中译英 求翻~~~~~~~翻译机饶道~~~帮下哈!

作者&投稿:藏婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

we are always wandering between love and not, have you ever been touched by those novels that involved in a happy or a sad story? Well, right now, let's sense a love story of somenoe else's together.


This is an excerpt from a classic Russian song. The song title is "Who will respond", it's a collective memory of soldiers who sacrificed their lives during world war 2. This is my favourite song, and I feel like to share it with you all.

你为什么难以入眠 亲爱的妈妈
Why you're still awake late at night, my dear mother,

你的睫毛为何颤动 亲爱的妈妈
Why does your eyelash tremble, my dear mother

Twilight clouds of sadness scattered over the hills

Where the children died in wars rest in peace

唉 不会有奇迹 人死不能复活
Alas, there'll be no miracle, the dead can't be brought back to life

唉 命运不能忏悔不会请求宽恕
Alas, we can't beg for mercy from goddess of destiny

Telltale wrinkles rooted on her aged faces

Only fatigue and coldness are seen in her eyes

还在等待亲人 但他们不再归
She's still waiting for her loved ones --who will never return

谁来回答她啊 有谁来回应?
Who will answer her callings, who will respond to her?



这只足球队由15个成员组成.(consist of)
This soccer team consists of fifteen players.

谁来处理这个问题( deal with )
Who is going to deal with this problem?

你必须设法跟上你的同学(keep up with)
You have to keep up with your classmates.

如果你有困难,请拨835185(be in trouble)
Please dial 835185 if you are in trouble.

这些蔬菜没与污染(be free from)
These vegetables are free from pollution.

What are you going to do with these information?

我只给你一次机会(no more than)
I will give you no more that one chance.

That war lasted three years.

使我吃惊的是,孩子们把每件事都准备好了(to my surprise)
To my surprise, kids prepared everything.

他一生的精力都贡献在植物果树上(devote one's life to)
He devotes his life to fruit trees.

当他听到那消息,他禁不住发起了大火(can't help doing)
He couldn’t help being angry when he heard that news.

The teacher noticed that a boy looks not very well.

你不要紧张,就和平时一样走进大厅(as usual)
Don’t be nervous, just walk into the hall as usual.

他自己成功的做完了实验(succeed in doing..)
He succeeded in finishing this experiment by himself.

那工程师说: 即使有危险我也要解决着个问题(even if)
The engineer said, “I have to solve this problem even if it’s dangerous.”

他伸手去摘树上的苹果(reached for)
He reached the apple on the tree.

是我的过失打碎了那个花瓶(be to blame for;break the vase)
I should be blamed for breaking the vase.

妇女在我们国家中起着重要作用(play an important part)
Women play an important part in our country.

一本好书对孩子会有很大的影响(has great effect on)
A good book has great effect on children.

他的想法证明是对的(prove to be correct)
His thoughts have been proved to be correct.

这的学生学习德语而不是学英语(instead of)
This student studies German instead of English.

他打算把价格降低到50元(reduce the price by 50 yuan)
He decided to reduce the price by 50 Yuan.

你因该多吃水果如苹果橘子和香蕉(fruit ,such as apples ,oranges and bananas)
You should take more fruits such as apples ,oranges and bananas.

老师对我的回答很满意(be pleased with)
The teacher was pleased with my answer.

他父母为他的进步而感到自豪(be proud of his progress)
His parents are proud of his progress.

成千上万的人正在保卫他们的城市免遭洪水袭击(protect the city from the flood)
Thousands of people is protecting the city from the flood.

我迟早会知道结果的(sooner or later)
I will know this result sooner of later.

许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会(be present at our concert)
Many aged people were present at our concert yesterday.

他坐公交车上班只需要20分钟(it takes him only twenty minutes)
It takes him only twenty minutes to work by bus.


