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作者&投稿:员武 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Financial service outsourcing in for state-owned commercial Banks enhance their core competitiveness, and cut management costs at the same time, also brought some risks. How to control the outsourced to the risks of state-owned commercial Banks to become a very important topic.
This paper first introduces and financial service outsourcing some of the important concept, including financial services outsourcing and three classification (ITO, BPO, KPO) introduction; And then points out that the state-owned commercial bank outsourcing status, for this part, this paper discusses the state-owned commercial bank, in ITO, BPO and KPO development present situation; Then according to the above three outsourcing are expounded their risk status, and clear state-owned commercial Banks of the outsourcing business major risk point place; Finally, in the paper, and on the basis of ? needles 在翻译搞一下

A covered multi-purpose: Vacuum Lids can be used to shape the size of similar containers, containers of different sizes to meet your food storage needs, be able to plastics, ceramics, glass and metal vacuum sealed container impermeable to water. Operation is simple: just push the button, you can achieve a vacuum seal, easy to hold down the lid handle, to open. Super Seal: the middle part of the lid is transparent plastic wrap superior flexibility and toughness, and this extraordinary performance of the vacuum sealed to extend the shelf life of food five times. A solid and durable: Lids from a human body without any harm PS polymer material composition, the original bullet-proof glass, and space for development projects, such high-strength material has superior flexibility and toughness, you can stretch it to 200%, and you hand or nail to poke it will not break. Easy to identify: transparent plastic wrap easy to see inside your food, easy to identify, convenient pick up. Multi-layer stacking: Lids and containers can be stacked in your refrigerator or kitchen cabinets, when a fresh device to another, stacked above, the following Lids can sustain the weight of weighing 10 pounds, so I can multi-layered release.

Temperature and humidity measurement and control of our lives, and industrial production, weather forecast, material warehousing plays a very important role. On many occasions, and in a timely and accurate temperature, humidity, obtain the objective information is very important, in recent years, the rapid development of temperature and humidity control field, and with the development of digital technology, the temperature and humidity control chip and corresponding on the stage of history, in industry, agriculture, etc can be widely used in various fields.
In this paper, the temperature and humidity of the program based on single-chip microcomputer system for the related research. The single-chip microcomputer control system is achieved through the surrounding environment of temperature and humidity measurements. AT89S52 SCM system based on the control unit, the temperature and humidity sensor for detecting device for main SHT7X, temperature, humidity measurement, display, control, and the use of communication between the microcontroller will be collected by the temperature and humidity in the displayed in the LCD screen. Temperature measurement range for - 40 ° c ~ + 123.8 ° c, accuracy ± 0.4, Humidity measurement range for: 0 ~ 100% RH, accuracy ± : 3.0% RH.
This paper through the soft, organic combination of hardware, hardware-based, the preparation of the functional modules. Papers on the work of system hardware principle of a simple description, each accompanied by a diagram of the system hardware design. And the detailed description of LCD display screen, SHT7X and AT89S52 devices such as external interface circuit hardware and software debugging, processes and procedures to achieve process.
Keywords: temperature and humidity control, SCM system, The LCD screen


鉴于此,本文对基于单片机的温湿度计系统进行了相关研究。本系统是通过单片机控制来实现对周围环境的温湿度进行测量。本系统是以AT89S52单片机为控制单元、温湿度传感器SHT7X为主要检测器件,实现温度、湿度的测量、显示、控制,并利用单片机之间的通信功能,将所采集到的温度和湿度值在液晶屏中显示出来。温度测量范围为 -40℃ ~ +123.8℃,精度为±0.4℃;湿度测量范围为:0 ~100%RH,精度为±3.0%RH。
Automatic temperature and humidity controller


Temperature and humidity measurement and control of human daily life, industrial production, weather forecasting, material storage and so plays a vital role. In many cases, timely and accurate access to the target temperature, humidity information is very important, in recent years, the field of temperature and humidity monitoring and control has developed rapidly, and with the development of digital technology, the chip temperature and humidity monitoring and control of the board is also the stage of history, able in industry, agriculture and other fields is widely used.

In view of this, this paper, based on single-chip temperature hygrometer system related research. The system through the implementation of single-chip control of the surrounding environment temperature and humidity measurements. The system is based on AT89S52 microcontroller control unit, temperature and humidity sensors as the main SHT7X detection devices, implementation of temperature, humidity measurement, display, control and communication between the use of single-chip functions, will be collected by the temperature and humidity values in the LCD screen is displayed. Temperature measurement range is -40 ℃ ~ +123.8 ℃, accuracy of ± 0.4 ℃; humidity measurement range: 0 ~ 100% RH, an accuracy of ± 3.0% RH.

The purpose of this paper through the software and hardware combination with hardware as the basis for the preparation of various functional modules. Thesis on the working principle of the system hardware to carry out a simple description, together with the system hardware design block diagram. And specific description of LCD liquid crystal display, SHT7X and AT89S52 devices such as external circuit interface software and hardware debugging, the program flow and the process of implementation.

BCWP budgeted cost for work performed 完成工程预算费用 ACWP actual cost for work performed 项目实施过程中某阶段实际完成的工作量所消耗的费用 BCWS budgeted cost for work scheduled 计划工程预算成本

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郁邢沈阳: A covered multi-purpose: Vacuum Lids can be used to shape the size of similar containers, containers of different sizes to meet your food storage needs, be able to plastics, ceramics, glass and metal vacuum sealed container impermeable to water....

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郁邢沈阳: actually, i really hope you will be that cute girl with ponytail who always sit and grin in front of me,some times hit me slightly with your book. and we together let those hopes and dreams continue ,until the day we died i could still remember your smile until i am too old to walk

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郁邢沈阳: The room was so hot that I had to have a rest at my yard after the dinner,when I looked up to the sky,I found the sky was so bright,and there were no clouds,besides,some stars were shinning slightly,just like bright eyes.

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郁邢沈阳: In the winter vacation I think the most interesting thing in addition to receive red envelopes, is to go to a classmate house to play, especially good friend's house

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郁邢沈阳: "If you're determined to, then you may want to thoroughly prove that I give you the answer, but the reality is greater than all, prove your mood, so I opened my mouth, you have to give up!"

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