急求关于ad hoc网络的英文资料!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:贲慧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
移动ad hoc网络有关的资料~


YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 1997 he joined the ShangHai Sharks. In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2000 Yao joined the All-Star team of Asia. Last year YaoMing was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston. He was one of few first year players to make the NBA All-Star team. He has gotten off to a good start with the Houston Rockets this year by scoring 19 points in his first game. YaoMing now plays in the Houston Toyota Center. Although he played well last year, YaoMing will be more aggressive because he is coached by former NBA All-Star Patrick Ewing, who was known for his aggressive style of play. YaoMing loves meat and the color blue. He has much respect for ZhouEnlai.

A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a type of wireless ad hoc network, and is a self-configuring network of mobile devices connected by any number of wireless links. Every device in a MANET is also a router because it is required to forward traffic unrelated to its own use. Each MANET device is free to move independently, in any arbitrary direction, and thus each device will potentially change its links to other devices on a regular basis. The primary challenge for building a MANET is for each device to continuously maintain the information required to properly route traffic.

Such networks may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet.

MANET are special cases of several other types of wireless and mesh networks, but have some key differences, at least in common usage, as listed below:

Wireless ad hoc networks - MANET are a type and subset of ad hoc networks, but MANET usually implies the creation of a routeable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network.
Mesh networks - MANET are a subset of mesh networks, but many mesh networks are not mobile or are not even wireless (e.g. BGP).
Wireless mesh networks - As above, MANET are a subset of wireless mesh networks, but many mesh networks are not mobile and are not designed to support mobility.
MANET are sometimes referred to as mobile mesh networks[1].

MANETs have become a very popular research topic since the mid- to late 1990s due to the increasing availability of laptops and 802.11/Wi-Fi wireless networking. Many of the academic papers evaluate protocols and abilities assuming varying degrees of mobility within a bounded space, usually with all nodes within a few hops of each other, and usually with nodes sending data at a constant rate. Different protocols are then evaluated based on the packet drop rate, the overhead introduced by the routing protocol, and other measures.

Types of MANET
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) are a form of MANETs used for communication among vehicles and between vehicles and roadside equipment.

Intelligent vehicular ad hoc network (InVANET) is a kind of Intelligence in Vehicle(s) which provide multiple autonomic intelligent solutions to make automotive vehicles to behave in intelligent manner during vehicle-to-vehicle collisions, accidents, drunken driving etc.

Internet Based Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (iMANET) are basically Networks in which Mobile Nodes (ad-hoc network) and Fixed Nodes (for providing internet) are present. Fixed nodes are gateways. In such type of networks normal ad-hoc routing algorithms don't apply directly.

Practical use
One Laptop per Child program has developed a laptop making use of an IEEE 802.11s based ad hoc wireless mesh networking chip to develop the box. It is the only such device sold to consumers.

In September 2007, the Swedish company TerraNet AB presented a mesh network of mobile phones allowing for the routing of calls and data between participating hand sets, without the need to involve cell sites.

Ad Hoc网络是一种没有有线基础设施支持的移动网络,网络中的节点均由移动主机构成。Ad Hoc网络最初应用于军事领域,它的研究起源于战场环境下分组无线网数据通信项目,该项目由DARPA资助,其后,又在1983年和1994年进行了抗毁可适应网络SURAN(Survivable Adaptive Network)和全球移动信息系统GloMo(Global Information System)项目的研究。由于无线通信和终端技术的不断发展,Ad Hoc网络在民用环境下也得到了发展,如需要在没有有线基础设施的地区进行临时通信时,可以很方便地通过搭建Ad Hoc网络实现。

在Ad Hoc网络中,当两个移动主机(如图1中的主机A和B)在彼此的通信覆盖范围内时,它们可以直接通信。但是由于移动主机的通信覆盖范围有限,如果两个相距较远的主机(如图1中的主机A和C)要进行通信,则需要通过它们之间的移动主机B的转发才能实现。因此在Ad Hoc网络中,主机同时还是路由器,担负着寻找路由和转发报文的工作。在Ad Hoc网络中,每个主机的通信范围有限,因此路由一般都由多跳组成,数据通过多个主机的转发才能到达目的地。故Ad Hoc网络也被称为多跳无线网络。

