
作者&投稿:蒸桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Dear T.T, 亲爱的T,T
I must say that after all those times we've been apart you're still the one I'm longing for.
我不得不承认,在我们分开的这段时间里,你依然是我的唯一(long for是渴望的意思 我把它改译了一下)
You see, life has never been the same without you. Every day and every night.
It seems like you've captured my heart and my heart won't be able to escape from your grasp.
Every morning when the sun goes out to shine, I flash a smile but deep inside, I feel so sad and lonely and all I'm thinking is that I need you here and now.
I have regrets - regrets of why I let you go.
But the sad fact is that you never tried or attempted to straighten things out between us.
但是,悲哀的是,你从来就没有尝试把我们之间的事弄清楚(或弄清楚我们之间的事 straighten things out 是弄清问题的意思)
You never tried to fight for our love.
Maybe because you never really loved me at all.
And it pained me the most to know that you can envision your life without me.
I guess promises are really made to be broken.
I just pray that somehow this heart of mine would learn to be contented - contented to be just missing you.
我只有祈祷我的心,会慢慢的,慢慢的能满足于只思念你(抱歉 这个地方译的有点不顺 但我希望你能理解)
Love always,




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汉译英 , 帮我把这段话翻译成英文。
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红山区18744612196: 谁能帮我翻译这段话?在线翻译的不好! -
鄞琪复方: Dear T.T, 亲爱的T,T I must say that after all those times we've been apart you're still the one I'm longing for. 我不得不承认,在我们分开的这段时间里,你依然是我的唯一(long for是渴望的意思 我把它改译了一下) You see, life has never been ...

红山区18744612196: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下这段话,不要在线翻译的,谢谢 -
鄞琪复方: 亲,你好 This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback.祝您生活愉快

红山区18744612196: 谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英语?要人工翻译!在线翻译不可靠///
鄞琪复方: JAY course: Jay Chou was born in a living conditions and is not very good family. Mom and dad on when he was five, he got divorced with my mother. (we know he is on the "fantasy", there is a song "dad, I come back,"). Jay in elementary ...

红山区18744612196: 英语翻译请问谁能帮我用英文翻译下这段话呢?我不懂英文,但又很想这段话用英文说翻出来.亲爱的,你知道,我总有一天会离开你,亲爱的请不要怪我,... -
鄞琪复方:[答案] 总有一天我会离开你I will leave you one dayDear, you know, one day I will leave you, dear Please do not blame me, and I'll have, but in doing so I really, I can not unfilial, my parents did not raise s...

红山区18744612196: 谁帮我把这段话翻译了,不准用百度之类的烂翻译...要自己翻译没有语法错误之类的 -
鄞琪复方: The research aimed at understanding the Association between the occupation interest tendency and personality traits of the students from Guizhou Normal University,贵州师范大学——王佳俊的母校啊

红山区18744612196: 英语翻译英语太烂了,有谁能帮我翻译下面的一段话?#(泪) 翻译:最好把你的地址和寄回来的邮票写在寄过去的信件里.这样方便他回信.寄信和回信的时... -
鄞琪复方:[答案] You'd better write down your address and put a stamp in the letter for him.So that he can write back to you more convenient.You may reciece his reply 2 months later after you sending your letter to him.Besides,in the recent months ,he is going to Australia...

红山区18744612196: 谁可以帮我翻译这段话成英语,要准确啊,有急用.谢谢 -
鄞琪复方: honey(sweetie),i miss you, but i an't say it out, can you feel that i am thinking of you now? The air seems to be frozon every moment i am thinking of you. Are you thinking of me as well? I have a lot to express to you, while i just found that i've lost the ...

红山区18744612196: 翻译一段话中文翻译成英文谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文不要百度翻译: - 路边开的花 嫩嫩的绿芽 - 透露着坚强 像我一样倔强 - 等着那一束光芒 - 没有太多话 太... -
鄞琪复方:[答案] Flowers were opened by the roadside to tender green shoots Revealed its adamancy stubborn as me Waited for the beam of light It's not much talking or idea Also continued to grow up to soar ideally Let the wind dry the tears and sweat Morning has ...

红山区18744612196: 请帮偶把这段话翻译成英文的,谢谢 -
鄞琪复方: 在线翻译总是不好 Relying on online translation tools is no good. 词不达意 The expression does not convey the idea and meaning.【依赖在线翻译工具不太好,(因为总是)词不达意的】 Relying on online translation tools is no good, for the expression does not convey the idea and meaning correctly.{你需要翻译的就是这两句话是么?}

红山区18744612196: 英语翻译谁能帮我把这段话翻译成汉语啊.我不知道应为什么会使你这么伤心,不敢想象一个曾经无比开心的你会成为这样,我会遵守我们之间的承诺,我等... -
鄞琪复方:[答案] 最美丽最动人的翻译I really don't know what makes you so melancholy.I just could not imagine the once happy-go-lucky you has become so blue now.I solemnly swear that I would faithfully honour the commi...

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