
作者&投稿:许容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1)在下列各组单词中,选择一个含有所给音标读音的词填在括号里。 ( ) 1.[k] A.city B.carry C.pencil D.cinema
( ) 2.[e] A.seat B.great C.bread D.meat ( ) 3.[a:] A.plate B.change C.many D.dance ( ) 4.[u:] A.touch B.round C.through D.grow ( ) 5.[iz] A.leaves B.lives C.knives D.pages
(2)以下对话由三个句子组成,指出这三个句子应该用什么语调,选出一个正确答案 填在括号里。
6.--Is your school far from here? --No,it isn't. --Where is it?
A.升调,降调,降调 B.升调,降调,升调 C.降调,降调,升调 ( )
7.--How long did you watch TV last evening? --For about two hours.
--Do you often watch TV in the evening?
A.升调,降调,升调 B.降调,降调,升调 C.升调,降调,降调 ( )
8. Li Gang is looking for his dictionary. A. 寻找 B. 照顾 C. 看见 ( )
9. Tom,please go to Mr Green's office at once. A. 从前 B. 立刻 C. 一次 ( ) 二、单词释义
(1)将下列单词的正确解释选出,并将它前面的字母编号填在括号里。 10. lunch
A.not difficult B.the second meal of the day C.man,woman or child D.ask somebody to come ( ) 11. choose
A.not difficult B.pick out one thing from several things C.man,woman or child D.ask somebody to come ( ) 12. among
A.not difficult B.the second meal of the day
C.the sixth month of the year D.in the middle of ( ) 13. send for
A.in the middle of A.man,woman or child C.ask somebody to come D.not difficult ( ) 14. person
A.pick out one thing from several things B.man,woman or child C.ask somebody to come D.not difficult ( )
(2)选出与句子的加点部分意思相同或相近的词或词组,把它前面的编号填在括号里。 15. The boy @.@is able to@.@ draw a good horse in five minutes. A.may B.can C.is going to D.must ( ) 16. I want @.@a bit@.@ more milk, not tea. A.much B.many C.a little D.a lot of ( ) 17. It @.@started raining@.@ this morning. A.stopped raining B.didn't rain C.began to rain D.kept raining ( )
18. Meimei @.@was in@.@ a red dress yesterday. A.bought B.wore C.put D.got ( )
19. Four horses can @.@draw@.@ the car. A.pull B.drive C.drop D.start ( ) 三、选择填空
在A、B、C三个答案中,选出一个正确答案,把它前面的编号填在括号里。 (1)根据所给的情景,选择合适的答案。 20. John 问你:What's the date today?你答: ______. A.It's Monday B.It's June 1 C.It's Children's Day ( )
21.一位外国人在大街上看地图,你想去帮助他,你该说: ______? A.What can I do for you B.Where are you going C.What shall I do ( )
22.你在书店指着一本字典向售货员问价格,你该说: ______. A.Is it cheap B.How many money is it C.How much is it ( )
23. 你的朋友要外出买东西,他对你说:Would you like to go with me?你乐意去, 就说: ______.
A.Yes,I'd love to B.I want to go very much
C.Yes, I like ( )
24. 一位外国朋友想借你的钢笔用一下,他对你说:May I use your pen?你乐意借给他, 就说: ______.
A.Yes,here you are B.That's all right C.It doesn't matter ( ) (2)选择正确答案
25.Mr Smith was ______ soldier in the Second World War. A.a B.an C.the ( )
26. ______ any apple trees there? A.Is there B.Are there C.There will be ( )
27. Australia is one of the most beautiful ______ in the world. A.country B.countrys C.countries ( ) 28.Spring comes ______winter. A.before B.from C.after ( )
29.Could you tell me ______ bike this is ? A.which B.whose C.who's ( )
30.They ______ the lost child for some hours in the street. A.looked up B.looked for C.looked at ( ) 31.Nobody can go into the station ______ a ticket. A.with B.without C.except ( ) m.niuyingyu.cn
32.Do you know which is ______ river in the world? A.the long B.the longer C.the longest ( ) 33.The ______ letter in the word “cinema” is “i”. A.first B.second C.fourth ( )
34. Can you tell me why ______ yesterday?
A.he didn't come B.did he not come C.didn't he come ( ) 35. Look,the baby ______! A.smile B.smiled C.is smiling ( )
36. Everyone tried to work out the problem, but ______ of them could do it. A.none B.neither C.each ( )
37. Do you want to stay at home ______ go shopping with us? A.and B.or C.but ( )
38. Neither he nor I ______ going swimming. A.is B.am C.are ( )
39. Can you ______ English?


