
作者&投稿:双秦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Today is June1. It is a happy day for all children.

mark 先

1. leave可用作及物动词,意为“留下、留给、放在”,常与表地点的介词短语连用。短语“leave sb. by oneself =leave sb. alone”意为“把某人独自留下”。如:

He left his gloves in the hotel. 他把他的手套留在旅馆里了。

They are very busy with work and always leave their son home by himself. 他们工作非常忙,常把儿子单独留在家中。


I”ve left my umbrella in the train. 我把我的雨伞遗留在火车上了。

I”ve forgotten the drive”s license. 我忘了带驾驶执照了。

2. leave可用作及物或不及物动词,意为“离开、出发”。常用于短语“leave for someplace”,意为“动身、出发(去某地)”。如:

He left Paris for New York. 他离开巴黎前往纽约。

3. leave属非延续性动词,它不能和表示一段时间的词连用,如果要表示离开一段时间,要用be away来代替(有关延续性和非延续性动词,在初三将会学到,这里只须作一般性地了解)。如:

I have been away for a week. 我已经离开一周了。

4. leave还可用作名词,可以表达多种含义,如“休假、假期、许可、同意”等。如:

I had a two weeks” leave. 我有两个星期的假。

He gave his daughter leave to take a trip alone. 他允许他的女儿一个人去旅行。

5. “take leave of =take one”s leave”,意为“向……告别”。如:

He took his leave and went home. 他告辞回家

left意为“剩下的,没有用完的,依然存在的”,一般用在名词或复合不定代词后,常见于 there+be的句型结构中。例:
There are two pieces of bread left, if you are hungry.你要是饿了,那里还有两块面包。
There’s nothing left in the fridge.冰箱里没剩下什么东西。
I haven’t got any money left.我没有剩下什么钱了。
After the fire,only two people were left alive.大火之后,只有两个人活着。
There is not anything left in the room.屋里什么也没剩下。

KK: []
DJ: []
KK: []
DJ: []
1. 左方的;左侧的[Z][B]
Some people write with their left hand.
2. (常大写)(政治上)左派的;左翼的
1. 在左边;向左
Walk three blocks and then turn left at the corner.
1. 左,左边[the S]
John was seated on her left.
2. (常大写)左派;激进分子们[the S][G]
The left oppose the tax increase.
3. (拳击中的)左拳[C]
语法Left ( string, n )

例句:I left hangzhou for shanghai yesterday!

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mustn’t是禁止 must是情态动词,虽然must是表示“必须”的意思,但是用于否定式时,mustn't却表示“不要、不能、禁止”的意思,而不是表示“不必”。例句:1、You mustn't leave here.你不能离开这儿。2、You mustn't go swimming today.今天禁止你去游泳。3、You mustn't drive so fast.你不...

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