
作者&投稿:路伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
跪求高手 翻译以上印尼文为中文的意思 谢谢~

1. 自从 2012年 4月1日开始,对于进口的海产品,海草中国政府制定了新的政策。


“星星索”(Sing Sing So)是划船时为船浆起落做节奏伴衬的哼唱声,歌曲由此得名。“星星索”是象声,并无具体意思,与汉语歌曲中的“呼尔嗨哟”之类的同理。因此这首歌的英文名字也就应该叫“Sing sing so”。


Ue......Lugahon ahu da parau
Ullushon ahu da alogo
Dari patolo tohoga

Ue......Lugahon ahu da parau
Ullushon ahu da alogo
Tu huta ni Datulangi

Sing Sing So......

Sotung manimbil roham da hasian
Parima so ro sirongkap ni tondim
Tiur do tong tong langka ni Baoadi

Parbinsar ni mataniari da Ue.....
Lugahon ahu da parau
Ullushon ahu da alogo
Tu huta ni Datulangi

Sotung manimbil roham da hasian
Parima so ro sirongkap ni tondim
Tiur do tong tong langka ni Baoadi

Parbinsar ni mataniari da Ue.....
Lugahon ahu da parau
Ullushon ahu da alogo
Manang tudia petaho

Lugahon ahu da parau

Star Rope

No exchanges, let me suffocation. I do not stare at other people's faces luxury Nemo smile. Often came to me was the work of blame or request, I listen to the quiet, and then all the energy input to all work. I smile to customers, and help them find positions and ...

Enterprise new employee orientation is to make the new employees familiar with the organization, work and the team's formal process, it is in good shape for the enterprise employees, enterprise culture, construction of team success, winning competitive advantage is very important and ...

我想和她一生一世,神却说:你只能爱她七天,我说:星期一到星期天。神:只四天?我:春天夏天秋天冬天。神:只三天?我:今天明天后天。神:只两天?我:白天和黑天。神:只一天?我:我活着的每一天。Forever I need her!God:No more than Seven!I said: Monday to sunday,every week!God;...

曹操是一个颇具争议的历史人物。Cao cao is a controversial historical figures.本文试图分别论述曹操之“奸”和曹操之“雄”的表现来诠释曹操的个人形象,曹操之“奸”表现于他的为人处世上,对待君父是欺君罔上;This paper attempts to "crafty" discussing respectively with cao cao "male" expression...

After watching the moving China, can feel the beauty of the world, in fact the model represents just a bunch of ordinary people, but their behavior is really let a person admire. Liu Chenglan, really is a scavenger old man, the purpose is have no money for school children to...

幸福是什么?幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。What is happiness? You’re having fish and I’m eating meat while what others can do is gnawing bones. That is happiness.说金钱是罪恶,可谁不在赚钱?Everyone knows that money is an evil thing but all of us are keeping ...

求求翻译高手,帮我翻译成英文!急急!追加分! 帮帮帮我吧!翻译成英文!自 ...
图拉真是一位优秀的统帅,同时也是一位颇有行政才能的执政官。Trajan, is an excellent commander, is also a quite have the administrative ability consul.他鉴于前朝之失,采取了较有效的措施来缓和各方面的矛盾。He lost in the mostly, take more effective measures to ease all aspects of ...

First, the balsam pear loses weight is must live is eating can achieve losing weight the effect, moreover one day needs to eat uncooked two to three talents may. Because in the balsam pear includes the massive clear fat element, this has the basis very much. Wants to lose ...

Carrie material desire is endless, from penniless to prosperity, her desire and Didn't stop. Beginning to Chicago, and she just want to find a job to support myself And live. But then to indulge in big cities, in bazaar resplendent cupboards The window, "she couldn't help ...

Network helps students form new thinking styles.the expansive thinking styles in network time repalce the conventional ones which are narrow and rigid,and it is favourable for the devopments of expansive thinking,aiding them to view the surrouding matters and persons rightfully,erecting ...

遂溪县18044964771: 跪求英文高手翻译印尼民歌《星星索》的英文名字,谢谢! -
邹伦地诺: Star Rope

遂溪县18044964771: 《星星索》是哪一国家的民歌~
邹伦地诺: 印度尼西亚~

遂溪县18044964771: 星星索歌词 -
邹伦地诺: 《星星索》是一首印尼苏门答腊中部地区巴达克人的船歌.巴达克的主要分布有苏门答腊中部和北部山区,大多数聚居在多巴湖的周围.他们主要从事农业,这里湖水清澈,风和日丽,阳光明媚,巴达克人经常在湖上泛舟歌唱.这首印尼民歌...

遂溪县18044964771: 陈佳一印尼歌曲风儿吹动着我的船帆 -
邹伦地诺: 这是《星星索》,印尼的原歌名是《SingSing So》,是一首印尼苏门答腊北部地区巴达克人(Orang Batak)的船歌,这是巴达克人在多巴湖(Danau Toba)上泛舟所唱的歌.

遂溪县18044964771: 求一首外国民歌 -
邹伦地诺: 印度尼西亚的民歌. 星星索 是一首印尼苏门答腊中部地区巴达克人的船歌.巴达克的主要分布有苏门答腊中部和北部山区,大多数聚居在多巴湖的周围.他们主要从事农业,这里湖水清澈,风和日丽,阳光明媚,巴达克人经常在湖上泛舟歌唱. 这首印尼民歌是无伴奏合唱曲,以固定音型“啊,星星索”作为伴唱.星星索是划船时随着浆起落节奏而发出声音.曲调缓慢、悠扬,略带哀伤.每句前紧后松,唱法柔和、松弛,表达了一种思念之情. 其实在百度网页中输入星星索,再输入民歌就OK了.

遂溪县18044964771: 印尼歌曲星星索请问星星索是什么意思 -
邹伦地诺: 星星索,这首印尼民歌是无伴奏合唱曲,以固定音型“啊,星星索”作为伴唱.copy 星星索是划船时随着船桨起落节奏而发出声音. 曲调缓慢、悠扬,略带哀伤.每句前紧后松,唱法柔和、松弛,表达了一种思念之情.歌词内容 星星索啊...

遂溪县18044964771: 求一首外国民歌歌词 -
邹伦地诺: 1、俄语原版歌词Подмосковные вечера (莫斯科郊外的晚上) Не слышны в саду даже шорохи, Всё здесь замерло до утра, 歌曲《莫斯科郊外的晚上》Если б знали вы, как мне дороги Подмосковные вечера. Если б знали вы, как мне ...

遂溪县18044964771: 《星星索》是哪国的歌?? -
邹伦地诺: 《星星索》是一首印度尼西亚苏门答腊中部地区巴达克人的船歌

遂溪县18044964771: 《星星索》是哪国民歌?
邹伦地诺: 《星星索》是印度尼西亚国民歌.

遂溪县18044964771: 陈楚生有一场比赛有一个女生用古筝帮他伴奏,那首歌叫什么名字?各位
邹伦地诺: 印尼民歌《星星索》.

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