Don't 开头的祈使句,反义疑问句怎么写?

作者&投稿:伊哄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例子:don't play with fire, will you?
祈使句的反意疑问句都用will you .如果是let's 开头的话要用shall we

(1)在肯定的祈使句后,为了使祈使句听起来比较婉转,客气,可加一个简短的问句,如:will you ? would you? can you?最常用的的是:will you?或won't you?
例:Speak louder ,will you?请大声点,好吗?
Read it slowly ,can/can't you?
注意咯:在否定疑问句的祈使句后,只能用肯定的疑问部分,will you?例:
Don't wait for me ,will you ?
(2)在Let's祈使句后加上shall we ?或shan't we?应为let's包含谈话的对方在内,而在Let us (me ,her。。)后要加上will you ?或won't you?应为Let us 不包括谈话的对方在内。。。

He cried because he had to leave.
It is getting dark as the sun goes down.
Since he has come, let's start the meeting.
however, i don't like it.
not only the students but also the teacherlaughed.
He got up late. Therefore, he didn't catch the bus.
I forgot to bring my card. What's more, I forgot the tickets.
She is so kind to others that we all like her.
It is time for us to have a rest.
it takes me a few minutes to write it down.
i came here at 8 so that I shall finish the work at 12.
I'm sure that she has come back.
I hope/belive/think that he will win the game.

在英语学习中应当注意句式的变化,它的变化是随所要表达的意思的变化而变化的.是想肯定还是要否定,是疑问还是反问,是时强调还是一般, 是命令还是陈述, 因此 ,不同的句式表达不同的语气.下面介绍几种句式:

一、 反意疑问句


反意疑问句的结构分为两部分,即:陈述部分 和疑问部分 (疑问部分用简略形式),陈述部分与疑问部分用逗号隔开.

反意疑问句有两种形式,一种是前肯定后否定;另一种是前否定后肯定.如 :

You are a student , aren't you ? 你是个学生,对吗?

You are not a student, are you ? 你不是学生,对吗?

应当注意反意疑问句的答语, 与汉语略有区别,特别是前否定后肯定类型的反意疑问句. 例如: -----You are a student, are you ? 你是个学生,对吗?

----- Yes, I am . ( No, I am not ) 是的, 我是. (不是,我不是 . )

------- You are not a student, are you ? 你不是一个学生,对吗?

------- No, I am not .( Yes, I am ) 对,我不是. ( 不对, 我是 . )

当陈述部分是复合句时,疑问部分人称和谓语动词一般与主句一致,但是 当主句有I ( don't) believe ( think , suppose , guess ... )疑问部分人称和谓语动词应该与从句一致.主句的否定实际上是对从句的否定.例如: I don't think he will come , will he ? 我想他不会回来,对吧?

I think he can swim , can't he ? 我想他能游泳,对吧 ?



1. He wouldn't wait in line the next day ,______ ?

2. She has been learning English , _________ ?

3. We can't take the books out ,________ ?

4. He has to go home on foot , ________ ?

5. You haven't had your lunch ________ ?

6.We have nothing to eat , ________ ?

7.They dislike the book ,________ ?

8. There used to be a post office in the street ,________ ?

9. He said that he would not go with us ,________ ?

10.We must hand in the exercises , ________ ?

11.You dare to jump off the wall ,________ ?

12. He made a few mistakes in his exercises , ________ ?

13 She must be a music lover ,________ ?

14.I suppose you know her address ,________ ?

15. I don't think you 're serious , ________ ?

16.Let us do the jobs by ourselves ,________ ?

17. -----He used not to smoke , usedn't he ?

----- _____,he used to . The doctor always tole him not to .

18. Do the homework by yourselves , ________ ?

19 Let's enter the hall ,________ ?

20 .You must have seen him yesterday ,________ ?


1. would he 2.hasn't she 3.can we 4.doesn't he 5.have you 6.have we 7.don't they 8. usedn't there 9.didn't he 10.mustn't we 11.don' t you 12.didn't he 13.isn't she 14.don't you 15.are you 16.will you 17.Yes 18.will you 19.will you 20.didn't



1) Let's 开头的祁使句 如: Let's say it in English .

2) 动词原形开头的祁使句. 如: Listen to the teacher .