一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.

二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X

三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
( )1. bike mine
( )2. nose long
( )3. much museum
( )4. left desk
( )5. hand make

四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
( )1. A. day B. bad C. have
( )2. A. fish B. find C. give
( )3. A. me B. see C. red
( )4. A. glue B. run C. us
( )5. A. phone B. plant C. four

五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。
library 电影院 watch TV 牙疼
station 图书馆 wait for 头疼
cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视
museum 公园 headache 等候
park 车站 toothache 下棋

六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________
3. Here is the money. 中文:_________
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:________
5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______

七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1. The book is _______ the bed.
2. Could I _______ Mike , please?
3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a _______ pencil.
5. I will ______ with Mike this week

八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
( )2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
( )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
( )4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
( )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
( )6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
( )7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
( )8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
( )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
( )10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?

九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
( )2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
( )3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
( )4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
( )5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where

十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
( )2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
( )3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
( )4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
( )5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.

十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. bag B. bed C. book
( )2. A. cap B. cat C. car
( )3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
( )4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
( )5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher

十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
( )2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
( )3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
( )4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
( )5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.

十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see _____________.
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——_________, __________.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s __________.
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a ________.
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s _______ the book.

十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
A: Thank you.

一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f g h o p q k L M V w X
三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
(T)1. bike mine
(F)2. nose long
(F)3. much museum
(T)4. left desk
(F)5. hand make
四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
(A)1. A. day B. bad C. have
(B)2. A. fish B. find C. give
(C)3. A. me B. see C. red
(A)4. A. glue B. run C. us
(B)5. A. phone B. plant C. four
五. 略
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:姐妹
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:吸烟
3. Here is the money. 中文:钱
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:study
5. My bag is 黑色的。英文:black
七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1. The book is <1> the bed.
2. Could I <5> Mike , please?
3. Don’t read <4> . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a <2> pencil.
5. I will <3> with Mike this week

八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
(C)2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
(B)3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
(A)4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
(C)5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
(A)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
(C)7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
(B)8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
(A)9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
(A)10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(B)1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
(A)2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
(C)3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
(B)4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
(A)5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where

十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
(D)1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
(C)2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
(E)3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
(B)4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
(A)5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.

十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
(B)1. A. bag B. bed C. book
(B)2. A. cap B. cat C. car
(A)3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
(C)4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
(C)5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher

十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
(B)2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
(B)3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
(C)4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
(C)5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.

十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see one dog
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——Yes, I do.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s seven
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a doctor
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s under the book.

十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
B: Tum right at the first crossing
The station is on the right
A: Thank you.
写出tum right at the first crossing 即可。

一. 按字母写出24个字母大小写
例: j k
错误: j K

二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母
错例:f g h k l m
改正:f g h k L m
原因:1. 不认真读题。 2. 书写格式不正确

三. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同?相同“T”,不同“F”
错例:left desk(F)
改正:left desk(T)
left [e] desk [e]

四. 下面每组单词中划线部分的读音有一个与其它二个不同
错例:(C)A. day B. bad C. have
原因:have 属“a”的特殊发音 〔 〕
ay 字母组合 〔ei〕
bad a在闭音节中 〔 〕

五. 用直线将对应的中、英文联线
错例:library~电影院 cinema~图书馆
改正:library~图书馆 cinema~电影院

六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文
错例:The girl is my sister 姐姐

七. 选择单词或词组。
错别:1. The book is play cards the bed.
改正:The book is under the bed.

八. 根据情景选择句子,将填空填在括号内。
错例:(B)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?

