
作者&投稿:蒙官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求《无间道 I 》粤语版剧本,或经典台词的粤语文字版。~


# 好、同法官讲吖,睇佢俾唔俾你做好人。(好、跟法官说去,看他要不要让你当好人。)
# 对唔住,我系差人!(对不起,我是警察!)
# 三年之后又三年,三年之后又三年,十年都嚟紧头啦老细!(十年都快到来了,老板!)
# 高音甜、中音准、低音劲。一句讲哂(一句话),通透啦即系(就是通透)。
# 做咩(干什么)?咁你上嚟做乜(那你上来干嘛)?上来晒晒太阳?
# 收嗲啦!呢句嘢我听咗九千几次啦!(收声啦!你这句话我听过九千几次了)
# 顶?你黎顶啊……(你来顶啊)
# 李医生,我刚才除了睡觉还有做什么?
# 过佐听天就冇事了。(过了明天就没事了)
# 买佐几部车,后来发现我冇车牌(没驾驶证),所以就请了两个司机。
# 我这个人特别坚强,我怕万一你催眠不了我,我可以自我催眠来配合你。

# 我以前无得拣,我而家想做好人。(从前我没的选,现在我想做个好人。)
# 我都系差人!(我也是警察!)
# 过埋‘听’日就冇事了(过了明天便没事了)

# 孖八,Hold 住,Hold 住!(八八,等一下,等一下!)
# 因为我觉得你仲似番个人。(因为我觉得你还像个人。)
# O记噶coffee,全总部最靓!(重案组的咖啡,是总部最好的。)
# 世界唔应该系咁,做人唔应该系咁。(世界不应该是这样,做人不应该是这样。)

# 我这条命叫做“一将功成万骨枯”。
# 师父曾经告诉我:因果报应总有时。



英文剧情介绍Shawn Yue plays a young police officer who has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Edison Chen plays a young mafia member who is infiltrating the police force. Years later, their older counterparts, Tony Leung and Andy Lau respectively, race against time to expose the mole within their midsts and destroy him. Written by Aya
The setting is the never-ending war between the police and the Triads of Hong Kong. Chan is a cop who's been assigned to undercover work inside the Triads for so long that he's been able to rise through the ranks to a position of some authority. Lau, meanwhile, is a secret member of the Triads who has infiltrated the police force with an equal level of success. As they feed their bosses information on the plans and counter-plans of the organizations they pretend to serve, they both begin to feel the stresses of their double lives as they become torn between the oppressive obligations they owe to their superiors and the growing camaraderie they share with the foot soldiers around them. As the two organizations become increasingly aware of the moles in their midsts, the race is on for Chan and Lau to try and get out of the game alive. Written by Jean-Marc Rocher

精彩对白Lau Kin Ming: [raising his hands to police officers] I'm a cop.
Lau Kin Ming: I have no choice before, but now I want to turn over a new leaf.
Chan Wing Yan: Good. Try telling that to the judge, see what he has to say.
Lau Kin Ming: You want me dead?
Chan Wing Yan: Sorry, I'm a cop
Lau Kin Ming: Who knows that?
Sam: What thousands must die, so that Caesar may become the great.
Keung: Remember this, if you see someone doing something but at the same time watching you... then he is a cop.
Chan Wing Yan: Should I salute you?
Lau Kin Ming: No, don't. How long have you been an undercover?
Chan Wing Yan: I've followed Sam for 3 years, I had several other bosses before. All together it's been 10 years
Lau Kin Ming: 10 years? I should salute you instead.
Chan Wing Yan: I just want an identity, I want to be a normal man.
Lau Kin Ming: Getting tired?
Chan Wing Yan: You've never been a mole, you won't understand. Too bad I still can't find the stooge, I'll take him down if I found him.
Lau Kin Ming: Don't worry. Let me give you back your identity, I'll open your file, but... I don't have the password.
Chan Wing Yan: What's the Morse Code for Undercover?
Mary: I can't finish the novel, I don't know whether he's good or bad.
Lau Kin Ming: Do all undercover cops like rooftops?
Chan Wing Yan: Unlike you, I'm not afraid of light.
Dr. Lee Sum Yee: I'll dream of you, Officer Yan.
SP Wong: Let me tell you a story. Two men need an organ transplant, but there's only one organ. So they play a game. They each put a card in their pocket. Whoever can guess the other's card wins the organ.
Sam: You know I can see your card.
SP Wong: I see yours as well.
Cadet School Principal: Who wants to be like ex-cadet Yan?
Young Lau Kin Ming: I do.
Chan Wing Yan: In a word: excellent.

