
作者&投稿:邴佳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?
France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.
The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.
Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.
If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.
If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.
In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.
Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.
France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.
TO get the most out of your holiday in France,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.


Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?

France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.

The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.

Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.

If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.

If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.
In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.
Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.
France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.
TO get the most out of your holiday in Grance,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.

Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France?

France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the English Channel,the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.In addition,it has many mountain regions which are excellent for skiing.

The centre of France is a big,agricultural region,growing crops such as wheat and sunflowers,It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines .One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to live.

Paris is the captial of France.It is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.With its world-famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Trionphe,and its wide tree-lined streets,Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the the world.

If you are taking your children with you, remember that EuroDisney is just an hour away from the centre of the same attrections as the Disney parks in the USA.

If you want to go on to visit Britain,you can now do it without flying or taking a ferry.The Channel Tunnel,or(to use us nickname)the 'Chunnel',enables you to travel to train from Paris London in about three hours.
In our city,we can see the influence of France in some ways.France,like China,is famous for its food.Some bakeries provide French bread and cakes.Other popular French products are it cheese, brandy and wine.
Many of the world's top designer names are French.Names such as Dior in colthes, Chanel in perfume, and Cartier in jewellery are familiar to many Chinese people .Aquick walk along NanjingRoad will remind you of many similar names.
France is a leader in art and culture ,too. Alot of young students from different countries go to france to further their studies .Dvery year,French film festivals,exhibitions and concerts are organized all over the world.
TO get the most out of your holiday in Grance,why not try learning French now?You can do this in some language schools around the city.


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鲁教版语文八年级下册《隆中对》教案2 教学目标 1.通过课文,了解当时的天下形势,诸葛亮提出的政治蓝图,计谋及策略。 2.理解时年27岁的诸葛亮的远见卓识、极其锐利的战略眼光。 教学重点、难点与疑点 当时的天下形势,诸葛亮提出的政治蓝图,计谋及策略 课时安排 3课时 教学过程 第一课时 (一)导入新课。 (...

语文八年级下册课后十首古诗及其注释:1、《赠从弟(其二)》刘桢 亭亭山上松,瑟瑟谷中风。风声一何盛,松枝一何劲!冰霜正惨凄,终岁常端正。岂不罹(lí)凝寒?松柏有本性!【注释】 :(1)亭亭:高耸的样子。瑟瑟:形容寒风的声音。(2)一何:多么。(3)惨凄:凛冽、严酷。(4)罹( ...

人教版八年级下册语文书中所有的古诗 包括古诗名和古诗文... 包括古诗名和古诗文 展开  我来答 9个回答 #热议# 哪些癌症可能会遗传给下一代? 小伙嘎嘎坏 2011-02-06 · TA获得超过704个赞 知道答主 回答量:241 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:178万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 古诗...

谁有人教版八年级下册和九年级的古诗词,请发632402336@qq。com  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 【虎年春节安全无忧】上海公安迎春专题 听海hs 2011-01-26 · TA获得超过223个赞 知道答主 回答量:63 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:47.1万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 一、八下古诗词 (1)课内 ...

主要棉纺织工业基地:上海、天津、青岛、石家庄、郑州、西安、武汉等。 7、高技术产业 ⑴、形成高技术产业的条件:技术发达、知识密集、人才聚集等。 ⑵、我国的高技术产业带:长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、环渤海地区等。 ⑶、高技术产业四大密集区。(见教材P18—19面的说明) 【篇三】八年级下册地理知识点归纳湘教版 ...

八年级下册 语文 所有古诗 (人教版)
风声一何盛,松枝一何劲。冰霜正惨凄,终岁常端正。岂不罹凝寒?松柏本有性。《送杜少府之任蜀州》王勃 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。与君离别意,同是宦游人。海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在岐路,儿女共沾巾。《登幽州台歌》陈子昂 前不见古人,后不见来者。念天地之悠悠,独怆然而涕下。

古诗可以给你,但生字词太多,有点麻烦。人教版八年级下册 (一)课内部分 【酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠】(刘禹锡"唐)巴山楚水凄凉地,二十三年弃置身。 怀旧空吟闻笛赋,到乡翻似烂柯人。 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。今日听君歌一曲,暂凭杯酒长精神。【赤壁】(杜牧"唐)折戟沉沙铁未销...