九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
错别:(B)I’ve got a toothache . I’m going to the ______ .
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
例2. (B)——Whose ruler is it ?
——Maybe it’s _________ .
A. peter B. peters C. Mary’s
当表示……的 人名’s

十. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。
例:What does he do ~ she is a dentist
原因:读题不认真,he she不清。
he 他 she 她
What does he do ? He is a doctor .

十一. 每小题有一个与图意相符。
错例:(C)A. cap B. cat C. car

十二. 每小题三个句中,有一个与图义相符。
( )1. A. no smoking B. No spitting

一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.

二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X

三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
( )1. bike mine
( )2. nose long
( )3. much museum
( )4. left desk
( )5. hand make

四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
( )1. A. day B. bad C. have
( )2. A. fish B. find C. give
( )3. A. me B. see C. red
( )4. A. glue B. run C. us
( )5. A. phone B. plant C. four

五. 用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。
library 电影院 watch TV 牙疼
station 图书馆 wait for 头疼
cinema 博物馆 play chess 看电视
museum 公园 headache 等候
park 车站 toothache 下棋

六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________
3. Here is the money. 中文:_________
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:________
5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______

七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1. The book is _______ the bed.
2. Could I _______ Mike , please?
3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a _______ pencil.
5. I will ______ with Mike this week

八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
( )2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
( )3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
( )4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
( )5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
( )6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
( )7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
( )8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
( )9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
( )10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?

九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
( )1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
( )2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
( )3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
( )4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
( )5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where

十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
( )2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
( )3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
( )4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
( )5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.

十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. bag B. bed C. book
( )2. A. cap B. cat C. car
( )3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
( )4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
( )5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher

十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
( )1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
( )2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
( )3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
( )4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
( )5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.

十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see _____________.
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——_________, __________.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s __________.
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a ________.
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s _______ the book.

十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
A: Thank you.

一. 按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n
o p q r s t u v w x y z
二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。
f g h o p q k L M V w X
三. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“T”,不同的用“F”,表示在括号内。
(T)1. bike mine
(F)2. nose long
(F)3. much museum
(T)4. left desk
(F)5. hand make
四. 下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。
(A)1. A. day B. bad C. have
(B)2. A. fish B. find C. give
(C)3. A. me B. see C. red
(A)4. A. glue B. run C. us
(B)5. A. phone B. plant C. four
五. 略
六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。
1. The girl is my sister. 中文:姐妹
2. Don’t smoke. 中文:吸烟
3. Here is the money. 中文:钱
4. I 学习English in a school. 英文:study
5. My bag is 黑色的。英文:black
七. 选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。
<1>under <2>white <3>play cards <4>in bed <5>speak to
1. The book is <1> the bed.
2. Could I <5> Mike , please?
3. Don’t read <4> . It’s bad for your eyes.
4. It is a <2> pencil.
5. I will <3> with Mike this week

八. 根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问:
A. Where is the eraser?
B. Where is the pen?
C. Where is it from?
(C)2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:
A. Don’t read in bed, Xiao Ming!
B. Don’t be late for school, Xiao Ming!
C. Don’t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!
(B)3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,问:
A. How much is the car?
B. How many cars can you see?
C. I can see five cars.
(A)4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:
A. Do you like the green car?
B. What is the car like?
C. I’m looking for a green car.
(C)5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:
A. Can you make a bike?
B. Can you ride a bike?
C. Can you ride a horse?
(A)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?
(C)7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:
A. Where is the new TV?
B. What’s a TV?
C. What colour is the new TV?
(B)8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,问:
A. Have you got a dictionary?
B. Have you got a piano?
C. May I use your piano?
(A)9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,问:
A. Do you like swimming?
B. Do you like running?
C. Do you like pingpong?
(A)10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,问:
A. Whose are these?
B. Whose are those?
C. Who are they?
九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
(B)1. I’v got a toothache. I’m going to the __________.
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
(A)2. ——May I _______ your bike?
A. ride B. reading C. read
(C)3. ——Whose ruler is it?
——Maybe it’s _______.
A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary’s
(B)4. I want to find a good book. I’m going to the _______.
A. cinema B. library C. museum
(A)5. ——_____ will you do?
——I’ll play football.
A. What B. When C. Where

十. 从B栏中找出适合A栏的答语,将其标号填入括号内。
(D)1. What does he do? A. She is going to the cinema.
(C)2. What does she do? B. He is old and fat.
(E)3. What is it like? C. She is a dentist.
(B)4. What is he like? D. He is a doctor.
(A)5. Where is she going? E. It’s long and black.

