
作者&投稿:植疮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.everyone [ˈɛvrɪwʌn] pron.每人;人人
Everyone needs time to unwind. 人人都应享有得到休息和放松的时间
2.laugh [lɑːf] v.笑;嘲笑 n.笑;〈非正式〉 笑料;笑柄
She couldn't help laughing at his jokes. 她忍不住因为他的笑话笑出声来
3. look [lʊk] v.看;看起来像;指望(某人)做某事,指望(某人)提供某物 n.看,瞧;景象,样子 excl.[用以引起他人注意自己要说的话]看哪
They looked up as he came quietly into the room. 他静静走进屋里时,他们都抬头看着他

1 to deal with this problem There are several ways (methods)
2, less empty talk (empty talk) do more practical things (practical work)
3, he made a lot of work has made a lot of mistakes.
4, there are a lot of money millionaire (money), there are a lot of trouble.
5 in the last few days of cold days, we have been adhering to the experiment.
6, he and two packets of the new English language books will be published in 2006.
Verbs and verb phrase

1 The case is being investigated by police in the investigation (look into)
2 children in the near future on their new teachers have a good (take to)
3, we can not rely on other countries to help us through (rely on)
4 When she regained consciousness, she found himself lying on the hospital (break out)
As most of the 5 members absent, the meeting had to cancel (call off)
6 You have to study hard, or difficult to work with. (Keep up with)
We are prepared to 7 at its next meeting on this issue (bring up)
8 We all respect for Dr. Lin, because she's selfless service to the patient (look up to)
Passive structure
1 It is reported that many people were left homeless after the earthquake (homeless)
2 It goes without saying that this is the most recent talks (recent negotiations).
3 on this issue tomorrow morning to discuss it?
4, it was suggested to postpone the meeting to be held next Thursday.
5 have to admit that China still made in the country.
6 It must be pointed out that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs.
7, the very popular English readers.
1 If I do this, I would like to adopt a different approach.
2 If I were you, I will bravely face up to this issue.
3 If we have a test tomorrow, tonight I had to go to the movies.
4 All applicants must be interviewed one by one.
5, it was suggested that another open meeting to discuss the issue of inflation.
6, I have to be more in Shanghai for a day or two.
7, I agree with them on an extension to discuss the motion.
8 has decided to allow more time for extensive reading.

1 environmental pollution (environmental pollution) is a difficult issue
2 This is a must in a few years to the eradication of infectious diseases.
3 This is a can not say any of the information
4, but he needs a serious person
5 I have accepted the invitation to their schools to share their experiences
6 every day, many of the issues I need to be taken into account

Translate the following into English, using appropriate determiners.
1 to deal with this problem There are several ways (methods)
2, less empty talk (empty talk) do more practical things (practical work)
3, he made a lot of work has made a lot of mistakes.
4, there are a lot of money millionaire (money), there are a lot of trouble.
5 in the last few days of cold days, we have been adhering to the experiment.
6, he and two packets of the new English language books will be published in 2006.
Verbs and verb phrase
Translate the following into English, using the given phrasal verbs
1 The case is being investigated by police in the investigation (look into)
2 children in the near future on their new teachers have a good (take to)
3, we can not rely on other countries to help us through (rely on)
4 When she regained consciousness, she found himself lying on the hospital (break out)
As most of the 5 members absent, the meeting had to cancel (call off)
6 You have to study hard, or difficult to work with. (Keep up with)
We are prepared to 7 at its next meeting on this issue (bring up)
8 We all respect for Dr. Lin, because she's selfless service to the patient (look up to)
Passive structure
1 It is reported that many people were left homeless after the earthquake (homeless)
2 It goes without saying that this is the most recent talks (recent negotiations).
3 on this issue tomorrow morning to discuss it?
4, it was suggested to postpone the meeting to be held next Thursday.
5 have to admit that China still made in the country.
6 It must be pointed out that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs.
7, the very popular English readers.
1 If I do this, I would like to adopt a different approach.
2 If I were you, I will bravely face up to this issue.
3 If we have a test tomorrow, tonight I had to go to the movies.
4 All applicants must be interviewed one by one.
5, it was suggested that another open meeting to discuss the issue of inflation.
6, I have to be more in Shanghai for a day or two.
7, I agree with them on an extension to discuss the motion.
8 has decided to allow more time for extensive reading.
Translate the following into English, using "noun + infinitive + construction"
1 environmental pollution (environmental pollution) is a difficult issue
2 This is a must in a few years to the eradication of infectious diseases.
3 This is a can not say any of the information
4, but he needs a serious person
5 I have already accepted the invitation to their schools to share their experiences
6 every day, many of the issues I need to be taken into account