Ad Hoc网络可以看作是移动通信和计算机网络的交叉。在Ad Hoc网络中,使用计算机网络的分组交换机制,而不是电路交换机制。通信的主机一般是便携式计算机、个人数字助理(PDA)等移动终端设备。Ad Hoc网络不同于目前因特网环境中的移动IP网络。在移动IP网络中,移动主机可以通过固定有线网络、无线链路和拨号线路等方式接入网络,而在Ad Hoc网络中只存在无线链路一种连接方式。在移动IP网络中,移动主机通过相邻的基站等有线设施的支持才能通信,在基站和基站(代理和代理)之间均为有线网络,仍然使用因特网的传统路由协议。而Ad Hoc网络没有这些设施的支持。此外,在移动IP网络中移动主机不具备路由功能,只是一个普通的通信终端。当移动主机从一个区移动到另一个区时并不改变网络拓扑结构,而Ad Hoc网络中移动主机的移动将会导致拓扑结构的改变。

Ad Hoc网络作为一种新的组网方式,具有以下特点。

2.1 网络的独立性

Ad Hoc网络相对常规通信网络而言,最大的区别就是可以在任何时刻、任何地点不需要硬件基础网络设施的支持,快速构建起一个移动通信网络。它的建立不依赖于现有的网络通信设施,具有一定的独立性。Ad Hoc网络的这种特点很适合灾难救助、偏远地区通信等应用。

2.2 动态变化的网络拓扑结构

在Ad Hoc网络中,移动主机可以在网中随意移动。主机的移动会导致主机之间的链路增加或消失,主机之间的关系不断发生变化。在自组网中,主机可能同时还是路由器,因此,移动会使网络拓扑结构不断发生变化,而且变化的方式和速度都是不可预测的。对于常规网络而言,网络拓扑结构则相对较为稳定。

2.3 有限的无线通信带宽

在Ad Hoc网络中没有有线基础设施的支持,因此,主机之间的通信均通过无线传输来完成。由于无线信道本身的物理特性,它提供的网络带宽相对有线信道要低得多。除此以外,考虑到竞争共享无线信道产生的碰撞、信号衰减、噪音干扰等多种因素,移动终端可得到的实际带宽远远小于理论中的最大带宽值。

2.4 有限的主机能源

在Ad Hoc网络中,主机均是一些移动设备,如PDA、便携计算机或掌上电脑。由于主机可能处在不停的移动状态下,主机的能源主要由电池提供,因此Ad Hoc网络有能源有限的特点。

2.5 网络的分布式特性

在Ad Hoc网络中没有中心控制节点,主机通过分布式协议互联。一旦网络的某个或某些节点发生故障,其余的节点仍然能够正常工作。

2.6 生存周期短

Ad Hoc网络主要用于临时的通信需求,相对与有线网络,它的生存时间一般比较短。

2.7 有限的物理安全

移动网络通常比固定网络更容易受到物理安全攻击,易于遭受窃听、欺骗和拒绝服务等攻击。现有的链路安全技术有些已应用于无线网络中来减小安全攻击。不过Ad Hoc网络的分布式特性相对于集中式的网络具有一定的抗毁性。
Ad Hoc网络的应用范围很广,总体上来说,它可以用于以下场合:




d) 作为生存性较强的后备网络。

Ad Hoc网络技术的研究最初是为了满足军事应用的需要,军队通信系统需要具有抗毁性、自组性和机动性。在战争中,通信系统很容易受到敌方的攻击,因此,需要通信系统能够抵御一定程度的攻击。若采用集中式的通信系统,一旦通信中心受到破坏,将导致整个系统的瘫痪。分布式的系统可以保证部分通信节点或链路断开时,其余部分还能继续工作。在战争中,战场很难保证有可靠的有线通信设施,因此,通过通信节点自己组合,组成一个通信系统是非常有必要的。此外,机动性是部队战斗力的重要部分,这要求通信系统能够根据战事需求快速组建和拆除。