十一. 每小题A、B、C三个单词中,有一个与图意相符,选出来将其标号填入括号内。
(B)1. A. bag B. bed C. book
(B)2. A. cap B. cat C. car
(A)3. A. radio B. fan C. fridge
(C)4. A. nose B. mouth C. hand
(C)5. A. dentist B. worker C. teacher

十二. 每小题A、B、C三个句中,有一个与图义相符,把这个句子的标号填入括号内。
(A)1. A. No smoking B. No spiting C. No parking
(B)2. A. He is swimming B. He is dancing C. He is riding a horse.
(B)3. A. She is drawing B. She is reading C. She is singing.
(C)4. A. I’m closing the window. B. I’m cleaning the door.
C. I’m opening the door.
(C)5. A. I’m from Africa. B. I’m from England. C. I’m from China.

十三. 看图完成对话(数词用英文表示)。
1. ——How many dogs can you see?
——I can see one dog
2. ——Do you like swimming?
——Yes, I do.
3. ——What time is it?
——It’s seven
4. ——What does he do?
——He is a doctor
5. ——Where is the pencil?
——It’s under the book.

十四. 根据图中汤姆所在的位置,请你告诉他如何找到想去的地方。
turn right, turn left, on the left, on the right, the first crossing, the second crossing
A: How can I get to the station?
B: Tum right at the first crossing
The station is on the right
A: Thank you.
写出tum right at the first crossing 即可。

一. 按字母写出24个字母大小写
例: j k
错误: j K

二. 按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母
错例:f g h k l m
改正:f g h k L m
原因:1. 不认真读题。 2. 书写格式不正确

三. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同?相同“T”,不同“F”
错例:left desk(F)
改正:left desk(T)
left [e] desk [e]

四. 下面每组单词中划线部分的读音有一个与其它二个不同
错例:(C)A. day B. bad C. have
原因:have 属“a”的特殊发音 〔 〕
ay 字母组合 〔ei〕
bad a在闭音节中 〔 〕

五. 用直线将对应的中、英文联线
错例:library~电影院 cinema~图书馆
改正:library~图书馆 cinema~电影院

六. 将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文
错例:The girl is my sister 姐姐

七. 选择单词或词组。
错别:1. The book is play cards the bed.
改正:The book is under the bed.

八. 根据情景选择句子,将填空填在括号内。
错例:(B)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,说:
A. I’d like a cup of tea.
B. Would you like a glass of tea?
C. May I have a bottle of tea?

九. 选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。
错别:(B)I’ve got a toothache . I’m going to the ______ .
A. park B. dentist C. teacher
例2. (B)——Whose ruler is it ?
——Maybe it’s _________ .
A. peter B. peters C. Mary’s
当表示……的 人名’s

十. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语。
例:What does he do ~ she is a dentist
原因:读题不认真,he she不清。
he 他 she 她
What does he do ? He is a doctor .

十一. 每小题有一个与图意相符。
错例:(C)A. cap B. cat C. car

十二. 每小题三个句中,有一个与图义相符。
( )1. A. no smoking B. No spitting








( )1.___the rules? --We can't talk loudly in class.

A.What are B.What is C.Who is D.Who are

( )2.--Can the students eat in class? --___.

A.Yes,they do B.No,they can't C.Yes,they can D.No,they don't

( )3.I don't like___late___class.

A.to be,at B.be,for C.to be,for D.to being,at

( )4.We can't live___water___air.

A.with,or B.with,and C.without,or D.without,and

( )5.--Do we have to wear a uniform? --___.

A.Yes,we have B.No,we haven't C.without,or D.without,and

( )6.He___get to school early today because he is on duty.

A.like to B.has to C.want to D.have to

( )7.We have___rules in our school.

A.too much B.much too C.many too D.too many

( )8.Can you come back home___9:30?