1.The football team consists of 15 players.
2.Who will deal with the matters?
3.You should try to keep up with your classmates.
4.If you are in trouble, please dial 835185.
5.These vegatables are free from pollution.
6.what measures will you take to do with these information.
7.I will give you no more than one chance.
8.To my surprise, the children have already prepared everything.
9.He has devoted his life to the fruit plants.
10.On hearing the news, he couldn't help losing his temper.
11.The teacher noticed that a boy was not very well.
12.Don't be nervous, you only need to walk into the hall as usual.
13.He succeeded in finishing the experiment by himeself.
14.The engineer said: I will solve the problem even if it is dangerous.
15.He streched out his hand to reach for the apples on the tree.
16.I am to blame for having broken the vase.
17.The women play an important part in our country.
18. A good book has greart effect on children.
19. His thought was proved to be right.
20.The students here study german instead of english.
21.He is going to reduce the price to 50 yuan.如果是降低到的话
22.You must eat more fruit, such as apples ,oranges and bananas.
23.The teacher was pleased with my answer.
24.His parents are proud of his progress.
25.Thousands of people are protecting the city from the flood.
26.I will know the result sooner or later.
27.Many senior citizens were present at our concert.
28.It takes him 20 minutes to go to work by bus.

This football team is composed of 15 members
Who processes this question
you to try to follow your Schoolmate
if you have the difficulty, please dial 835185
these vegetables with the pollution
you not to plan that what measure takes to process these information? I only gave you opportunity
that war to continue for 3 years
Those who cause me to be startled, the children prepared each matter
he the life the energy to contribute on the plant fruit tree
when he heard that news,
he was out of control to initiate fire Mr./Mrs.
that to note has a male schoolmate seems is sick.
should not be anxious, with usually equally entered hall he to succeed completes has tested Engineer
that saying: Even if will have the danger I also to solve question
he to put out a hand to pick on tree's apple is my error destroys that vase
the woman to play the influential role in our country
a good book to have the very tremendous influence to the child
his idea proof will be right
this student studies German, but was not studies English
he to plan that reduced the price to 50 Yuan
Because you this eat the fruit like apple orange and the banana
Mr./Mrs. are very satisfied to my reply
his parents for his progress to feel that proud
tens of thousands of people will be defending their city to avoid the flood attack
I sooner or later to know the result
Mr. many attended our concert
he to ride the public transportation yesterday to go to work only need 20 minutes

这只足球队由15个成员组成.(This football team consist of 15 players.)
谁来处理这个问题( Who will deal with this problem?)
你必须设法跟上你的同学(You have to try to keep up with your classmates.)
如果你有困难,请拨835185(If you are in trouble, please dial 835185.)
这些蔬菜没与污染(These vegetables are free from being poluted.)
你打算采取什么措施来处理这些信息?(what are you going to do with the information)
我只给你一次机会(I will only give you no more than one chance.)
那场战争持续了3年(The war lasted for 3 years.)
使我吃惊的是,孩子们把每件事都准备好了(To my surprise, the children got everything ready.)
他一生的精力都贡献在植物果树上(He devoted all his life to the planting fruit trees)
当他听到那消息,他禁不住发起了大火(He could not help getting angry.)
那老师注意到有一个男同学看上去有病.(The teacher noticed that one of the boys looked sick.)
你不要紧张,就和平时一样走进大厅(Do not be nervous, just walk in the hall as usual.)
他自己成功的做完了实验(He succeeded in finishing the operation by all himself.)
那工程师说: 即使有危险我也要解决着个问题(The engineer said: I will solve this problem even if it is dangerous.)
他伸手去摘树上的苹果(He reached for the apple on the tree.)
是我的过失打碎了那个花瓶(I am to blame for breaking the vase.)
妇女在我们国家中起着重要作用(Women play an important part in our country.)
一本好书对孩子会有很大的影响(A good book has great effect on children.)
他的想法证明是对的(His idea is proved to be correct.)
这的学生学习德语而不是学英语(The students here are studying German instead of English.)
他打算把价格降低到50元(He wants to reduce the price by 50 yuan)
你因该多吃水果如苹果橘子和香蕉(You should eat much fruit ,such as apples ,oranges and bananas)
老师对我的回答很满意(The teacher is pleased with my answer.)
他父母为他的进步而感到自豪(His parents are proud of his progress.)
成千上万的人正在保卫他们的城市免遭洪水袭击(Thousands of people are protecting the city from the flood.)
我迟早会知道结果的(I will find out the result sooner or later.)
许多老人昨天出席我们的音乐会(Quite a lot of old men were present at our concert yesterday.)
他坐公交车上班只需要20分钟(it takes him only twenty minutes to go to work on bus.)

