
作者&投稿:闳葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



lnstall 安装
ldon't accept我不同意
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volumes 音量
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We are so sorry that you are not happy with our delivery time. Because it is international delivery which depends on lots relevant elements.The delivery time showed on Ebay acount is based on a regular estimation. theoratically the delivery time should be around 7---14 days. Thanks for your patient .

We apologize that our transportation time failed to earn your satisfaction. Actually, we don't deliver goods from our place, but it belongs to international transport. Thus the duration may change due to some unexpected conditions. The arrival date shown on Ebay platform is an estimated turnaround according to the service you selected. While the theoretic time needed is 7 - 14 days. Hope you can understand.

we're sorry that the time didn't satisfy you,however,it was the uncertain factors of international transportation that delayed our goods.Ebay makes its schedule mainly according to the consignment cycle,actually,it always takes 7 to 14 days in theory.we hope you could understand.

we were sorry very much that our transportation time made you unsatisfied, in fact, because it did not belong to deliver goods in the local area , it belonged to the international shipping, the transportation time would be changed according to some factors , in the ebay platform would appear the arrival of shipment time was that the ebay basis chooses service estimate a consignment cycle, the transportation time theoretically should be 7-14 days, hoped that you could understand.

We're so sorry for our transportation time is unsatisfied. In fact,it is International Transport not local delivery,so the transport time will change according to some factors.Ebay platform appears the arrival time is estimated in accordance with a selected service delivery cycle.According to theory, the transport time should be 7-14 days.Please understand.


55 ,这本书是为学生的母语不是英语。56 ,您可能无法走出去,直到您的工作要做。57 ,看看我的父亲把我当他来自工作。58 ,没有人知道多久,已经有升。59 ,就越难,他的研究,取得更大的进展,他“使当地雇员。60已升了时间,已经升将看到他。61 ,他没有去法国,医生建议他不能去那里。62...

他很紧张, 但还是声音镇定地回答了所有问题。He was really nervous but still answer all the questions with calm voice.2.在我们的印象中,典型的英国绅士总是带着雨伞。We are impressed by the typical English gentleman with umbrella.3.那样的话,你应该事后向他道歉。If that’s so, ...

U asked me to recommend u some good books.Now I can tell some for u.I don't know any books that u wanna read.But some other kinds of books I can reconmend to u.Maybe u will not like to read them.你让我介绍些书给你。现在我就告诉你一些书。我不知道你想看些什么样的...

我是一个很外向,平易近人,很自信,很努力工作,关怀备至,言出必行的女孩。我想认识更多诚实可信的朋友,不介意是否已婚,是哪里人,什么宗教信仰,我一直都是单身,从没结过 婚,我觉得人生应该是丰富多彩的,去海滩,烹饪,看电视足球比赛等,购物,读报和小说,长跑。我很喜欢跟你交谈,但是难民...


交朋友, make up编出, made a mistake出差错, make sure确保,确信, make a noise吵闹5)含take的短语有:take your time 不急;慢慢来, take, ...当请教了别人还是不懂的话,就将其原因大概记住,答案一定要记住,留着以后用.但做题不是主要的,主要是要养成一些语感,再结合自己所学的语法知识来记住英语...

嗯,你的确是有学语言的天赋,虽然音标上是那样写是没有错的。但是这个时候会产生音变。就是所谓的浊化。就是SK+ Sp+这样的单词,这时,K要发G这个音,p要发b这个音。但是如果K和P是在单词的开头的话,就不需要变化了。你自己也总结出来了呢。比如sky ,对了注意还有school,也不是发K而是发G...

Die, edge, repair, suction beads, edge shovel, sand sharks, enough, etc.gold deposited

请懂英语的帮看看我这些音响上的英语术语拜托各位了 3Q
1,ECHO, 混响,越大回声越大 2,MUSIC, 音乐,用于调节音乐伴奏声音的大小 3,LO, 低音调节 4,MID, 中音调节,人声就在这个中音部 5,HI,高音,调高了声音会显得清脆 6,RPT,重复 7,DLY, 延迟 8,BAL, 左右声道平衡 9,GAIN, 增益,用于调节输入信号的大小 10,SELECTOR,信号输入选择 11,ST,...

I bought 6 boxes of babyfood, but 2 of them expired in April.When I received them, they have already expired! How could you sell this kind of food to your customer? Moreover, in the other order of mine, the date also expired....

城关区19346706357: 请在线英语大神帮帮忙~谢谢~非常感谢 -
夙娄弘正: pay attention to sth. 关注某事 both 两者都 what you say how you say it say作说话讲是及物动词,后面必须加宾语.what可以作say的宾语,可以直接用what you say how不能作宾语,所以要加it作宾语.how you say it Being a clear and effective ...

城关区19346706357: 请懂英语的朋友帮帮忙!!急急急!!!谢谢!
夙娄弘正: Pass the test----通过测试. Happy go home ----快乐的回家 Luck with you forever.----运气永远陪伴你

城关区19346706357: 请英语很好的朋友来帮帮忙,(答得好加分)Make the bed.(用“I”做主语改为现在进行时)I'm cleaning my teeth.(就"cleaning my teeth"提问)Tom is ... -
夙娄弘正:[答案] I am making the bed.(用“I”做主语改为现在进行时) What are you doing?就"cleaning my teeth"提问) What is Tom doing?.(就“climbing the tree”提问) Where is she?就“in the garden”提问)

城关区19346706357: 会英语的朋友、帮帮忙!
夙娄弘正: 是拼写匆忙了有错误吧? 我猜原句是不是:Thank you very much, I'm very happy. 如果是的话,意思是:非常感谢,我很高兴.

城关区19346706357: 懂点英语的都进来帮帮忙 -
夙娄弘正: 一般到餐厅的话,你可以家常一下:Nice to meet you或者Welcome! 待他们坐下: May I help you? 一般不问外国人几位,可以用婉转的方式说: Would you like to have something to drink? 待他们回答后你可以说How many do you want? 然后问: Anyone else to be here later?

城关区19346706357: 懂英语的朋友帮帮忙!!!...
夙娄弘正: 这是一个字母组合,一般ee读|i:| 但不全是,因为单词和音标是两回事.如果按你的说法,中国的汉字就没法写了

城关区19346706357: 懂英文的进来,帮帮忙! -
夙娄弘正: 你没有权限访问地址0037CCBF,在模块 TGZLIBDLL.dll'.Rdad里,即地址00000C04.大致意思是:你使用了未分配的内存(对象或变量) ,或使用了已释放的对象.是内存访问出错!可能是对象还没创建...

城关区19346706357: 懂英语的 进来 帮帮忙 很急的
夙娄弘正: I have thought that you will take me to your home

城关区19346706357: 请懂英语的朋友帮忙翻译一下(急用) -
夙娄弘正: 现在科比已经29岁了,在NBA中已经征战了12年.他已经完全成长为了一位巨星.今年,他和队友又踏上了总冠军的征程.Now Kobe is already 29 year's old who have been a warior in NBA over 12 years.he has undoubtedly grown up into a genuine giant star.This year, he together with his fellowmen are striding on the journey of General Championship.

城关区19346706357: 请英语好的朋友帮帮忙
夙娄弘正: 1would you please wait a moment? Very sorry for the inconvenience! 2other guests to share the table with you! 3because you do not follow the predetermined time, so we will seat arranged for another guest! 4wait a moment please, I will serve you as soon as possible! 5may you be happy and prosperous!望采纳

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