- Are the voices crisp enough?
The precious recording was taken from Sam's office.
It's not your lucky day.

- Don't threaten me. What do you want?

- I want my identity back.

- 3 pm, Central Ferry pier. keep your cell on.


- You sre know waht you're doing.

- I also went to the cadet school.

- Do all undercover cops like rooftops?

- Unlike you, I'm not afraid of light.
So where's the stuff I want?

- I don't think you've brought what I want either.

- So what does that mean?
We came up here to sunbathe?

- Give me a chance.

- How?

- I have no choice before
but now I want to turn over a new leaf.

- Good.
Try telling that to the judge.
See what he has to say.

- You want me dead?

- Sorry, I'm a cop.

- Who knows that?


- Don't move. Police.
Drop your weapon and let inspector lau go first.

- Your boss is Sam's mole.
I got evidence.
Let's clear this up at the station.

- Drop your weapon now.

- I've called the police.

- Why should I trust you?

- You don't have to.


- You'd better watch out.

- Look who's talking.


- No seat. We are brothers.
Sam is dead now.
You have to look after me.
I joined the cadet school in 1994.
But my career never really takes off.
Sam looked down on me.
I've taken care of Sam's tape.
Don't worry. I'll follow you from now on.
Our folks will be here any minute.
Let's give them a good show.
I'm actually quite smart.
Too bad Sam never knew that.


无间道1 刘建明(刘德华饰):挺利索的。陈永仁(梁朝伟饰):我也读过警校。刘建明:你们这些卧底真有意思,老在天台见面。陈永仁:我不像你,我光明正大。陈永仁:我要的东西呢?刘建明:我要的你都未必带来。陈永仁:哼,什么意思,你上来晒太阳的啊。刘建明:给我个机会。陈永仁:怎么给你机会。刘...

无间道经典台词天台 电影无间道简介

但是他们,改变了一些事情!" “从来只有事情改变人,人改变不了事情。” “爸爸说,出来混的,迟早要还。” “未来掌握在自己手里,所以路怎么走,你们自己选。” 无间道》经典台词精选: 《无间道I、II、III》---梁朝伟\/黎明:“对不起,我是警察!” 《无间道I》---梁朝伟:...


这是一部非常经典的电影,中间聚集了很多重量级的演员。在这里面你不知道谁是敌是友,间谍反间谍,在这里做事要时刻动用自己的智商。此文是由我为大家整理的无间道的经典台词,欢迎大家参考。刘: “挺利索的。”梁: “我也读过警校。”刘: “你们这些卧底可真有意思,老...

无间道经典台词 ★教官:来到警校就要遵守警校的规定,否则就像他一样:滚蛋!你们当中谁想跟他交换? 刘建明:我想跟他换。★ ★"对不起,我是警察." "谁知道!" ★ ★"说好了三年,三年之后又三年,三年之后又三年,都快十年了,老大!"★ ★"出来跑,迟早要还的." ★ ★"再做,再做...

无间道1经典台词 1、我以前没得选择。现在我想做一个好人。2、梁朝伟:“对不起,我是警察!"刘德华:“谁知道?”3、“明明说好三年,三年之后又三年,三年之后又三年,都快十年了老大"。4、如果一个人在做一件事情的时候很不专心的看着另外一个人,他就是警察。5、未来掌握在自己手里,所以路怎么...

