【海上钢琴师】的观后感谁有? 英文的 60词

作者&投稿:招丁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The legend of 1900
It's an incredible film about a taleny musician. His parents abandoned him on a steam ship which traveled to American from other places.The boy was brought up by a Negro who gave him the name 'Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen hundred .' His dad was killed in an accident and then he showed his talent in piano playing. He became a pianist on the steam boat in a group of 4 to 5 people.He never cooperated and always let his piano be aware of by the people in the dance floor so that other players would stop and look at those noblemen and noblewomen dancing crazily following the music .1900'skill was also well known among the people on the land . He hadn't got off the boat even for one time .He had seen uncountable people go to America to look for their dreams .He thought that the people on the land was too busy and didn't know what they were busy for.He wanted to do what he liked, what was easy ,what could make him happy. He could do anything but be ordinary.He was born on the boat and lived his all life on it .Just like a brief note passed through our ears and disappeared .
"The legend of 1990" Was directed by Giuseppe Tornatore .It was written by Alesscandro Baricco .Tim Roth played the role of 1900. The film was attractive because of its amazing plot ,wonderful actor ,meaningful opinion and the excellent music .The sound of the piano had its moods and feelings .When 1900 met a graceful girl ,the sound became lyric.When he was arround by the poor who were enthusiastic ,the sound became brisk .When he played alone ,the sound became sad .The changeable appeared any time in the film. 1900's last song was silence .Before a dull explosion ,his fingers moved in the air ,played his last note.
The film let me think a lot on life .I'll definitely recommend it to you .Let the music start ,telling you the legend of 1900.

The legend of 1900
It's an incredible film about a taleny musician. His parents abandoned him on a steam ship which traveled to American from other places.The boy was brought up by a Negro who gave him the name 'Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon Nineteen hundred .' His dad was killed in an accident and then he showed his talent in piano playing. He became a pianist on the steam boat in a group of 4 to 5 people.He never cooperated and always let his piano be aware of by the people in the dance floor so that other players would stop and look at those noblemen and noblewomen dancing crazily following the music .1900'skill was also well known among the people on the land . He hadn't got off the boat even for one time .He had seen uncountable people go to America to look for their dreams .He thought that the people on the land was too busy and didn't know what they were busy for.He wanted to do what he liked, what was easy ,what could make him happy. He could do anything but be ordinary.He was born on the boat and lived his all life on it .Just like a brief note passed through our ears and disappeared .
"The legend of 1990" Was directed by Giuseppe Tornatore .It was written by Alesscandro Baricco .Tim Roth played the role of 1900. The film was attractive because of its amazing plot ,wonderful actor ,meaningful opinion and the excellent music .The sound of the piano had its moods and feelings .When 1900 met a graceful girl ,the sound became lyric.When he was arround by the poor who were enthusiastic ,the sound became brisk .When he played alone ,the sound became sad .The changeable appeared any time in the film. 1900's last song was silence .Before a dull explosion ,his fingers moved in the air ,played his last note.
The film let me think a lot on life .I'll definitely recommend it to you .Let the music start ,telling you the legend of 1900.







  现实生活中,对于别人的选择,我们会感到匪夷所思,就像这部影片一样,可能很多人也不解他的这种选择,但是,我想说,无论是谁,作出怎样的选择,无论在我们看来是多么的荒谬,多么的不明智,多么的让人不解,这都是他的选择。这个选择一定有他的理由,他的思考,你不是他,你没有经历他所经历的,你没有了解他所想的,那么我们唯一可以作的事情,不是述说我们的不解,而是握住他的手,微笑着说一句,Good luck!


《海上钢琴师》观后感(一) “我永远无法放弃这艘船,不过幸好,我可以放弃我的生命……”当1900徘徊在梦想与现实之间时,他以这样的选择告诉观众人生的意义绝不是取决于生命的长度。也许人们需要通过戏剧来得到惊喜,来感受悲伤,来体会感动,托纳托雷导演也正是利用了观众的这一心理巧妙地塑造了海上钢琴师1900这一悲情...

以前一直听说海上钢琴师是一部非常不错的片子,我只认为再怎么好,也不会撬动人的心灵。最近比较有空,就翻出来一口气看完了,类似于此的片子,都必须要安静的看,并且一气呵成。看完后,非常感叹! 导演能将两种世界的人刻画的如此的细腻,太传神了。刚刚听说海上钢琴师,猜想剧情也就是某个人在艰苦的环境下面成名了,也...