3) Shall I 开头的祁使句 . 如: Shall I carry the parcel for you ?

4) Will you 开头的祁使句. 如: Will you come here early ?

5) 以 Please 开头的祁使句 如: Please take a message for him.

6)带呼语的祈使句 , 如: Mary, come down here ! (对mary 讲话,而不带呼语的且以动词原形开头的祈使句则对第二人称讲话)

7)不让对方做某事, 英语用 " Don't " . 例如:

Don't speak loud . 不要大声讲话.

Don't write in that way . 不要那样写.









1. Let's play together!

2.Don't be late.

3.Answer this question.

4.Shall I open the window ?

5.Will you go with us ?


强调句式用来加强语气,强调结构为: It is ( was ) ...(强调部分) that ( who ) ... ( 保留部分), 词结构可以强调除谓语动词以外的任何成分.如: The boy played football on the street .

It was the boy who played on the street . ( 强调主语 )

It was football that the boy played on the street . ( 强调宾语)

It was on the street that the boy played football. ( 强调状语)


1) 当被强调的句子是过去时,强调句型中用 was ,被强调的句子是现在时, 强调句型用is

2)但强调的部分是人时,强调句型中用 who , 其他情况用 that

3) 但强调谓语动词时 ,用 " do " 动词. 例如: He did finished his homework .

他确实完成了作业 .



1. I read this book- report only last Saturday .

2. I happened not to be in London at that time .

3. Master Wu taught us how to run the machine .

4.I seem to have heard of the name .

5.He joined the army three years ago.


1.It was this book-report that I read only last Saturday .

2. It wasat that time that I happened not to be in London .

3. It was Master Wu who taught us how to run the machine .

4. It is the name that I seem to have heard of .

5.It was three years ago that I joined that army .



Nobody can do such a thing . (主语的否定 , 意思为: 没有人能做出这样的事情来.)

I can't remember his telephone number. (谓语的否定, 意思为:我不能记起他的电话号码.)

He told me nothing . ( 宾语的否定, 意思为: 他什么也没告诉我.)

否定句从意义上分为:部分否定和全部否定. 例如:

All the girls don't like bright colours .

(部分否定.意思为; 不是所有的女孩都喜欢鲜艳的颜色.)

= Not all the girls like bright colours . ( 意思同上)

None of the girls like bright colours .

( 全部否定,意思为:没有一个女孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色)

运用 否定句应注意的几个问题:

1) 否定主语的否定词有: nothing , nobody , no one , none ,no, little , few

2)否定谓语的否定词有: not , never , hardly ,scarcely ,seldom

3)否定宾语的否定词有: nothing , nobody , none , no , little, few

4) 当主语是 anything , anybody 时, 谓语动词不能用否定式,如果要否定就要用全部否定. 如: Anybody can't live without air . (错误)

Nobody can live without air . ( 正确)

5) 部分否定与相应的全部否定

部分否定 全部否定

all ...not = not all none

both... not = not both neither

everything...not=not everything nothing

everyone ...not=not everyone no one

6) no 与not 的区别

no是形容词,not 是副词 . no放在名词之前,not 与动词连用.

I have no orange . ( 我没有桔汁.)

I do not have any orange .( 我没有桔 汁.)


I. 变为否定句

1. He reads English every morning .

2.They can swim across the river .

3. We have practised the pattens many times.

4. It is necessary for him to improve his handwriting .

5.I have some bread to eat .

6. They are playing basketball.

7. The teachers will go to a meeting tomorrow .

8. The girls wore the skirts yesterday .

9.I think that he is right .

10.Come to the party early .


1. He doesn't read English every morning .

2.They can not swim across the river .

3. We have not practised the pattens many times.

4. It is not necessary for him to improve his handwriting .

5.I have not any bread to eat .

6. They are not playing basketball.

7. The teachers will not go to a meeting tomorrow .

8. The girls didn't wear the skirts yesterday .

9.I don't think that he is right .

10. Don't come to the party early .

II. 把下列各句变成全部否定

1. Both of the brothers work as farmers .

2. All of them are studying hard .

3. Either of them can lift the heavy box .

4.I can find the lost necklace somewhere.

5. Everything is ready .


1.Neither of the brothers works as farmers .

2. None of them are studying hard .

3.Neither of them can lift the heavy box .