A.in B.by C.to D.on

( )9.What does“___”mean?

A.No talking B.Not talk C.Not talking D.Don't talking

( )10.After I get up,I have to___my bed.

A.get B.take C.make D.have

( )11.Each of the students___English.

A.speak B.say C.says D.speaks

( )12.There is___time.I'm too late.

A.not B.no C.not some D.no any

( )13.We have no classes___weekends.

A.in B.for C.on D.to

( )14.There is___“u”in the word.

A.an B./ C.a D.the

( )15.Let's go to the___Palace tomorrow,OK?

A.Children B.Children's C.Childrens' D.Child's



1.We go to school___Monday___Friday.

2.Don't eat___class.

3.The boy looks___his mother.

4.The pen is___you.

5.I wait___11 o'clock.

6.You should do your homework___school.

7.Don't play trick___her.

8.He has to be___bed by 10 o'clock.

9.You can't go out___school nights.


A:Hi,Join!Where are you 1.___?

B:I am from China.

A:2.___there many rules in your school?

B:Yes,there 3.___.

A:Can students eat 4.___class?

B:No,they 5.___.

A:Do you 6.___to wear a uniform?

B:Yes,we 7.___.

A:Do you have to 8.___sneakers every day?

B:No,we 9.___.But we have to wear them for 10.___class.








John likes chocolates very much,but his mother doesn't give him any.They are bad for his teeth,she thinks.But John has a very nice grandfather.The old man loves his grandson very much and sometimes he buys John some chocolates.Then his mother lets him eat them.Because she wants to make the old man happy.

On Sunday evening,it is John's seventh birthday.He says,“please,God,make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday.”His mother says,“God can't here you.Don't shout.”

“I know,”says the clever boy with a smile.“But grandfather is in the next room and he can”.

( )1.John's mother thinks chocolates are bad for John's teeth.

( )2.Sometimes John's mother lets him eat chocolates because John studies hard.

( )3.John shouts because God can hear him.

( )4.John is a clever boy.

( )5.Sunday is John's seventh birthday.

六、作文。(30')以My Rules为题,根据提示写一篇50词左右的短文。

get up,have breakfast,go to school,have to do homework,have to do housework,can't go out,go to bed


一、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.B

二、1.from to 2.in 3.like 4.for 5.till 6.after 7.on 8.in 9.on

三、1.from 2.Are 3.are 4.in 5.can't 6.have 7.do 8.wear 9.don't 10.gym

四、1.Don't be late for school.

2.We can listen to music outside.

3.He has to clean the room on Wednesday.

4.Do you know these rules?

5.I'm not interested in watching TV./I don't like watching TV./I don't like to watch TV.

五、T F F T T


一、Write the English words according to the explanation.

1.____ the act of testing pupils;a test.

2.____ highly pleasing to the senses, esp.taste or smell;very nice.

3.____ not cheap, dear.

4.____ consider or examine by argument.

5.____ a period of suspension of regular work, study.

二、Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given words.

1.At the ____ of the year, I met him.(begin)

2.Thank you for ____ the letter for me.(read)

3.The pizza with olives and pepper ____ just .5.(be)

4.Students ____ to play football yesterday.(go)

5.I would like ____ you something about my school.(tell)

6.He ____ ____ soccer with his father.(like,play)

7.They had a lot of fun ____ in the river.(swim)

8.Let's ____ the ABC song.(sing)

9.Can I ____ something to drink?(have)

10.What about ____ to the park?(go)

三、Change these sentences into English.
















四、Rewrite the sentences.

1.I listen to the music every evening.(用yesterday evening改写)


2.My uncle went to Italy last summer.(对斜体字提问)


3.Does he like English?(用Chinese做选择疑问句)


4.He went to the movie with his friend.(一般疑问句)


5.My sister's vacation was awful because she had to do the housework.(对斜体字提问)


五、Choose the right answers.

( )1.I live in a place _____ Shenyang.

A.call B.calling C.called D.calls

( )2.Look, there are ____ people in the square.

A.thousand of B.three thousands of

C.thousands of D.three thousands

( )3.The doctor saved many people's ____.

