time but...

在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我帮大家整理的七年级英语作文8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 七年级英语作文 篇1 The benefits of reading a lot. Study raises a gender, read...

写英语 日记 可以提高自己的 英语写作 水平,我们可以不用总想着用高级 句子 ,保证语序、逻辑等基本内容正确就行。每日一记,下面由我来给大家带来:英语日记100字带翻译。↓↓↓点击获取更多“英语日记”↓↓↓ ★ 高中英语日记100字 ★ ★ 初中英语日记范文 ★ ★ 小学英语日记带...

急! 英语日记10篇,简单点的,字数50以上就好,求大家帮帮忙!不要从别处转...
7. A Nice Weekend I had a nice weekend. On Saturday morning, I did my homework. Then I practiced the piano. In the afternoon, I cleaned my room. On Sunday morning, I went to the library. I enjoyed reading newspapers and magazines there. In the evening, I went to a ...

在学习、工作、生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是我帮大家整理的七年级英语作文300字7篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。七年级英语作文300字 篇1 请你写一篇短文介绍你的周末生活。I have a good ...

正定县15656563505: 7篇贴近生活的英语作文,,初一暑假,,每篇不少于70字 -
解宙氟尿: 1 The summer vacation is coming. I will do my homework first so I am going to do my homework every morning. In the afternoon, I will play basketball and table tennis with my friends. In the evening I will read English and listen to English program. ...

正定县15656563505: 求大家帮我写16篇初一英语作文,不少于七句话,用一般过去时,水平不用太高就行. -
解宙氟尿: I had fun in the Ocean Park in Hongkong where is filled with lots of pleasure last summer.We got to the park by underground.Firstly, we had fun on space mountain ,an indoor roller coaster in the dark.It was fantastic.I was really greetful.Then we did ...

正定县15656563505: 请大家帮我写三篇英语作文作文要求:1.你去年暑假去哪里了?在那里做什么了?吃什么了?怎样去的?请写写你的快乐暑假!2.Mike生病了,正在医院里看... -
解宙氟尿:[答案] My Dream I hope I can study at YuYan Middil school. I hope l can get a magic stick. I hope I can be a teacher. I wish I couid fiy in the blue sky. I wish I could be a fairy.

正定县15656563505: 帮忙写一篇不少于50个单词的英语短文 -
解宙氟尿:This is Zhanglan,i'm 14 years now,and i'm a student of grade 7 in NO.15 school in Beijing.I have a happy family,my parents and me.They both love me very much.My father is a teacher,he has many many things in his mind.My mother is a worker,...

正定县15656563505: 帮写两篇初二英文小短文?
解宙氟尿: There are many kinds of sports in my life. They are swimming, running, and dancing. However, my favorite sport is basketball. When I was in primary school, I started to play basketball with my PE teacher in school. At that time, I found I had loved the ...

正定县15656563505: 请大家帮忙用英语写一篇作文.内容是,在学校里遇到的困难(任何困难即可),从困难中学到了什么?请各位帮帮忙,我有些急! 谢谢大家! -
解宙氟尿:[答案] 这个不是笔头上写出来的.需要视情况而定.是书面化,还是口语化.

正定县15656563505: 大家帮我写几篇英语短文,写得好加分,大家帮忙,能写一篇是一篇1.:目前学习英语的状况,遇到的困难,对你的影响,请老师帮忙2:写相机简要说明,... -
解宙氟尿:[答案] My Favourite Singer She is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a ... After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights. Next I would go to London to make some new English friends. ...

正定县15656563505: 请大家帮忙想一个英语小短文:假设上周六你和你的朋友Maria约好去看电影你去她家找他时,他正在到处找电影票,于是你和他一块找,最后在书里找到了... -
解宙氟尿:[答案] My friend Maria and I planned to see a film last Saturday, but when I got to her home, she was looking for the the tickets. I helped to search for them and finally found them in a book. We hurriedly m...

正定县15656563505: 求求大家帮我写一篇英语小短文吧,要求是,不少于六句话,描述,麦克的房间,已第一人称 -
解宙氟尿: i'm mike. i am a longly boy that do not have any friend. so i always stay alone in my own room in my spare time. it sounds so pathetic, i konw. But my private space is a so nice and cute place. there is a very big bed in the middle of the room, and i ...

正定县15656563505: 请帮我写一篇英语文章,请写出你一天的生活安排,要求写明时间,不少于5个句子.Hi!My name is Anna.I get up at 7:00 in the morning.Then I read English for ... -
解宙氟尿:[答案] have breakfast at 7:20a.m.Then I go to school by bus.The class over at 4:00p.m.I like playing basketball after school with my friends.

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