4.I can find the lost necklace nowhere.

5.Nothing is ready .

III. 根据汉语完成句子

1. It is too dangerous _______ . ( 横穿马路)

2 . He is _____ fool . ( 绝不傻)

3. We told him _______. (不要去那儿)

4. The old woman can ________ .( 几乎不能念书)

5.There is _______ in the bottle .( 没什么水)

答案 cross the road

2. no

3. not to go there

4. hardly read

5. little water



1. It depends on whether we have enough time . (强调划线部分)

2. The students have done everything for the meeting . ( 改为否定句)

3.Everyone knows the sports meet will be held tomorrow .(改为全部否定)

4. I don't think he can climb up that tall tree ,_______ ? ( 完成反意疑问句)

5. Let's _______ time . ( 不浪费时间)

6. _____ away my dictionary .( 不要拿走)

7.He gave me the newspaper . (强调划线部分)

8.There are some computeres in the lab . (改为否定句)

9.I know all of them . ( 否定宾语)

10. He was at home at six o'clock . (强调划线部分)


1.It was whether we have enough time that it depends on .

2. The students have done nothing for the meeting .

3.No one knows the sports meet will be held tomorrow .

4. can he

5. not waste

6.Don't take

7.He did give me the newspaper.

8.There are any computers in the lab .

9.I know none of them .

10.It was at six o'clock that he was at home .

II. 翻译下列句子(英译汉)

1. Be sure to lock the door before you leave the room .

2.Take care not to leave anything behind .

3.How beautiful the flowers look in the vase !

4.She can't be in the dormitory now , can she ?

5.You didn't go to the show that night , did you ?

No, I didn't .

6.It is she who has made much progress .

7. Tom did say that he would telephone us about it .

8.All the workers are not building the bridge .

9.The problem is so difficult that few has worked it out .

10. Not both of them should be punished .


1. 离开房间之前一定要锁好门.

2. 当心不要丢下什么东西.










III .翻译下列句子(汉译英)

1. 杯子里没什么水,是吧?

2. 他很少按时到家,对吧?

3. 一定要写信给我,好吗?

4. 你没有完成作业,对吗? 不,我完成了作业。

5. 我认为他不认真 ,对吗?

6. 就是在街上我找到了汤姆。


8. 医生让我不要抽烟。

9. 我们去教室好吗?

10. 你递给我一杯水好吗?


1.There is little waterin the cup , is there ?

2. He seldom comes back on time , does he ?

3. Be sure to write to me ,will you ?

4.You haven't finished you homework ,have you ?

Yes, I have .

5.I don't suppose he is serious , is he ?

6.It was in the street that I found Tom .

7.Neither of them likes seeing films .

8. The doctor asked me not to smoke .

9. Shall we go to the classroom ?

10. Will you pass me a cup of water ?

写will you?

will you ?

won't you?


Beacuse "don't" is "do not",and "don't"'satonym is "do".

will you

on 的发音
on的读音:英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n]。on英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n]prep.(表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时。on的用法示例如下:1.The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face 女服务员看着他,脸上带着一丝局促不安的微笑。2.W...

on的读音为英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n] 。具体释义如下:on英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑ:n]1、介词 prep.(表示方向)向;(表示对象)对;(表示位置)在…上;(表示时间)在…之时 2、副词 adv.(放,穿,连接)上;向前,(继续)下去 3、形容词 adj.活动着的情况,状态;使用着的;发生...

读音:英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑːn]on prep. 在……之上;向,朝;关于;在……时候;由……支撑;(身上)带着;一……就;吃,喝;接近;根据;挣……钱;以……支付;以……为燃料;在……中;作为……成员;借助(仪器或器械);与……相比;增加;靠……服用药物;(由电台或...

on是一个使用频率非常高的单词,很多时候都是搭配其他的单词做短语使用的,很多人知道各种各样搭配短语的意思,但是不知道on单独的意思,那么下面小编就来跟大家说说on是什么意思。详细内容 1、on 英 [?n]美 [ɑ?n]prep. (覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着...

on的意思是向前地,在……之上,句中作为副词、介词和形容词使用。一、词汇分析 on 英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑn]adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候 adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 二、短语 1、and so on 等等;诸如此类 2、just ...

