
作者&投稿:燕娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一个be动词"is"是从句的谓语;第二个be动词"be"放在"gonna"的后面是因为"gonna"是“going to"的口语式缩略,"going to"后面跟动词原形,后以又有一个"be"

1 the moment 2 as good as 3 neither will I 4 Will you please not

1. 答案‘B’是正确的。这是最高级的固定格式,表示‘在所有颜色中’。由于有了‘中’一字,往往造成用‘among’。这是中国人学英语的误区。
2. 答案‘D’是正确的。‘C’与‘D’的区别在于‘is’与‘work’二词,其实‘Will this one work?’回答是为了满足对方的要求,即:既然你要一支书写流利的钢笔,那么这一支可以(管用)吧?是半问半答的句子,就是说这支写起来可以不错吧?不能用代动词‘do’,应当用‘work’一词。试举一例:(情景:在国外,我拿出人民币去付购物钱,对方说)‘It does not work here.’(意思指这钱在这里不管用。)
3. 选答案‘B’是对的。用‘would’一词表示语气委婉和征求对方意见。
4. 在选择本题答案时,先要了解汉语和英语在做肯定与否定回答的用法。汉语在回答‘是的’或‘不是的’时,对对方问话的肯定或否定;而英语的‘yes’与‘no’是对实际事实的肯定与否定。答案‘C’是正确的。

1,倒装,正过来念就是All of visible
lights,red light..... 所以选B
3,would rather do固定搭配‘更喜欢。。。’

既然是改错,那就不能翻译成中文了,因为它本来就是错误的英文句子。第一题:what 改成 which 请向我出示一下你昨天借的书 二:if 改成whether 他会不会被送到国外还不能得知 三:同二 他们在谈论这书能不能畅销 四:that 改成what 我们必须大力关注我们所发现的东西 五: what改...

1.我们没有真正意识到什么东西带来丰盛或空虚的生活。2.一群奇装异服的孩子从门口跑出来 3.他们说,科技的进步,大部分不是通过天才的智慧,而是很平常的知识例如先进的技术和仪器\/工具。4.凭着进一步的理论,我找到了我三个不吃苹果的理由。5.事实上,私有制模式不光挽救了个人和整个社会面临的经济...

英文高手 请帮帮忙 解答以下问题 句子顺序问题 二十五分
句1每个单词开头都大写,明显是标题。11、2是此稿作者及发生地,一般是放在最后,不过某些惯例是放在标题之后,正文之前,所以要学习英文没事还是要多看看英文报纸。这里不太确定,先放在最后。再了解了其他句的意思就不难判断,答案应该是 1、4、7、5、14、16、17、20、15、6、18、10、13、12、3...

1.大家好!今天由我来教大家英语.Hello everyone, I will be your english teacher today.我觉得这里突出的是“我”而不是“教”所以用这种方法。2.大家跟我读一遍.Please read with me.3.先相信你自己,然后别人才会相信你。Believe yourself first, and then other people will believe in you.4...

20Have you traded without any serious product quality issues in the last 3 years? If No, please give details in 'comments' section below.在过去3年时间里,你出货是否都是无严重品质缺陷的?如果不是,请在“comment”这一栏详细说明。21Do you monitor ongoing performance of your ...

英语一般的语序是:主语+动作+方式+地点+时间,其中时间、地点的词语由小向大排列。 例如:她每天晚上吃完饭在自己房间安静地读书。 She reads books quietly in her room after supper every evening. (4)词性的转换。如: (5)习惯用法。如: *我昨天去北京大学,路上用了两个小时。 It took me two ho...

Has the specialized telephone sale skill  positive team cooperation spirit and good communication skill  English said writes ability; Computer operation ability  outstanding customer communication skill and nimble positive handling ability employment history: xx...

I wish I were a "wishing star"我愿成为一颗“许愿星”But twice as big, and twice as far 但是要更大,更远 Then I can make your wish come true 这样就可以使你的愿望成真 No matter where you are...不论你在何方 I wish I were a "wishing well"我愿我是一口“许愿井”A ...

