
作者&投稿:藩宗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  用短语be important for造句:
  From this level, the more you can raise this angle of view, the more you will beimportant for the society.

On Sunday night he was as quiet as a mouse.
It looks as good as new.
He impressed them as a modest and amiable comrade.
as innocent as a new-born babe.
I wish I were as rich as Bill Gates.
as precious as gold.
It was not that he was lazy.
Talk louder, so (that) all may hear.

2.I am interested in reading。

3.This is useful for cleaning。

4.I have many work experiences。For example,I used to be a teacher and I were working in a import company。

5.Thank you for helping me with my English。

6.Please pass me the paper。=Please pass the paper to me。

7.The sunglasses can protect our eyes from the strong sunshine。

Policemen warn us to stop when the red light on。

9.The wooden house is in danger because of the coming storm。

26、I work hard to realize my dream 我努力工作以实现我的梦想 27、Some children seldom communicate with their parents 一些学生很少同他们家长沟通。= =、 其实我也才初三呃... 所以造句比较简单、希望可以帮到你 。有问题再找我~...

三百个英语短语造句,短语带翻译,拜托了,很急用 4个回答 #话题# 清明必备20问 enmaaitzukumi 2014-08-25 · TA获得超过3762个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:2489 采纳率:66% 帮助的人:378万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 get over1.(使)渡过, (使)穿过 He got over while the...

1.一周内,一周后 I gained five pounds in a week.我一个星期体重增加了五磅。I have calculated that there are 10,080 minutes in a week.我计算出来一星期有10,080分钟。He strained to finish the work in a week.他拼命努力,想在一周内完成工作。I' ll see you in a week s time...

英语短语造句大全带翻译,英语短语造句很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!the same...as...和...同样的...no longer不在 break into 强行闯入 go to jail 进监狱 instrad of... 代替...behind bars 坐牢 by underground 乘地铁 at the back of... 在...的后面 at the front 在前...

1.We can't do many things at the same time.2.Every year the acting lessons attract a large amount of students.3.During my chilhood,I always dreamed of growing up.4.The United States moved to report progress at the conference.5.It sounded like that he had been there several...

1One practical application of AI has been in the area of expert systems .人工智能的一个实际应用领域是专家系统 2.There was,of course ,an immense extension in the area of civilized life .当然,文明生活的领域有了巨大的扩展。3.I've noticed that in the area of happiness ,people o...



2、how does the story end up ?3、You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.6、Do not laugh at him,he is very sensitive。Take note of what I say and do not forget it.How many countries make up the Common Market?We regard labour as a matter of honour.In ...

保证准确率!1. Please pass this form on to the next person after signing it.签完名后,请把这张表格传给下一位。2. There is only a little money available for the trip.这趟旅行只有少量金钱可供花用了。3. The university isn't far away from here.这所大学离这里不远。4. Make...

梓潼县19262235043: 急需五十个英语短语造句, -
全霍可宝:[答案] be full of The hall was full of people. 大厅里挤满了人. Mary's heart was full of distress. 玛丽的心里充满痛苦. because of I came back because of the rain. 因为下雨, 所以我回来了. It was because of the job that he had taken the flat. 他因为工作的原因租了...

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短语造句 -
全霍可宝: 1. The meeting will be put off till next week. 会议将会被推迟到下个星期. 2. Please write down your name. 请写下你的名字. 3. He is putting up a new fence at his home. 他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙. 4. The teacher is handing out the exam ...

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短句造句 -
全霍可宝: 1.break into Can thieves break into my house?2.take turns Take turns feeding each other.3.take a shower She is taking a shower.4.take charge of Will you take charge of my baggage?5.take part inI take part in individual sports.6.take away she will ...

梓潼县19262235043: 用英文短语来造句.短语要列出来,句子要翻译12句以上 -
全霍可宝:[答案] 很高兴为您 1 想让某人做某事 want sb to do sth The teachers want us to study hard 老师们想让我们努力学习 2 ...足够...去做某事 主+be+adj+enough+to do sth I am clever enough to work out this problem by myself.我足够聪明去独立解决这个问题 3 危险...

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短语及造句初一水平的200个英语单词式短语并造句 谢谢! -
全霍可宝:[答案] 一般学的好一点的六小学生都可以和初一相比,其实初一学的东西就是小学的重复和深入.把小学的英文书都整出来就行了.造句就让孩子自己去造吧.那样他更能学到东西.

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短语造句给以下句子造句 1.give up 2.make…proud 3.take pride in sb.4.be proud of 5.talent 6.be talent at 7.be good at (要有创意的,也不要太难的句子) -
全霍可宝:[答案] When you get married,will you give up your job? 你结婚后会不会辞去工作? I just want to make you proud:我只是想让你自豪;我只是想让你感到骄傲;只是想让你觉得自豪 We take pride in our craftsmanship. 为自己的手艺感到自豪 This is really an ...

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短语造句用1.put off 2.write down 3.put up 4.hand out 5.call up 6.set up 7.tink up 8.cheer up注:要有翻译 -
全霍可宝:[答案] 1.The meeting will be put off till next week.会议将会被推迟到下个星期. 2.Please write down your name.请写下你的名字. 3.He is putting up a new fence at his home.他正在为自己家搭建新的篱笆墙. 4.The teacher is handing out the exam papers.老师在发...

梓潼县19262235043: 用以下四个英语短语造句,一个短语一句1.be interested 2.agree with 3.be aware 4.attach much attention to -
全霍可宝:[答案] I am interested in helping you. We should try to agree with others. I aware of my question. I attach much attention to look after my student.

梓潼县19262235043: 用一个英文短语造句用during the day和last sunday一起造一个句子..不要太难的..要用过去进行时造句 -
全霍可宝:[答案] last sunny ,I was playing the computer during the day.

梓潼县19262235043: 英语短语造句子 -
全霍可宝: We tried to calm him down, but he was still shouting/screaming excitedly.

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