平江县15023252848: 牛津上海版八年级下册英语课文 -
呼侮盐酸: Now that winter is behind us,many people are starting to think about going abroad for the summer holidays.This year,why not spread your wings and visit France? France is a wonderful place to go for a holiday. It is a huge country,with coasts on the ...

平江县15023252848: 上海牛津英语8年级下册 课文 Benjamin Franklin 全文帮我翻译一下在线等 急用!就是这一篇 Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston,the USA on 17 January ... -
呼侮盐酸:[答案] 本杰明富兰克林在波士顿出生于1706年1月17日美国.他是一位多才多艺的和利益的人.他是一个科学家,发明家.他是天生好奇的事情如何工作的,并一直在寻求改善他们的搜索.1747年,本杰明开始在电力与一些非常简单的设备,他...

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呼侮盐酸: l like summer. summer have iong hoilday.l like eanting ice cream. but summer is very hot. many flowes grow in the gared.in summer,l like in my home because it...

平江县15023252848: 求翻译,急!给好评!(出自上海市牛津版八年级下册UNIT1) -
呼侮盐酸: Ray 博士:树木会净化空气,它们是天然的空调.三棵树所净化的空气相当于15台空调工作一天.Judy:看来你对树很有研究啊,Ray 博士.Ray 博士:谢谢,我也只是略懂.科学家们对于树木的研究也才刚起步.例如,当一些昆虫开始吃树叶时,它会分泌出一种化学物质,这种化学物质能够使树叶尝起来很难下口.还有一些树木把它们的根茎相互连接起来,使得水和养分能够在他们之间传递.数和树之间能够交流,但目前我们仍不知道它们是用何种方法.Judy:树木现在处在危险之中吗?Ray 博士:非常危险,每年有成千上百的树木被砍伐、烧毁,但种植却非常少,我们正在破坏我们最好的环保斗士.

平江县15023252848: 初二英语下册课本内容 牛津版的 -
呼侮盐酸: 你有8b的磁带吗 上面有一盘叫wordlist 听那个吧,我只能给你u1的 past present transport times double-decker light rail since southern till married wife over stall cinema turn factory used to dump waste poison pollute realize reduce in some ways ...

平江县15023252848: 现在上海市小学一年级英语教材是什么 -
呼侮盐酸: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/16L3kAxVib_WolWNuqtLBtg提取码: eiez《巧虎一年级英语》这个建议给下半年要上一年级的孩子看的,同步一年级书本课程

平江县15023252848: 初二英语下册课本内容 牛津版的上海出版社的课本内容啊.忘记带课本回家 这下作业做不成了在线= 速度些给个网站我 或者把第2单元的词组和单词全打出来 ... -
呼侮盐酸:[答案] 你有8b的磁带吗 上面有一盘叫wordlist 听那个吧,我只能给你u1的 past present transport times double-decker light rail since southern till married wife over stall cinema turn factory used to dump waste poison pollute realize reduce in some ways open a ...

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呼侮盐酸: 在全意大利所建造的塔中,比萨斜塔是最美丽的钟塔.它是比萨大教堂的钟塔.而这座大理石塔不仅仅是漂亮,它可能也是世界上最奇异的塔.它向一边倾斜,看上去像是要倒一样.这座塔始建于1173年8月,历时近两百年才竣工.没有人知道是谁设计...

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呼侮盐酸: ★沪教版上海牛津初中英语八年级下册(课文+听力+单词)MP3 2014年01月第1版★ 书本信息: 书 名:义务教育教科书 英语 出 版 社:上海教育出版社 目录: Module 1 Social communication Unit 1 Helping those in need Unit 2 Body language ...

平江县15023252848: 牛津版八年级下册英语课文翻译 -
呼侮盐酸: Unit2 黛西在浴室里.那时她正在刷牙,但是水龙头开着.水流入水槽,消失在下水道中.把水龙头关掉,”一个响亮的声音说道.黛西愣住了.她看了看四周,但没看到任何人.“把水龙头关掉.你正在浪费水!”这个声音听起来很不耐烦....

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