1.Please immediately check the assembled goods in stock and we will deliver new ones as for the unqualified products if necessary.2.The screws can not be drived smoothly into the correspounding holes in the grippers.3.The screws and grippers are yet not fixed to the products.4...

根据英文解释写出单词并完成句子 1, island (a piece of land with all round it)There is beautiful island in the middle of the lake.2, c (a person in a book\/film\/game)I found all the in this play very interesting.10, m (think of someone or something a ...

邕宁县15058941164: 求英语高手帮忙做几道题 急急急!! -
闳柄克林: 1.taller than2.can make ,dishes3.are watching, now4.will,night

邕宁县15058941164: 请英语高手过来帮我回答几个问题(看补充)每个问题回答尽量长一点不用回答的太复杂简单一点即可.谢谢.1 can you name some famous people you know ... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 1 Ronald Beckham 2 Stephen Hawking He is disabled,but he has a great thinking.3 insist work hard4 NO,I want to live like a ordinary ,not to be interruptted by others.

邕宁县15058941164: 麻烦回答几个英语小问题~请高手作答啊!要考试啦!拜托一定要精确啊!1.skilled与skillful有什么区别啊2.one of 后加名词复数,谓语动词是加单数形式还是... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 1.skilled 是熟练的 ; skillful灵巧的;熟练的;制作精巧的 前者用在系动词后做表语主要修饰人;后者还可以做定语修饰名词.2. one of 后加名词复数,一般情况下谓语动词是加单数形式.但是要注意下面的定语从句:He is ...

邕宁县15058941164: 高分请英语高手帮忙解答几道题 根据句意及首字母完成各句1.Some hobbies are relaxing and others are c_____.2.One day,my classmates talked happily with ... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 根据句意及首字母完成各句 1. challenging 2. usual 3. mention 4. virus 5. funny/famous/fantastic 6. environment 7. heroes 8. ... if they need to send a report or get information. 把句子翻译成英语 1.尽管在做一个手术时割破了手,但他仍然继续工作. He ...

邕宁县15058941164: 英语高手麻烦来帮忙回答几个问题~明天要考口语哦~有两个问题~不知道怎么回答~麻烦啦~1.What do you do when you feel lonly?2.Do you think it is right to ... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 1.what do you do when you feel lonely.(you spelled it wrong)when i'm lonely,i go to the park to take a walk.the park is near my home,so it is very convenient for me to go there everyday and walk aroun...

邕宁县15058941164: 各位英语高手帮忙麻烦作解答几道题````选择 1.Do you know______there are any good restaurants_____this block? A.if,on B.how,on C.if,to D.where,to 2.He ... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 1A 2A 3A 4 A DO want to be are going IS is not not only nice but also not only but also .

邕宁县15058941164: 几道英语题目,请各位英语高手帮帮忙啊???
闳柄克林: 1.orange 2.first to learn 3.什么信是一个问题?(那个应该是a letter 或者是letters) 4.stays 5.game

邕宁县15058941164: 请英语高手解答几道英语选择题很急啊!1、Half of the boys( )from the countryside.A、come B、 comes C、is D was2、Three kilometers( ) a long way.You'd ... -
闳柄克林:[答案] 1、A 分析:boys是复数,相应的动词就不是第三人称.BCD都不是复数动词. 2、B 分析:Three kilometers指的是“3千米”... 3、B 分析:a secret提示了要用第三人称,意思是“我所告诉你的是一个秘密”,主语是“我告诉你的东西”,用is. 4、D ...

邕宁县15058941164: 请英语高手回答几个问题?
闳柄克林: 1.B 2.B 3.D 1题中前句已有cities后面用one指代同类事物 2题中A项是“40分钟”,而B中是“40分钟的”,做定语修饰“drive" 3题in which=where . "stay in sw."本题把介词in提前 与后面的stay 照应. ~~

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