水富县13577459232: 英汉互译在线翻译器 -
拱绿多酶: 在线翻译,一般是指在线翻译工具,如百度翻译,阿里翻译1688或Google翻译等.这类翻译工具的作用是利用计算机程序将一种自然语言转换为另一种自然语言.其原理是依托海量的互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术,在数百万篇文档中查找各种模式,以求解最佳翻译.在线翻译虽然取得了一定的成就,但制约机译质量提高的瓶颈依然存在.就已有的成就来看,译文质量离终极目标仍相׏p>

水富县13577459232: 中英翻译,中英翻译机
拱绿多酶: 易达商城的中英文翻译机贴身译M866能翻译17国语言,价格是798元支持手写输入语言双向互译真人语音发声,还有记事簿MP3/4等娱乐功能.

水富县13577459232: 求中译英翻译,机器翻译的不给分 -
拱绿多酶: Winter in Shanghai is terrible and makes people easy to have chilblains. When I was 18, Air China came to our school to recruit stewardess. In china, only those who are beautiful and of China traditional beauty can be selected to be stewardess. Our...

水富县13577459232: 求一个好用的 中英互译 的手机翻译器
拱绿多酶: 有道词典..绝对是最好的手机翻译软件..E71绝对支持..望楼主采纳..

水富县13577459232: 中译英哪个翻译器最好用啊求告知!?中译英哪个翻译器最好用啊求告知
拱绿多酶: 【所有】在线翻译都不好,但是【有道词典】里有一个【例句】查询,那个语法还稍微好点,不过也有不好的时候,需要有一定英文基础才能鉴别,不过相比google那不堪入目的翻译好多了 建议你用的时候把自己不会翻的关键字打进去,下面有很多例句(极有可能就有和自己要翻的句子类似的,这样的情况依样画葫芦就好了),选一个比较好的,简单点的就自己翻咯 PS:有道词典里也有一个翻译器,千万不要用,和google翻译一样……

水富县13577459232: 翻译机哪种好,求推荐一款功能丰富一点的. -
拱绿多酶: 翻译机的功能一般都比较单一,想要丰富一些,可以考虑糖果翻译手机S20,这款手机的翻译功能比普通翻译机要丰富,除了支持的翻译语言多之外,它支持的翻译形式也更丰富.另外,糖果翻译手机S20还具有拍照、看电影、AI旅游助手、剪辑视频等多种功能,这些也是翻译机做不到的.

水富县13577459232: 有哪些比较好用的翻译工具 -
拱绿多酶: 1. 百度翻译是百度发布的在线翻译服务,依托互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术优势,致力于帮助用户跨越语言鸿沟,方便快捷地获取信息和服务. 百度翻译支持全球28种热门语言互译,包括中文、英语、日语、韩语、西班牙语、泰语、法...

水富县13577459232: 【求翻译】讲一小段中文翻译成英文.翻译机勿扰. -
拱绿多酶: So far as the state founded, American education system began to take shape. With over 200 years development and accomplishment, there comes today's three level system: primary education, secondary education and higher education. The high ...

水富县13577459232: 求一段英文翻译(汉译英)【翻译机不要进来了】
拱绿多酶:Chinese family usually take that the appropriate corporal punishment makes a child know the right and wrong, this approach is well inherited and deeply rooted in the chinese families. However, In US where the human right is highly considered, any ...

水富县13577459232: 哪里有在线翻译的网站?英译中、中译英求大神帮助 -
拱绿多酶: 用谷歌的翻译吧,感觉还比较好. http://translate.google.cn/ 然后再给你一个中国知网的翻译,这个更好!很多中外期刊、论文什么的都有. http://dict.cnki.net/ 他的翻译大多都是根据这些期刊和论文,翻译准确度超高. 翻译单词、固定词组那是绝对的专业

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