《海上钢琴师》观后感:绝响的钢琴 《海上钢琴师》观后感作文1 有些电影是你看过之后心中涌现万千却无从下笔,是你思绪纷飞却不知从何整理的。《海上钢琴师》就是这样一部令人欲罢不能却欲言又止的电影。也许多年之后,人们会忘记那场惊艳的钢琴决斗,会忘记他心爱的女孩就住在莫特街27号,会忘记……但在维...

海上钢琴师电影观后感一 “只要你有好故事可以讲,有人肯听,你就还未完蛋。问题是,谁也不相信我这故事。”没错,一九九零的人生经历的确令人难以置信。 他是一个被父母遗弃的孩子,在维珍尼亚号轮船内的钢琴上,被一个船员偶然中发现并收养。船员给他起名叫做丹尼·博德曼·TD·林蒙·一九九零。前面的是船员的名...

观《海上钢琴师》有感1 还记得那是20xx年1月底,我第一次走进艺考培训学校,那是我接触的跟广播电视编导有关的第一节课——影评。老师推开门二话没说为大家播放了这部电影,那是我第一次看这部电影,也是我第一次带着专业的角度去看一部电影。《海上钢琴师》对于我来说是一种启迪,更是一种对电影的渴望吧。时...

海上钢琴师观后感500字1 主角1900,出生后被遗弃,之后被船上的煤工收养。八岁那年,养父的离去让她就这样一直孤独下去。也是这一年,她接触了钢琴凭着自己的悟*与*钢琴时的专注,1900拥有着无谱却胜有谱的钢琴演奏之路。眼前头等舱里的每一个人,他都可将其的内心洞察,然后以钢琴曲的形式演绎出...

《海上钢琴师》给我的生命指明了方向,为我的人生注入了动力,使我对生命有了全新的思考。在以后的人生道路上,不管遇到怎样的困难,我都会坚持下去—因为我相信只要灵魂在,一切都在!在《海上钢琴师》的音乐声中,我仿佛看到了不断前进中的自己…… 《海上钢琴师》观后感范文二 有些电影是你看过之后,心中涌动万千却...

有关海上钢琴师的观后感1 他有个好长的名字叫丹尼·伯特曼·T·D·雷蒙·1900。 他有种超强的天赋是对音乐的随心而动信手拈来。 他遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,仍然不能迈下舷梯。 他遇见了一个一生相伴的朋友,还是没有选着离开。 他是钢琴曲演绎的天才,轻巧的手指流水般的滑过琴键。 他是旅途中漂泊的天使...



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岛垂亦欧: Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano,la Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is ...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师,观后感(英文) -
岛垂亦欧: The legend of 1900It's an incredible film about a taleny musician. His parents abandoned him on a steam ship which traveled to American from other places.The boy was brought up by a Negro who gave him the name 'Danny Boodmann T.D. Lemon...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师英语观后感 -
岛垂亦欧: the leading roal 1900 is an inborn panist.he has lived in the big ship since he was found.he never got out the ship during his lifetime,he perffered dying with it .so he never knew what the outside wold was like.the ship to a life of ease. he is also lonely,...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师 观后感 英文 200字 初一 简单
岛垂亦欧: Legend Of Film Critics Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Until finally the piano on the tobacco burns, my emotions rise ...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师英文影评 -
岛垂亦欧: 这里有本片英文影评213篇: 楼主可以借鉴,挑选几篇,把内容编辑整理一下,就可以了.推荐其中一篇:When 1900 was a baby, he was abandoned in the ship. Since then, he never left the ...

那曲县17123098105: 把这段海上钢琴师观后感翻成英文,要快!!!!急!!!! -
岛垂亦欧: The whole ship is the most important film props, but also in the whole movie took place aboard ocean-going vessel People are excited because to be on land, while his 1900 film hero has chosen to stay on board forever, waiting for the passage of ...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师英语读后感50个字 -
岛垂亦欧: This film leaves me a great impression,and now some of the scenes are still linger in my mind. I can't forget the beautifulmusic in the film; I can't forget the leading character's simple love tothe strange girl. The leading character never leaves the ship, ...

那曲县17123098105: 海上钢琴师影评英语 -
岛垂亦欧: 1900年1月1日,船工丹尼在弗吉尼亚号游轮舞厅的钢琴上捡到了一个弃婴,他将这个小孩起名叫1900.1900从小在丹尼细心的关怀和善意的谎言中自由健康地成长.丹尼因意外事故不幸去世后,1900一次无意间来到舞厅外,他第一次见到钢琴...

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岛垂亦欧:[答案] 阿甘正传" Life is like a wide variety of chocolates,you never know that one belongs to you." The first sentence of Agam's mother,explained to us:each person's life path is the one and only,and it is t...

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