高度重视 英语怎么说

作者&投稿:泊雷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Attaches great importance to

e.g. 我很重视我的工作.
My job is very important to me.
My job means very much to me.
对人的重视,可以用care about sb.,have regard for sb.

So the security staff should pay high attention to drunk problem and deal it correctly.

We should attach great importance to the development of community-based services.

Therefore, issues caused by drunk people need to draw a highly attention by the security guards, and be dealt in appropriate ways.

therefore security staff shall attach much importance to the issue of alcholism and how to appropriately tackle it.

So the security guards must pay highest attention to the drunken problem and deal with it rightly.

喜德县13047886726: 高度重视英语怎么说 -
威备伤科: Attaches great importance to English

喜德县13047886726: 英语翻译政府对这件事情高度重视. -
威备伤科:[答案] The government attaches great importance to the matter. The goverment pay much attention to this event. The government pays close attention to this matter.

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威备伤科: 一等奖的英文:the first prize 读音:英 [ðə fə:st praiz] 美 [ði fɚst praɪz] 头彩;头奖 一、first 英 [fɜːst] 美 [fɜːrst] det./ord.第一;最重要的;首要的;最优秀的 adv.首先;第一;最初;第一次;首次;(列举时用)第一 二、prize英 [praɪ...

喜德县13047886726: 每个国家都应该高度重视教育.这句话怎样翻译成英文?
威备伤科: 二楼“every countries”错误!三楼“Every country all ”错误!四楼“attach high importance to”搭配不当,一般不用“high importance”每个国家都应该高度重视教育Each country should attach great significance/importance to eduction.Eduction should be highly valued in each country.

喜德县13047886726: 父母应该高度重视儿童的早期教育英语翻译 -
威备伤科: 父母应该高度重视儿童的早期教育.英语:Parents should pay high attention on their children's early education.

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威备伤科: 翻译如下:As a industry of service, commercial banks have played a more and more important role in the economical society. As a result, improving the service quality and servicing the public have become the crucial factors in the development of ...

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威备伤科: I'll start it over to go and seek the life that I've been pursuing.这里的现在完成进行时态非常的关键,要高度重视!Professional Provided by BelleFan Translation International BelleFan 对外翻译公司专业提供

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