A.life B.lifes C.live D.lives

( )4.There are 20 ____ in this hospital.

A.woman doctor B.women doctors C.woman doctors D.women doctor

( )5.I'm a member ____ their fan clubs.

A.of B.in C.on D.for

( )6.The people ____ celebrate the New Year.

A.on the world B.in the world

C.all over the world D.to the world

( )7.Where can you read about the Chinese ____ team?

A.woman B.womens C.woman's D.women's

( )8.The Steel Roses ____ a web site: www.teamchina.com

A.has B.had C.have D.having

( )9.I'm ____ the school team.

A.on B.of C.at D.with

( )10.We went ____ last weekend.

A.shop B.shopping C.shops D.the shop

六、Writing practice.




1.exam 2.delicious 3.expensive 4.discuss 5.vacation


1.beginning 2.reading 3.is 4.went 5.to tell

6.likes playing/to play 7.swimming 8.sing

9.have 10.going


1.What did your friend do yesterday?

He went to the Summer Palace

2.Did he go to the movies just now? Yes, he did.

3.They had a party last Sunday.

They had a good time.

4.How was your May Day holidays?

Great, my family went to the beaches.

5.It’s time to do mid-class exercises.

Let’s go to the playground.


1.I listened to the music yesterday evening.

2.Where did your uncle go last summer?

3.Does he like English or Chinese?

4.Did he go to the movie with his friend?

5.Why was your sister’s vacation awful?


1-5 CCDBA 6-10 CDCAB

Divide the following description words into Positive,Negative and Neutral.

amazing,awful,cool,bad,not bad,OK,smart,cute,intelligent,boring,sweet,sad,interesting,exciting,terrible,fantastic,lazy




Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1.I'm a big football____.

2.What size pizza____you like?

3.I____to the movies on Saturday.

4.I like classical music and____music.

5.Koala bears are from____.

6.Let's play football in the____.

7.The bank is____the supermarket.

8.She____to be a doctor.

9.Let's watch the talk____together.

10.My____group is The Smith Family.

Ⅲ.Choose the best answer.

( )1.Go straight,and turn right____the jazz music.

A.at B.on C.in D.over

( )2.The opposite of“right”is____.

A.left and wrong B.left and yes C.easy and left D.hard and wrong

( )3.Judy is____Peggy and Liz.

A.next B.across C.between D.over

( )4.The girl's favorite singer is Jack Black.He is very_____.

A.terrible B.awful C.bad D.cool

( )5.There you can see traditional paintings____Qi Baishi____Area D.

A.in,with B.at,with C.by,in D.on,by

( )6.America and Japan are developed____.

A.country B.countries C.cities D.clubs

( )7.Changchun is in the____part of China.

A.western B.eastern C.west D.east

( )8.Hurry up!Miss Liu is waiting for you____the gate.

A.in B.at C.on D.through

( )9.--Where's the classical music?

--It's____the second floor.

A.in B.under C.at D.on

( )10.These are the directions____the country CDs.Please follow them.

A.on B.to C.for D.from

Ⅳ.Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words.

1.Who can____(sing)this song for me?

2.The story is not____(interest).

3.Whose____(paint)is the best?

4.I like____(dance)at the party.

5.Tracy can answer this question____(easy).

6.I____(visit)my uncle last week.

7.He likes to do some____(write)on Sunday.

8.They do____(them)homework every evening.

9.How____(be)your weekend?

10.How many____(library)are there in your city?

Ⅴ.Rewrite the following sentences.

1.I went to the Western section.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ you go?

2.You can visit the dance music section.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ I visit?

3.Go upstairs,please.(变成否定句)

____ ____ upstairs,please.

4.My favorite music is country music.(改成同义句)

I ____ country music ____.

5.Jazz is on the left of pop music and dance is on the right of pop music.(改成同义句)

Pop music is ____ jazz ____ dance.

Ⅵ.Number the sentences to make a conversation.

____My favorite pop group is Windways.

____Where are your pop CDs?

____They're upstairs.

____Who's your favorite pop group?

____Yeah.They're amazing1.

Ⅶ.Fill in the blanks with the words given below.