Ad Hoc网络满足了军事通信系统的这些需求。Ad Hoc网络采用分布式技术,没有中心控制节点的管理。当网络中某些节点或链路发生故障,其他节点还可以通过相关技术继续通信。Ad Hoc网络由移动节点自己自由组合,不依赖于有线设备,因此,具有较强的自组性,很适合战场的恶劣通信环境。Ad Hoc网络建立简单、具有很高的机动性。目前,一些发达国家为作战人员配备了尖端的个人通信系统,在恶劣的战场环境中,很难通过有线通信机制或移动IP机制来完成通信任务,但可以通过Ad Hoc网络来实现。因此,研究Ad Hoc网络对军队通信系统的发展具有重要的应用价值和长远意义。

近年来,Ad Hoc网络的研究在民用和商业领域也受到了重视。在民用领域,Ad Hoc网络可以用于灾难救助。在发生洪水、地震后,有线通信设施很可能因遭受破坏而无法正常通信,通过Ad Hoc网络可以快速地建立应急通信网络,保证救援工作的顺利进行,完成紧急通信需求任务。Ad Hoc网络可以用于偏远或不发达地区通信。在这些地区,由于造价、地理环境等原因往往没有有线通信设施,Ad Hoc网络可以解决这些环境中的通信问题。Ad Hoc网络还可以用于临时的通信需求,如商务会议中需要参会人员之间互相通信交流,在现有的有线通信系统不能满足通信需求的情况下,可以通过Ad Hoc网络来完成通信任务。

Ad Hoc网络在研究领域也很受关注,近几年的网络国际会议基本都有Ad Hoc网络专题,随着移动技术的不断发展和人们日益增长的自由通信需求,Ad Hoc网络会受到更多的关注,得到更快速的发展和普及。

甘德县15263259952: 求高手给翻译下Ad hoc网络论文的摘要,谢谢啦 -
皇丽立静: 第一段翻译如下At present, wireless communication technology cause such as cheap , coming true more easily on adaptability and the equipment upkeep easy to be...

甘德县15263259952: 求英语高手翻译计算机网络论文的摘要和关键字,谢谢!内容如下: -
皇丽立静: Summary The wireless moves Ad Hoc a network in, the make use of of energy is direct to influence to move node in the network of work time.Study agreement the economy energy strategy on each layer of inn in the foundation that this text can ...

甘德县15263259952: sp - configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries'什么意思? -
皇丽立静: AD HOC好像是一个Ad Hoc网络,英文不好呵,好像是注册AD HOC网络所在的地区什么的.下面是网上找到的:SQL Server 阻止了对组件 \'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries\' 的访问2009-12-29 10:50在Sql Server中查询一下Excel文件的时候出现问...

甘德县15263259952: 一些专业词汇的翻译(通信,ad hoc,网络)
皇丽立静: single-copy routing 单份拷贝路由multi-copy routing 多拷贝路由 delivery latency传递耗时 delivery probability 传输机率 the evolving graph of network 网络演化图形 previous proposed adaptive routing protocol 曾提出的自适应路由协议 inter-connection time 网间互联时间 up date dependency 更新依赖关系 implement incremental update 实现增量更新

甘德县15263259952: Split Multipath Routing with Maximally Disjoint Paths in Ad hoc Networks
皇丽立静: Ad hoc是特别的意思,比如ad hoc meeting就是特别会议 整句大概意思就是 最大限度地断开(路由器的)连线路径,从而使路由器从该网络中断开.

甘德县15263259952: Ad hoc是什么意思? -
皇丽立静: Ad-Hoc(点对点)模式:ad-hoc模式就和以前的直连双绞线概念一样,是P2P的连接,所以也就无法与其它网络沟通了.一般无线终端设备像PMP、PSP、DMA等用的就是ad-hoc模式.

甘德县15263259952: 31. 关于AD Hoc 网络的描述中,错误的是( ). 1. 关于AD Hoc 网络的描述中,错误的是( ). -
皇丽立静:[选项] A. 是一种对等式的无线移动网络 B. 在WLAN的基础上发展起来 C. 采用无基站的通信模式 D. 在军事领域广泛应用

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