1、无间道1经典台词 2、我工作便是背叛身边的人。3、不惹人嫉是庸才。是对是错?4、忘记了告诉你,谁输便会死!5、我是好人,我为何要当心?为何?6、一个好警察,所有人都是会帮他。7、你见过有些人进宾仪馆跟尸体握手吗。8、原来你不是担忧我。是担心自身呀刘警察!9、我之前没有挑选。

人改变不了事情。” “爸爸说,出来混的,迟早要还。” “未来掌握在自己手里,所以路怎么走,你们自己选。” 《无间道I、II、III》---梁朝伟\/黎明:“对不起,我是警察!” 《无间道I》---梁朝伟:“明明说好三年,三年之后又三年,三年之后又三年,...

新城子区17351452403: 谁能给我无间道英语版台词 -
布临埃美: 展开全部- Are the voices crisp enough? 伟仔:声音漂亮吗? The precious recording was taken from Sam's office. 那些录音是我在韩坤的办公室里找到的,你不走运. It's not your lucky day. - Don't threaten me. What do you want? 华仔:用不着...

新城子区17351452403: 求解无间道经典对白英文版 -
布临埃美: Andy lau: quite agile. LiangChaoWei: I also read police.Andy lau: you these undercover really interesting, old in tiantai meet.LiangChaoWei: I don't like you, I aboveboard. What I want?Andy lau: I want you also may not bring?LiangChaoWei: what do ...

新城子区17351452403: 谁能给我无间道英语版台词 -
布临埃美: - Are the voices crisp enough? 伟仔:声音漂亮吗?The precious recording was taken from Sam's office. 那些录音是我在韩坤的办公室里找到的,你不走运. It's not your lucky day.- Don't threaten me. What do you want? 华仔:用不着唬我.想怎...

新城子区17351452403: 无间道这几句台词英语怎么说 -
布临埃美: Give me a chance.How to give you the chance?I have no choice before, but I want to be a good person now.OK,told the judge and see if he will let you be a good person、 That is making me die.sorry,I am police、 who knows?

新城子区17351452403: 求助无间道1中杜汶泽死前在车里的那段台词的英语翻译!求各位英语好的朋友们帮帮我!真心感谢! 急用啊! -
布临埃美: Heyhey, you didn't realise how dangerous it was just now. Boss Chen commanded to take action just...

新城子区17351452403: 英语翻译无间道里那句台词“过了明天就没 -
布临埃美: 你好!过了明天就没 After tomorrow, there will be no

新城子区17351452403: <美>无间道风云中卡斯特罗在影片开头的英语台词 -
布临埃美: 我不想成为我环境的产物,我想让环境成为我的产物

新城子区17351452403: 无间道中所有有关无间的台词或字幕 -
布临埃美: 无间道1:刚开始时:《涅盘经》第十九卷“八大地狱之最,称为无间地狱,为无间断遭受大苦之意,故有此名”影片中:陈永仁:明明说好三年,三年之后又三年,三年之后又三年,快十年了老大!快结束时:佛曰:受身无间者永远不...

新城子区17351452403: 求无间道1英文剧本! -
布临埃美: 99801:30:40,667 --> 01:30:41,895 挺利索的 You sure know what you're doing.99901:30:42,208 --> 01:30:43,675 我也读过警校 I also went to the cadet school.100001:30:47,333 --> 01:30:50,359 你们卧底可真有意思 老在天台见面 Do all ...

新城子区17351452403: 《无间道》中的经典台词,谁知道?
布临埃美: 傻强: 按摩小姐不正点,就一定倒霉 我只有他一个小弟啊 我是傻子啊,你不怕搞砸了? 好他老妈,自己贴过来的 出来混,不是你爆人,就是人爆你啦 刘建明: 为什么所...

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