When you are(1)____England,you must be very careful when crossing the street(2)____the traffic drives on the(3)____.Before you cross the street,you must look to the(4)____first and then the(5)____.

In the morning and evening when people go to or come from work,the(6)____are very busy.The traffic is the most dangerous at that time.

When you drive a car in England,you have to be more careful.Always remember the traffic moves on the left.So you must have a look first,or you will go the(7)____way.

In many English cities,there are big buses(8)____two floors.You can sit on the(9)____floor.

From there you can see the city very well.It's very(10)____.

Ⅷ.Writing (二选一)






Unit 6 Where are the jazz CDs? 评价试题参考答案



Neutral:not bad,OK

Ⅱ.1.fan 2.would 3.went 4.pop/dance/jazz/rock 5.Australia

6.park 7.behind 8.wants/likes 9.show 10.favorite

Ⅲ.1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B

Ⅳ.1.sing 2.interesting 3.painting 4.to dance 5.easily

6.visited 7.writing 8.their 9.was 10.libraries

Ⅴ.1.Where did 2.What can 3.Don't go 4.like best 5.between and


Ⅶ.1.in 2.because 3.left 4.left 5.right 6.streets

7.wrong 8.with 9.second 10.interesting

看看吧!应该有帮助的! 还有几道初三的题目
9.Internet bars mustn't let people under 18 in or let anybody (w) bad things.
15.It's time for the match.Let's stop (t).
16.John has done the medicial (research) for 5 years.He always cares for the rights of the patients.
17.It's a (fairly) easy question. Do you want to try?
19. Without (permission), anyone can't enter the room!
20. Jessica first considered (w)to him,but then decided to see him.
2.John has told us a story for our (fun/pleasure/entertainment/amusement)(娱乐)just now.
4.Can you (name)(说出···的名字)the food?

1.The life we were used to has changed (greatly) since 2005.

3.--How many apples did your mother give to you?
A.One each B.Each one C.One everyone D.One more
答案是A. One each=One apple each person.
翻译: 你们的妈妈给了多少苹果给你们? 一人一个.

1,On the fifth day or de rirth lunar month, people eat( )
a,dumpling b,rice dumpling c,pudding d,pancakes
Alice goes to the park (once a week).括号提问
3,That (black) bag is his mother's.括号提问


三.把下列单词或词组译成英语。1.八 2.七 3.三 4.为,给 5.什么 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___6.……点钟 7.时间 8.课程 9.语文 10.数学<BR< p> ___ ___ ___ ___ ___11.五本英语书 12.上床睡觉 13.起床 ___ ___...

小学五年级英语竞赛试题 题 号 一 二 三 四 总分 得 分 总分人 一、选出适当字母把单词补充完整,把答案序号写在题前括号内。(每题1分,共5分)( )1. l __fe 生活 A. a B. i C. o ( )2. sh __w 演出 A. a B. i C. o...

2005年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)六年级组口语试题(一) (教师用卷) (共三大题,计20分) I. Free Talk (5 point) 1. May I know your name? 2. How many people are there in your family? 3. What grade are you in? 4. What colour do you like best? Why? 5. When do you go to bed ev...

单句改错:下列每句的划线部分中,初各有一处错误,凶请将其序号填入题前括号内,凶并在句子后面的横线上订正 ( )1、What do you doing ? I’m watching TV.A B C ( )2、The children is running in the playground .A B C ( )3、Tom’s brothers has six dogs.A B C ( )4、Are...

2007年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS)五年级组样题 全国小学生英语竞赛组委会 (时间:60分钟 总分:100分)听力部分 (共四大题,计40分) I. 听辨单词、短语(Words and phrases) (共10小题,计10分)A) 听音,从A, B, C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)1. A. ...


2008年全国小学生英语大赛试题 笔试部分(共七大题,计70分) V.单词与短语 A)找出下列单词相对应的图片 31.Cup 32.doctor 33.milk 34.hospital 35. foot B)根据图片提示填写单词 36. It’s h___. Open the window,please. 37. Monkeys like eating b___. 38. Please s___ d___on the sofa. 39....

