2月22日历史事件 英文

作者&投稿:布怡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英文 历史上3月20日发生的事件 100~

727 Mar 20, Sir Isaac Newton (b.1642), physicist, mathematician and astronomer, died in London. Michael White wrote the 1998 biography "Isaac Newton" in which he revealed Newton’s passion for alchemy. In 2003 James Gleick authored the biography "Isaac Newton."
(AP, 3/20/97)(WSJ, 2/19/98, p.A20)(SSFC, 6/1/03, p.M1)

1815 Mar 20, Napoleon Bonaparte entered Paris, beginning his "Hundred Days" rule.
(AP, 3/20/97)(HN, 3/20/98)

1841 Mar 20, Edgar Allen Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue, considered the first detective story, was published. [see April 14, 20, 1841]
(HN, 3/20/01)

1890 Mar 20, Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II fired republic chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.
(MC, 3/20/02)

1903 Mar 20, Henri Matisse exhibited at the Salon des Independants.
(HN, 3/20/98)

1944 Mar 20, Mount Vesuvius, Italy, exploded.
(MC, 3/20/02)

1990 Mar 20, Namibia became an independent nation, marking the end of 75 years of South African rule. The South African colony gained independence after 25 years of guerrilla war. Namibians began petitioning the U.N. as early as 1947, developing political parties, most notably SWAPO (South West Africa People‘s Organization) to voice opposition to South African rule. Armed resistance to South African rule began in earnest in the 1970s and continued into the 1980s, which combined with drought and other factors, contributed to an overwhelming drain to South Africa‘s economy. The UN Security Council eventually demanded independence for Namibia, but transition elections were not agreed to by South Africa until December 1988 after a military disaster involving Angola. The UN Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG) started work in April 1989 with elections giving SWAPO 57% of the vote. On March 21 of the following year, the South African flag was lowered and the Namibian flag raised in Namibia‘s National Stadium.
(LVRJ, 11/1/97, p.20A)(SFEC, 3/1/98, p.T4)(AP, 3/20/00)(HNQ, 2/13/01)

2000 Mar 20, World Citizenship Day.
(SFC, 3/21/00, p.A18)

2003 Mar 20, China demanded that military action against Iraq stop immediately and said the initial attack was "violating the norms of international behavior."
(AP, 3/20/03)

2004 Mar 20, Taiwan Pres. Chen Shui-bian narrowly won re-election, a day after being shot in an assassination attempt, but a referendum he had championed on beefing up defenses against China failed because not enough voters took part.
(AP, 3/20/04)(SSFC, 3/21/04, p.A1)


Today's Highlight in History:
Twenty years ago, on February 22nd, 1980, the United States Olympic hockey team upset the Soviets at Lake Placid, New York, 4-to-3. (The US team went on to win the gold medal.)

On this date:
In 1732, the first president of the United States, George Washington, was born at his parents' plantation in the Virginia Colony.

In 1819, Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

In 1865, Tennessee adopted a new constitution abolishing slavery.

In 1879, Frank Winfield Woolworth opened a five-cent store in Utica, New York.

In 1889, President Cleveland signed a bill to admit the Dakotas, Montana and Washington state to the Union.

In 1892, "Lady Windermere's Fan," by Oscar Wilde, was first performed, at London's St. James's Theater.

In 1924, Calvin Coolidge delivered the first presidential radio broadcast from the White House.

In 1934, the romantic comedy "It Happened One Night," starring Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, opened at New York's Radio City Music Hall.

In 1973, the United States and Communist China agreed to establish liaison offices.

In 1987, pop artist Andy Warhol died at a New York City hospital at age 58.

Ten years ago: Former President Reagan's videotaped testimony for the trial of former national security adviser John Poindexter was released in Washington; in his deposition, Reagan said he never had "any inkling" his aides were secretly arming the Nicaraguan Contras.

Five years ago: France accused four American diplomats and a fifth US citizen of spying, and asked them to leave the country. Security forces in Algiers crushed a prison uprising by Islamic extremists, resulting in 96 deaths by official count.

One year ago: Levi Strauss, falling victim to a fashion generation gap, announced it was closing eleven plants.



瓜州县15180057720: 2月22日英文 -
可英小儿: 读成 February twenth-second 也可缩写成 Feb 22nd

瓜州县15180057720: 历史上的今天(2月22日)都有哪些值得记忆的事? -
可英小儿: 1732年2月22日 美国第一任总统华盛顿诞辰1788年2月22日 德国哲学家叔本华诞辰1799年2月22日 清末大贪官和珅被赐死1813年2月22日 波兰音乐家弗雷德里克肖邦诞生1848年2月22日 法国“二月革命”爆发1857年2月22日 德国物理学家赫兹诞辰1875年2月22日 法国巴比松派画家让-巴蒂斯卡米耶柯洛去世1964年2月22日 我国与刚果建交1983年2月22日 经济学家孙冶方逝世1983年2月22日 著名京剧表演艺术家侯喜瑞逝世1986年2月22日 菲律宾爆发“二月革命”1997年2月22日 克隆羊多莉诞生

瓜州县15180057720: 2月22日的英文怎么写 -
可英小儿: Fed.22nd Febuary twenty-second

瓜州县15180057720: 2月24是什么日子(历史上2月24日的大事件)
可英小儿: 一、问:2月24日是什么日子?答:2月24日是第三世界青年日.1、第三世界青年日: 1973年7月,第三世界38个国家4000多名代表在突尼斯高呼“独立、统一、团结”...

瓜州县15180057720: 2月22号英语怎么翻 -
可英小儿: February twenty-second Feb 22nd

瓜州县15180057720: 1848年世界上有什么大事件 -
可英小儿: 2月21日——卡尔·马克思和弗里得里希·恩格斯发表《共产党宣言》. 11月4日——法兰西第二共和国建立. 12月10日——路易-拿破仑·波拿巴当选首任法兰西第二共和的总统.

瓜州县15180057720: 火车英文读什么 -
可英小儿: train 英 [treɪn] 美 [tren] n. 火车; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 拖裾; v. 训练; 培养; 教育; 修整; [例句]The train pulled into a station 列车驶入了一个车站. [其他] 第三人称单数:trains 复数:trains 现在分词:training 过去式:trained 过去分词:trained

瓜州县15180057720: 介绍自己生日在2月份22号的英语怎么写带中文翻译 -
可英小儿: My birthday is 22th,February. 我的生日是2月22日

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