on 英[ɔn] 美[ɑn, ɔn]prep.1.(表示位置)在…上, 在…旁, 在…身边 2.(表示时间)在…之时 3.(表示方向)向, 往, 朝; 沿着, 顺着 4.(表示状态)系于, 悬于; 附于 5.(表示方式)乘, 坐, 骑 6.(表示对象)对, 对于, 碰在, 对…造成困难 7.(表示原因)由于, ...

on 英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑːn]prep.(覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着;在(运输工具)上 adv.表示持续性;向前(移动);穿在身上;穿着;戴着

on跟in区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 on prep. 在 ... 之上;由 ... 支撑着;在(某一天);关于;基于。adv. 穿着;向前(移动);表示持续性。adj. 表示已连接、处于工作状态或使用中;发生;值班。in prep. 在 ... 里;在 ... 地方;在 ... 期间;在 ......

on的意思是向前地,在……之上,句中作为副词、介词和形容词使用。词汇分析:on 音标:英 [ɒn] 美 [ɑn]adv. 向前地;作用中,行动中;继续着 prep. 向,朝……;关于;在……之上;在……时候 adj. 开着的;发生着的,正在进行中 例句:1、He showed his ticket to the conductor...


贵定县19447258806: 以Don't开头的英文祈使句 -
僪滕塔定: Don't forget me. Don't make her sad. Don't give up . Don't close the window. Don't play in the street.

贵定县19447258806: 以Don't开头的祈使句有哪些 -
僪滕塔定: Don't play on the street. Don't talk so much while eating. Don't park here. Don't swim in the river here. Don't sing in class. Don't make so much noise. 等

贵定县19447258806: Don't开头的祈使句的答句例:——Don't be late for school next time.——( ) A.Yes,I won't. B.No,I won't. -
僪滕塔定:[答案] 选B,这里教你一个方法,回答这种问题的时候先写后面的,I won't,前面的和这句一样,后面否定的前面就是NO,前面是肯定的就是YES,只是翻译是相反的,yes意思不,no是好

贵定县19447258806: 英语里的祈使句 -
僪滕塔定: 英语里的祈使句:表示命令、要求等语气的句子. 祈使句例句: Don't go out. 别出去. Go out. 出去. Go out, please. 请出去.

贵定县19447258806: 祈使句以动词原形开头的造句? -
僪滕塔定: 祈使句有两种,即肯定祈使句和否定祈使句,肯定祈使句以动词原形开头.如:Open the door,please. 否定祈使句以don't 开头,如:Don't open the door.

贵定县19447258806: 以Don't 开头的祈使句,回答时用 will 或 won't. -
僪滕塔定: 给你举例子吧、 ---Don't be late for school next time ---Ok,I won′t . 用don′t aren′ t 开头的不叫祈使句的........ Aren′t you a student ? 根据实际情况回答 是 就是:Yes,I am 不是:No,I′m not. 不懂可以追问哦 满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O~

贵定县19447258806: 祈使句的开头有哪些
僪滕塔定: 用动词原形开头.如: Open the door, please. 请把门打开. Be quiet, boys. 孩子们,安静点. Hurry up!快点跟上. Alice, you close your book. 艾丽期,请你把书关上. 祈使句的否定式是在动词原形前加don't.如: Don't be late again. 不要再迟到了. Please don't forget to take your medicine. 请不要忘记吃药. Don't let's quarrel about it. (=Let's not quarrel about it. ) 我们不要为此事争吵了.

贵定县19447258806: dont开头的叫什么句子 -
僪滕塔定: don't开头的叫祈使句.就是动词作主语.

贵定县19447258806: 以Don't 开头的祈使句,回答时用 will 或 won't.你如果Are't 开头的祈使句,回答时用 will 或 won't 还是 are 货are't -
僪滕塔定:[答案] 给你举例子吧、 ---Don't be late for school next time ---Ok,I won′t . 用don′t aren′ t 开头的不叫祈使句的. Aren′t you a student 根据实际情况回答 是 就是:Yes,I am 不是:No,I′m not.

贵定县19447258806: Don't 开头的祈使句(Don't forgrt to open the door.),回答应该是I don"t.还是I won't. -
僪滕塔定:[答案] No,I won't. 祈使句的回答,用will

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