2011全国小学生英语能力竞赛5年级组决赛题答案 V:31 C 32 C 33 A 34 B 35 D 36 B 37 D 38 A 39 A 40 B VI:41 B 42 D 43 B 44 C 45 A 46 F 47 C 48 A 49 G 50 D VII:51 race 52 won 53 None 54 look at 55 more B:56 He walks across the street.57 Don't ...

答案:这道题实际上是个几何题,已知直角三角形的两条直角边,求斜边的长。利用勾股定理就可以得到答案是10米。 17.Choose one of the following: 答案:原图中两个图中的图形和颜色都是向着相反的方向变化的,根据这个规律,我们在下面这些图中找到上图相应的一个图,应该是中间的黑五边形变成最大的,黄色方块变成最...

求小学三年级英语竞赛试题(冀教版新目标)求小学三年级英语竞赛试题新目标的越多越好最好把题贴出来给个答案否者不给分想要说废话的把嘴闭上都GOout!三小时内出来... 求小学三年级英语竞赛试题(冀教版新目标)求小学三年级英语竞赛试题 新目标的 越多越好 最好把题 贴出来给个答案 否者不给分 想要说废话的...

临淄区18868227530: 小学三年级英语奥赛题,急求答案!
裘张荧光: 第一个:tea eat ate 其他不会,给20分吧

临淄区18868227530: 小学生英语能力竞赛试卷速度急! -
裘张荧光: 十1studies 2Is 3having 4kinds 5friends 6she 7flying 8isn't 9are jumping 10does do 十一1evening 2where 3which 4well 5true6much 7like 8do 9to 10meet 十二1mine改为my 2the去掉 3do改为doing 4little前面加a 5it改为them 6glass改为复数glasses ...

临淄区18868227530: 小学六年级英语奥赛题 一题一答案(答案在后) 求求各位了!! -
裘张荧光: Speak like a book.意思是什么 咬文嚼字 Like father,like son.意思是什么 有其父必有其子 Walls have ears.意思是什么 隔墙有耳 就这点,我假期在英语班上过英语加强(英语奥赛),有几道题,没都打出来(我有点懒)希望满意,^_^

临淄区18868227530: 小学生全国英语奥林匹克竞赛全真模拟试题 -
裘张荧光: ( )1.Excuse______,are you a nurse? A)I B)me C)my ( )2.A:______is that woman? B:She is my mother. A)what B)who C)why ( )3.Don't______the window. A)open B)look C)go ( )4.What's the______with you? A)matter B)wrong C)that ( )5.This is my ...

临淄区18868227530: 小学5年级奥林匹克英语竞赛试题 -
裘张荧光: http://www.ecp.com.cn/http://www.hsslz.com/english/ http://www.englishfree.com.cn/gb/home/

临淄区18868227530: 全国小学生英语能力竞赛赛题 -
裘张荧光: 第一题选B,因为bring有带来的影响,使的含义,get是得到的意思,carry是搬运,一般用于有一定重量的货物等物品,而take有随身携带之意.第二题选D,因为那是特定的日子,而只有序数词和the搭配使用才符合语法,第三题选C,首先名词前有a,所以后面的名词只可能是单数,排除B和D,把纸削成碎片,这里的碎片是可数名词,第四题选C,第一个空哪些学生是特指,特指不在身边的学生,而后面一个是固定搭配

临淄区18868227530: 小学英语竞赛试题(5.6年级)
裘张荧光: 2004年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS) 笔试部分 I. 单词和短语(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)1. watermelon 2. carrot 3. building 4. computer 5. drum B)6. D 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. E II. 句子(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分) A)11. tomatoes ...

临淄区18868227530: 小学英语竞赛试题
裘张荧光: Churchill ,我知道答案,这三个选择分别是A Churchill,B Washington,C Jesus,实际选A Churchill ,在以前的报纸上有地 ^_^

临淄区18868227530: 寻一些奥林匹克英语竞赛题
裘张荧光: 全国小学生英语竞赛全真试题集 小学四年级 2009-2-11 来源: 编辑: I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分)A)英语基础知识.31. 从书写形式上看,________是构成单词的最小单位,构成一个单词一般最少要有一...

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