Translate the following into English, using appropriate determiners.
1 to deal with this problem There are several ways (methods)
2, less empty talk (empty talk) do more practical things (practical work)
3, he made a lot of work has made a lot of mistakes.
4, there are a lot of money millionaire (money), there are a lot of trouble.
5 in the last few days of cold days, we have been adhering to the experiment.
6, he and two packets of the new English language books will be published in 2006.
Verbs and verb phrase
Translate the following into English, using the given phrasal verbs
1 The case is being investigated by police in the investigation (look into)
2 children in the near future on their new teachers have a good (take to)
3, we can not rely on other countries to help us through (rely on)
4 When she regained consciousness, she found himself lying on the hospital (break out)
As most of the 5 members absent, the meeting had to cancel (call off)
6 You have to study hard, or difficult to work with. (Keep up with)
We are prepared to 7 at its next meeting on this issue (bring up)
8 We all respect for Dr. Lin, because she's selfless service to the patient (look up to)
Passive structure
1 It is reported that many people were left homeless after the earthquake (homeless)
2 It goes without saying that this is the most recent talks (recent negotiations).
3 on this issue tomorrow morning to discuss it?
4, it was suggested to postpone the meeting to be held next Thursday.
5 have to admit that China still made in the country.
6 It must be pointed out that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs.
7, the very popular English readers.
1 If I do this, I would like to adopt a different approach.
2 If I were you, I will bravely face up to this issue.
3 If we have a test tomorrow, tonight I had to go to the movies.
4 All applicants must be interviewed one by one.
5, it was suggested that another open meeting to discuss the issue of inflation.
6, I have to be more in Shanghai for a day or two.
7, I agree with them on an extension to discuss the motion.
8 has decided to allow more time for extensive reading.
Translate the following into English, using "noun + infinitive + construction"
1 environmental pollution (environmental pollution) is a difficult issue
2 This is a must in a few years to the eradication of infectious diseases.
3 This is a can not say any of the information
4, but he needs a serious person
5 I have already accepted the invitation to their schools to share their experiences
6 every day, many of the issues I need to be taken into account



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1、与以英语为母语的人交谈是非常有益的体验,从中我们能学到许多东西:We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English.2、芬奇先生冲进她的房间,朝着她喊到:“难道你就不能把音乐关小一点?”Mr. Finch burst into her room and shouted at...

3.我不能忍受在班级同学面前讲话,我会很紧张也会犯很多错误 4.我将去内蒙古小镇做一个志愿老师 5.作为一个老师,我认为自己有责任为贫困山区的孩子做一些事 6.在内蒙古教书对我来说是一次挑战 7.我们谈了很长时间,最终我赢得了他们的支持 8.我一般在闹钟响之前5分钟醒过来 9.开会和接电话占据...

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翻译8个英语句子 希望翻译的顺一点准确一点哦 本人高三 谢谢^^_百度...

1.Slowly,a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat my happiness 渐渐的,黑暗的寂寞进驻了我的心,开始吃空我内心的快乐。2.while my surroundings were different and stange,the were also exciting and fun.虽然我身处的环境很陌生,但是我很兴奋。3.advertising is part ...

1.她似乎与新同学相处不好。get along with She seems that she can't get along with her new classmates.2.我与玛丽失去联系多年,但昨天我与她在电话里联系上了。out of touch,reach I have been out of touch with Mary for many years. But I reached her on the phone yesterday.3....

1、Set off on a journey, bring sunshine, bring beautiful mood.动身踏上旅程,带上阳光,带上美丽的心情 2、Time, so in pursueing we look back, for a walk, never look back.时光,就这样在我们回首追寻中,兜兜转转间,一去不返。3、Youth is a ignorant and moving, always leaves ...

您愿意和我跳舞吗? Will you dance with me?我去看电影,你和我一起去吗? I'm going to the cinema. Come with me, will you?我请你吃晚饭 I'll treat you to dinner.你能来吗? Will you come?哪天? Which day?几点钟? What's the time?我们在哪里见面? Whe...

1、在地震中毁掉的房屋已经重建了.The houses destroyed on the earthquake have been rebuilt yet.2、我们半那位发音最好的学生叫Merry.The student who pronounces best in our class named Merry.3、大雨使我们没法出去.The heavy rain stops us from going out.4、除非你赶快,不然你就会赶不上这...

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吴忠市13868184016: 翻译英语句子 -
桑娜盐酸: 1.请买车票.Please buy the tickets. 2.我没有零钱.(两种译法) I have no small change. 3.我也没有.(两种译法) I also have no.4.你有零钱吗?Do you have some change? 5.没有.(两种译法) No. 6.那位乘客有零钱吗? The passengers ...

吴忠市13868184016: 翻译汉语句子
桑娜盐酸: 1.他变得对电脑有兴趣了 he became found of computer 2.看起来像要下雪了 Seems like it going to snow. 3.马力出生于七十年代 Mary was born in the 1970's 4.你高兴什么就做什么 Just do whatever you want to do. 5.不仅我们而且他也能完成工作 ...

吴忠市13868184016: 英语句子翻译
桑娜盐酸: 1.这个小孩很早上学 The kid starts school life very early. 2.他们晚上不做作业 They don't do homework at night. 3.怀特一家每天9点睡觉 The Whites go to sleep every day at 9 o'clock. 4.但今天,他们却不行上学 But today, they go to school on foot. 5....

吴忠市13868184016: 翻译句子,你必须阻止他闯进房间. -
桑娜盐酸:[答案] 翻译句子,你必须阻止他闯进房间.(1) You must prevent him from going into the room (2) You have to stop him from coming into the room (3) You are sure to keep him from breaking into the room(4) You are s...

吴忠市13868184016: 英语翻译句子 -
桑娜盐酸: 我和安娜是好朋友,我们有很多共同爱好(in common) Anna and I are good friends and we have many hobbies in common.他邀请几位同班同学去看花展(invite,show) He invited several classmates to the flower show.这张照片使我想起了...

吴忠市13868184016: 翻译 句子??? -
桑娜盐酸: 一楼解释how much正确 是表示程度的 但翻译要斟酌 应该是 这表明有多少法国人在我们国家考虑自由 一楼把thought理解成名词了 不对 应是动词 thought of 是词组啊

吴忠市13868184016: 英语翻译句子 -
桑娜盐酸: 1.you don't like either working or studying, what will you do to make a living in future?2.we are so excited about our tomorrow's setting out one week sea voyage.3.don't hesita...

吴忠市13868184016: 汉译英在线翻译句子 -
桑娜盐酸: She went into a store to buy her mother a good present.

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